
This is a the main documentation for the JMathLib Program.

Work in progress

Like the JMathLib program this is a work in progress. All efforts will be made to keep the documentation in sync with the main program but it might not be completely up to date.

In mid of 2001 I was looking for a computational engine which has an easy scripting language and which should be very flexible. Also I did have no other projects to spend my leisure time on, the last project was finished and at work was no access to a flexible simulation tool like Matlab. A search in the open source world on the internet came up with a couple of hits like octave, scilab, rlab and some more. Some were already very advanced, but they are all written in C or C++ and I was looking for something in my favourite programming language, which is java. So finally I found JMathLib, which is hosted at The project had just started some months ago and only had one developer so far. This is when I met Mark Sparshatt and very soon I became an active member of the developing team. Which had the magical size of two individuals at that time.

Some of my other projects can be found here.



Stefan Müller (2006/10/23)