Boost logoBoost.Flyweight flyweight reference


Header "boost/flyweight/flyweight_fwd.hpp" synopsis

namespace boost{
namespace flyweights{

  typename T,
  typename Arg1=implementation defined,
  typename Arg2=implementation defined,
  typename Arg3=implementation defined,
  typename Arg4=implementation defined,
  typename Arg5=implementation defined
class flyweight;

// comparison:

// OP is any of ==,<,!=,>,>=,<=

  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator OP(
  const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,
  const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);

  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2
bool operator OP(const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,const T2& y);

  typename T1,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator OP(const T1& x,const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);

// specialized algorithms:

template<typename T,typename Arg1,...,typename Arg5>
inline void swap(
  flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& x,flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& y);

  typename ElemType,typename Traits, 
  typename T,typename Arg1,...,typename Arg5
inline std::basic_ostream<ElemType,Traits>& operator<<(
  std::basic_ostream<ElemType,Traits>& out,
  const flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& x);

  typename ElemType,typename Traits, 
  typename T,typename Arg1,...,typename Arg5
inline std::basic_ostream<ElemType,Traits>& operator>>(
  std::basic_istream<ElemType,Traits>& in,
  flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& x);

} // namespace boost::flyweights

using flyweights::flyweight;

} // namespace boost

flyweight_fwd.hpp forward declares the class template flyweight and its associated global functions.

Header "boost/flyweight/flyweight.hpp" synopsis

Class template flyweight

Objects of type flyweight<...> provide access to immutable values of type flyweight<...>::value_type, with the following advantages over using plain value_type objects:

So, if the level of redundancy (ratio of total objects to different values) is high enough, substituting a suitable instantiation of flyweight for value_type results in a reduction in memory usage.

flyweight is parameterized according to some aspects:

These aspects impact the internal structure and behavior of the flyweight instantiation in the following manner: In what follows, we implicitly assume that key_type equivalence refers to the equivalence relationship induced by the factory class used. Also, two values of value_type are considered equivalent if they are constructed from equivalent keys, or are copies of objects constructed from equivalent keys.

  typename T,
  typename Arg1,typename Arg2,typename Arg3,typename Arg4,typename Arg5
class flyweight
  typedef dependent on T key_type;
  typedef dependent on T value_type;

  // static data initialization:

  static bool init();
  class initializer{public:initializer();};
  // construct/copy/destroy:
  flyweight(const flyweight& x);
  flyweight(flyweight& x);

  // forwarding constructors:
  // n is implementation defined. All combinations of constant
  // and non constant reference arguments are provided.

  template<typename T0>
  explicit flyweight([const] T0& t0);
  template<typename T0,typename T1>
  flyweight([const] T0& t0,[const] T1& t1);
  template<typename T0,...,typename Tn-1>
  flyweight([const] T0& t0,...,[const] Tn-1& tn-1);

  flyweight& operator=(const flyweight& x);  
  flyweight& operator=(const value_type& x);

  // convertibility to underlying type:

  const key_type&   get_key()const;
  const value_type& get()const;
  operator const    value_type&()const;  

  // modifiers:

  void swap(flyweight& x);

Instantiation types

T can be either:

In the first case, the nested types key_type and value_type are both equal to T. In the second case, key_type=Key, value_type=Value; we say then that the instantiation of flyweight is a key-value flyweight. value_type is the type of the values flyweight objects give access to, while value lookup is based on associated key_type values. key_value must be Assignable and value_type must be constructible from key_type; additionally, key_value must conform to any extra requirements imposed by the type of factory used. For key-value flyweights, it is guaranteed that the creation or assignment of a flyweight object results in at most one construction (or copy construction in some particular cases) of an object of value_type, and this construction only occurs in the case that no equivalent value existed previously in the flyweight factory.

The types Arg1, ... , Arg5, if provided, must be any of the following, in no particular order:

No aspect can be specified twice. Each internal component of the flyweight instantiation is obtained through use of the corresponding specifier; for instance, the factory results from a certain (MPL) invocation of the given factory specifier, the internal mutex from the given locking policy, etc. The default configuration arguments are:

Static data initialization

The static data internal to a given flyweight instantiation (factory instance, etc.) is constructed during the dynamic initialization phase of the program and always before the first program-wide use of the instantiated class. The following utilities can be used when more control about the moment of construction is required.

static bool init();
Effects: After execution of this function the static data associated to the instantiation of flyweight is guaranteed to be constructed.
Note: Concurrent execution of this function is not thread safe.
Effects: Executes init().

Constructors, copy and assignment

Requires: key_type is Default Constructible.
Effects: Constructs a flyweight object associated with value value_type(key_type()).
flyweight(const flyweight& x);
flyweight(flyweight& x);
Effects: Constructs a flyweight object with value x.get().
Exception safety: nothrow.
template<typename T0>
explicit flyweight([const] T0& t0);
template<typename T0,typename T1>
flyweight([const] T0& t0,[const] T1& t1);
template<typename T0,...,typename Tn-1>
flyweight([const] T0& t0,...,[const] Tn-1& tn-1);
Effects: Constructs a flyweight object with value value_type(key_type(t0,...,ti)), up to an implementation defined number of arguments.
Note: In this implementation, the maximum number of arguments can be globally configured by the user.
flyweight& operator=(const flyweight& x);
Effects: Associates the flyweight object with the same value as x.
Returns: *this.
Exception safety: nothrow.
flyweight& operator=(const value_type& x);
Requires: If flyweight is key-value, value_type is Assignable and the Key Extractor KeyFromValue must have been supplied as part of the key_value<> construct.
Effects: Associates the flyweight object with a copy of x or with a value_type constructed from a key equivalent to that associated to x. For non-key-value flyweights, x is its own key; for key-value flyweights, the key is extracted through use of an object of type KeyFromValue.
Returns: *this.

Convertibility to the underlying types

const key_type& get_key()const;
Return: A copy of the key used to construct the value_type associated to the flyweight object.
Exception safety: If flyweight is not key-value or if KeyFromValue was not provided, nothrow.
const value_type& get()const;
operator const value_type&()const;
Return: The value associated to the flyweight object.
Exception safety: nothrow.


void swap(flyweight& x);
Effects: Swaps the associations to value_types each flyweight object has. No swapping of key_type or value_type objects is done.
Exception safety: nothrow.

Comparison operators

  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator ==(
  const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,
  const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);
Returns: If x and y are of the same type, returns true if and only if they are associated to the same value; if x and y have different types, returns x.get()==y.get().
Exception safety: If x and y are of the same type, nothrow.
  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2
bool operator ==(const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,const T2& y);
Returns: x.get()==y.
  typename T1,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator ==(const T1& x,const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);
Returns: x()==y.get().
  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator <(
  const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,
  const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);
Returns: x.get()<y.get().
  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2
bool operator <(const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,const T2& y);
Returns: x.get()<y.
  typename T1,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator <(const T1& x,const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);
Returns: x()<y.get().
  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator OP(
  const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,
  const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);
  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2
bool operator OP(const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,const T2& y);
  typename T1,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator OP(const T1& x,const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);

(OP is any of !=, >, >=, <=.)

Returns: true if and only if
!(x==y) (OP is !=),
  y< x  (OP is ),
!(x< y) (OP is >=),
!(y< x) (OP is <=).

Specialized algorithms

template<typename T,typename Arg1,...,typename Arg5>
inline void swap(
  flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& x,flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& y);
Effects: x.swap(y).
  typename ElemType,typename Traits,
  typename T,typename Arg1,...,typename Arg5
inline std::basic_ostream<ElemType,Traits>& operator<<(
  std::basic_ostream<ElemType,Traits>& out,
  const flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& x);
Effects: out<<x.get().
Returns: out.
  typename ElemType,typename Traits,
  typename T,typename Arg1,...,typename Arg5
inline std::basic_ostream<ElemType,Traits>& operator>>(
  std::basic_istream<ElemType,Traits>& in,
  flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& x);
Requires: If flyweight is key-value, value_type is Assignable and the Key Extractor KeyFromValue must have been supplied as part of the key_value<> construct.
Effects: Reads an object of type value_type from in and assigns it to x.
Returns: in.

Configuration macros

Effects: Globally define this macro to set the maximum number of arguments accepted by flyweight forwarding constructors, which by default is 5.

Revised December 2nd 2008

© Copyright 2006-2008 Joaquín M López Muñoz. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at