001    package org.apache.commons.net.ntp;
002    /*
003     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
004     * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
005     * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
006     * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
007     * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
008     * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009     *
010     *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011     *
012     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016     * limitations under the License.
017     */
020    import java.util.ArrayList;
021    import java.util.List;
023    /**
024     * Wrapper class to network time packet messages (NTP, etc) that computes
025     * related timing info and stats.
026     *
027     * @author Jason Mathews, MITRE Corp
028     *
029     * @version $Revision: 1299238 $
030     */
031    public class TimeInfo {
033        private final NtpV3Packet _message;
034        private List<String> _comments;
035        private Long _delay;
036        private Long _offset;
038        /**
039         * time at which time message packet was received by local machine
040         */
041        private final long _returnTime;
043        /**
044         * flag indicating that the TimeInfo details was processed and delay/offset were computed
045         */
046        private boolean _detailsComputed;
048        /**
049         * Create TimeInfo object with raw packet message and destination time received.
050         *
051         * @param message NTP message packet
052         * @param returnTime  destination receive time
053         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null
054         */
055        public TimeInfo(NtpV3Packet message, long returnTime) {
056            this(message, returnTime, null, true);
057        }
059        /**
060         * Create TimeInfo object with raw packet message and destination time received.
061         *
062         * @param message NTP message packet
063         * @param returnTime  destination receive time
064         * @param comments List of errors/warnings identified during processing
065         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null
066         */
067        public TimeInfo(NtpV3Packet message, long returnTime, List<String> comments)
068        {
069                this(message, returnTime, comments, true);
070        }
072        /**
073         * Create TimeInfo object with raw packet message and destination time received.
074         * Auto-computes details if computeDetails flag set otherwise this is delayed
075         * until computeDetails() is called. Delayed computation is for fast
076         * intialization when sub-millisecond timing is needed.
077         *
078         * @param msgPacket NTP message packet
079         * @param returnTime  destination receive time
080         * @param doComputeDetails  flag to pre-compute delay/offset values
081         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null
082         */
083        public TimeInfo(NtpV3Packet msgPacket, long returnTime, boolean doComputeDetails)
084        {
085                this(msgPacket, returnTime, null, doComputeDetails);
086        }
088        /**
089         * Create TimeInfo object with raw packet message and destination time received.
090         * Auto-computes details if computeDetails flag set otherwise this is delayed
091         * until computeDetails() is called. Delayed computation is for fast
092         * intialization when sub-millisecond timing is needed.
093         *
094         * @param message NTP message packet
095         * @param returnTime  destination receive time
096         * @param comments  list of comments used to store errors/warnings with message
097         * @param doComputeDetails  flag to pre-compute delay/offset values
098         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null
099         */
100        public TimeInfo(NtpV3Packet message, long returnTime, List<String> comments,
101                       boolean doComputeDetails)
102        {
103            if (message == null) {
104                throw new IllegalArgumentException("message cannot be null");
105            }
106            this._returnTime = returnTime;
107            this._message = message;
108            this._comments = comments;
109            if (doComputeDetails) {
110                computeDetails();
111            }
112        }
114        /**
115         * Add comment (error/warning) to list of comments associated
116         * with processing of NTP parameters. If comment list not create
117         * then one will be created.
118         *
119         * @param comment
120         */
121        public void addComment(String comment)
122        {
123            if (_comments == null) {
124                _comments = new ArrayList<String>();
125            }
126            _comments.add(comment);
127        }
129        /**
130         * Compute and validate details of the NTP message packet. Computed
131         * fields include the offset and delay.
132         */
133        public void computeDetails()
134        {
135            if (_detailsComputed) {
136                return; // details already computed - do nothing
137            }
138            _detailsComputed = true;
139            if (_comments == null) {
140                _comments = new ArrayList<String>();
141            }
143            TimeStamp origNtpTime = _message.getOriginateTimeStamp();
144            long origTime = origNtpTime.getTime();
146            // Receive Time is time request received by server (t2)
147            TimeStamp rcvNtpTime = _message.getReceiveTimeStamp();
148            long rcvTime = rcvNtpTime.getTime();
150            // Transmit time is time reply sent by server (t3)
151            TimeStamp xmitNtpTime = _message.getTransmitTimeStamp();
152            long xmitTime = xmitNtpTime.getTime();
154            /*
155             * Round-trip network delay and local clock offset (or time drift) is calculated
156             * according to this standard NTP equation:
157             *
158             * LocalClockOffset = ((ReceiveTimestamp - OriginateTimestamp) +
159             *                     (TransmitTimestamp - DestinationTimestamp)) / 2
160             *
161             * equations from RFC-1305 (NTPv3)
162             *      roundtrip delay = (t4 - t1) - (t3 - t2)
163             *      local clock offset = ((t2 - t1) + (t3 - t4)) / 2
164             *
165             * It takes into account network delays and assumes that they are symmetrical.
166             *
167             * Note the typo in SNTP RFCs 1769/2030 which state that the delay
168             * is (T4 - T1) - (T2 - T3) with the "T2" and "T3" switched.
169             */
170            if (origNtpTime.ntpValue() == 0)
171            {
172                // without originate time cannot determine when packet went out
173                // might be via a broadcast NTP packet...
174                if (xmitNtpTime.ntpValue() != 0)
175                {
176                    _offset = Long.valueOf(xmitTime - _returnTime);
177                    _comments.add("Error: zero orig time -- cannot compute delay");
178                } else {
179                    _comments.add("Error: zero orig time -- cannot compute delay/offset");
180                }
181            } else if (rcvNtpTime.ntpValue() == 0 || xmitNtpTime.ntpValue() == 0) {
182                _comments.add("Warning: zero rcvNtpTime or xmitNtpTime");
183                // assert destTime >= origTime since network delay cannot be negative
184                if (origTime > _returnTime) {
185                    _comments.add("Error: OrigTime > DestRcvTime");
186                } else {
187                    // without receive or xmit time cannot figure out processing time
188                    // so delay is simply the network travel time
189                    _delay = Long.valueOf(_returnTime - origTime);
190                }
191                // TODO: is offset still valid if rcvNtpTime=0 || xmitNtpTime=0 ???
192                // Could always hash origNtpTime (sendTime) but if host doesn't set it
193                // then it's an malformed ntp host anyway and we don't care?
194                // If server is in broadcast mode then we never send out a query in first place...
195                if (rcvNtpTime.ntpValue() != 0)
196                {
197                    // xmitTime is 0 just use rcv time
198                    _offset = Long.valueOf(rcvTime - origTime);
199                } else if (xmitNtpTime.ntpValue() != 0)
200                {
201                    // rcvTime is 0 just use xmitTime time
202                    _offset = Long.valueOf(xmitTime - _returnTime);
203                }
204            } else
205            {
206                 long delayValue = _returnTime - origTime;
207                 // assert xmitTime >= rcvTime: difference typically < 1ms
208                 if (xmitTime < rcvTime)
209                 {
210                     // server cannot send out a packet before receiving it...
211                     _comments.add("Error: xmitTime < rcvTime"); // time-travel not allowed
212                 } else
213                 {
214                     // subtract processing time from round-trip network delay
215                     long delta = xmitTime - rcvTime;
216                     // in normal cases the processing delta is less than
217                     // the total roundtrip network travel time.
218                     if (delta <= delayValue)
219                     {
220                         delayValue -= delta; // delay = (t4 - t1) - (t3 - t2)
221                     } else
222                     {
223                         // if delta - delayValue == 1 ms then it's a round-off error
224                         // e.g. delay=3ms, processing=4ms
225                         if (delta - delayValue == 1)
226                         {
227                             // delayValue == 0 -> local clock saw no tick change but destination clock did
228                             if (delayValue != 0)
229                             {
230                                 _comments.add("Info: processing time > total network time by 1 ms -> assume zero delay");
231                                 delayValue = 0;
232                             }
233                         } else {
234                            _comments.add("Warning: processing time > total network time");
235                        }
236                     }
237                 }
238                 _delay = Long.valueOf(delayValue);
239                if (origTime > _returnTime) {
240                    _comments.add("Error: OrigTime > DestRcvTime");
241                }
243                _offset = Long.valueOf(((rcvTime - origTime) + (xmitTime - _returnTime)) / 2);
244            }
245        }
247        /**
248         * Return list of comments (if any) during processing of NTP packet.
249         *
250         * @return List or null if not yet computed
251         */
252        public List<String> getComments()
253        {
254            return _comments;
255        }
257        /**
258         * Get round-trip network delay. If null then could not compute the delay.
259         *
260         * @return Long or null if delay not available.
261         */
262        public Long getDelay()
263        {
264            return _delay;
265        }
267        /**
268         * Get clock offset needed to adjust local clock to match remote clock. If null then could not
269         * compute the offset.
270         *
271         * @return Long or null if offset not available.
272         */
273        public Long getOffset()
274        {
275            return _offset;
276        }
278        /**
279         * Returns NTP message packet.
280         *
281         * @return NTP message packet.
282         */
283        public NtpV3Packet getMessage()
284        {
285            return _message;
286        }
288        /**
289         * Returns time at which time message packet was received by local machine.
290         *
291         * @return packet return time.
292         */
293        public long getReturnTime()
294        {
295            return _returnTime;
296        }
298    }