

trait CometListener extends CometActor

This trait adds functionality to automatically register with a given Actor using AddAListener and RemoveAListener control messages. The most typical usage would be to register with an instance of ListenerManager. You will need to provide a def/val for the

member to control which Actor to connect to.

See ListenerManager for a complete example.

linear super types: CometActor, BindHelpers, LiftCometActor, Dependent, LiftActor, ForwardableActor[Any, Any], GenericActor[Any], TypedActor[Any, Any], SpecializedLiftActor[Any], SimpleActor[Any], AnyRef, Any
known subclasses: CometListenee, CometActorJWithCometListener
self type: CometListener with CometActor
    see also:
  1. ListenerManager

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
  1. CometListener
  2. CometActor
  3. BindHelpers
  4. LiftCometActor
  5. Dependent
  6. LiftActor
  7. ForwardableActor
  8. GenericActor
  9. TypedActor
  10. SpecializedLiftActor
  11. SimpleActor
  12. AnyRef
  13. Any
  1. Public
  2. All
  1. Concrete
  2. Abstract

Type Members

  1. class AttrBindParam extends BindParam with BindWithAttr

    BindParam that binds a given value into a new attribute.

  2. trait BindParam extends AnyRef

    Base class for Bind parameters.

  3. class BindParamAssoc extends AnyRef

    This class creates a BindParam from an input value

  4. trait BindWithAttr extends AnyRef

    A trait that indicates what the newly bound attribute name should be.

  5. class BooleanBindParam extends (String, Boolean) with BindParam

    attributes: final
  6. class BoxBindParam extends (String, Box[NodeSeq]) with BindParam

    attributes: final
  7. class FuncAttrBindParam extends BindParam with BindWithAttr

    BindParam that computes a new attribute value based on the current attribute value.

  8. class FuncAttrBoxBindParam extends BindParam with BindWithAttr

    BindParam that computes an optional new attribute value based on the current attribute value.

  9. class FuncAttrOptionBindParam extends BindParam with BindWithAttr

    BindParam that computes an optional new attribute value based on the current attribute value.

  10. class FuncBindParam extends (String, (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq) with BindParam

    BindParam using a function to calculate its value

  11. class IntBindParam extends (String, Int) with BindParam

    attributes: final
  12. class LongBindParam extends (String, Long) with BindParam

    attributes: final
  13. class OptionBindParam extends (String, Option[NodeSeq]) with BindParam

    attributes: final
  14. case class PrefixedBindWithAttr (prefix: String, binding: BindParam with BindWithAttr) extends BindParam with BindWithAttr with Product

    A case class that wraps attribute-oriented BindParams to allow prefixing the resulting attribute

  15. class SuperArrowAssoc extends AnyRef

  16. class SymbolBindParam extends (String, Symbol) with BindParam

    attributes: final
  17. class TheBindParam extends (String, NodeSeq) with BindParam

    Constant BindParam always returning the same value

  18. class TheBindableBindParam [T <: Bindable] extends (String, T) with BindParam

    attributes: final
  19. class TheStrBindParam extends (String, String) with BindParam

    Constant BindParam always returning the same value

Value Members

  1. def ! (msg: Any) : Unit

    Send a message to the Actor.

    Send a message to the Actor. This call will always succeed and return almost immediately. The message will be processed asynchronously.

    definition classes: SpecializedLiftActorSimpleActor
  2. def !! (msg: Any) : Box[Any]

    Send a message to the Actor and wait for the actor to process the message and reply.

    Send a message to the Actor and wait for the actor to process the message and reply.

    definition classes: LiftActorTypedActor
  3. def !! (msg: Any, timeout: Long) : Box[Any]

    Send a message to the Actor and wait for up to timeout milliseconds for the actor to process the message and reply.

    Send a message to the Actor and wait for up to timeout milliseconds for the actor to process the message and reply.

    definition classes: LiftActorTypedActor
  4. def !< (msg: Any) : LAFuture[Any]

    Send a message to the Actor and get an LAFuture that will contain the reply (if any) from the message

    Send a message to the Actor and get an LAFuture that will contain the reply (if any) from the message

    definition classes: LiftActor
  5. def != (arg0: AnyRef) : Boolean

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  6. def != (arg0: Any) : Boolean

    o != arg0 is the same as !(o == (arg0)).

    o != arg0 is the same as !(o == (arg0)).


    the object to compare against this object for dis-equality.


    false if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; true otherwise.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: Any
  7. def !? (timeout: Long, message: Any) : Box[Any]

    Send a message to the Actor and wait for up to timeout milliseconds for the actor to process the message and reply.

    Send a message to the Actor and wait for up to timeout milliseconds for the actor to process the message and reply.

    definition classes: LiftActorTypedActor
  8. def !? (msg: Any) : Any

    Send a message to the Actor and wait for the actor to process the message and reply.

    Send a message to the Actor and wait for the actor to process the message and reply.

    definition classes: LiftActorTypedActor
  9. def ## () : Int

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef → Any
  10. def $asInstanceOf [T0] () : T0

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  11. def $isInstanceOf [T0] () : Boolean

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  12. def == (arg0: AnyRef) : Boolean

    o == arg0 is the same as if (o eq null) arg0 eq null else o.equals(arg0).

    o == arg0 is the same as if (o eq null) arg0 eq null else o.equals(arg0).


    the object to compare against this object for equality.


    true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  13. def == (arg0: Any) : Boolean

    o == arg0 is the same as o.equals(arg0).

    o == arg0 is the same as o.equals(arg0).


    the object to compare against this object for equality.


    true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: Any
  14. object AttrBindParam extends AnyRef

    BindParam that binds a given value into a new attribute.

  15. object BindParamAssoc extends AnyRef

    transforms a Box into a Text node

  16. object BooleanBindParam extends AnyRef

  17. object BoxBindParam extends AnyRef

  18. object FuncAttrBindParam extends AnyRef

    BindParam using a function to calculate its value.

  19. object FuncAttrBoxBindParam extends AnyRef

    BindParam that computes an optional new attribute value based on the current attribute value.

  20. object FuncAttrOptionBindParam extends AnyRef

    BindParam that computes an optional new attribute value based on the current attribute value.

  21. object FuncBindParam extends AnyRef

  22. object IntBindParam extends AnyRef

  23. object LongBindParam extends AnyRef

  24. object OptionBindParam extends AnyRef

  25. object SymbolBindParam extends AnyRef

  26. object TheBindParam extends AnyRef

  27. object TheBindableBindParam extends AnyRef

  28. object TheStrBindParam extends AnyRef

  29. def addAttributes (in: NodeSeq, attributes: MetaData) : NodeSeq

    takes a NodeSeq and applies all the attributes to all the Elems at the top level of the NodeSeq.

    takes a NodeSeq and applies all the attributes to all the Elems at the top level of the NodeSeq. The id attribute is applied to the first-found Elem only

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  30. def addCssClass (cssClass: String, elem: Elem) : Elem

    Adds a css class to the existing class tag of an Elem or create the class attribute

    Adds a css class to the existing class tag of an Elem or create the class attribute

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  31. def addCssClass (cssClass: Box[String], elem: Elem) : Elem

    Adds a css class to the existing class tag of an Elem or create the class attribute

    Adds a css class to the existing class tag of an Elem or create the class attribute

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  32. def answer (answer: Any) : Unit

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  33. def appendJsonHandler (h: PartialFunction[Any, JsCmd]) : Unit

    Prepends the handler to the Json Handlers.

    Prepends the handler to the Json Handlers. Should only be used during instantiation


    -- the PartialFunction that can handle a JSON request

    definition classes: CometActor
  34. def around [R] (f: ⇒ R) : R

    You can wrap calls around the evaluation of the mailbox.

    You can wrap calls around the evaluation of the mailbox. This allows you to set up the environment

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: SpecializedLiftActor
  35. def aroundLoans : List[CommonLoanWrapper]

    A list of LoanWrappers that will be executed around the evaluation of mailboxes

    A list of LoanWrappers that will be executed around the evaluation of mailboxes

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: SpecializedLiftActor
  36. implicit def arrayToRenderOut (in: Seq[Node]) : RenderOut

    Convert a Seq[Node] (the superclass of NodeSeq) to a RenderOut.

    Convert a Seq[Node] (the superclass of NodeSeq) to a RenderOut. The render method returns a RenderOut. This method implicitly (in Scala) or explicitly (in Java) will convert a NodeSeq to a RenderOut. This is helpful if you return a NodeSeq from your render method.

    attributes: protected implicit
    definition classes: CometActor
  37. def asInstanceOf [T0] : T0

    This method is used to cast the receiver object to be of type T0.

    This method is used to cast the receiver object to be of type T0.

    Note that the success of a cast at runtime is modulo Scala's erasure semantics. Therefore the expression1.asInstanceOf[String] will throw a ClassCastException at runtime, while the expressionList(1).asInstanceOf[List[String]] will not. In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as part of compilation it is not possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the requested typed.


    the receiver object.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: Any
  38. def ask (who: LiftCometActor, what: Any)(answerWith: (Any) ⇒ Unit) : Unit

    Ask another CometActor a question.

    Ask another CometActor a question. That other CometActor will take over the screen real estate until the question is answered.

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  39. def attributes : Map[String, String]

    definition classes: CometActor
  40. def autoIncludeJsonCode : Boolean

    Set this method to true to have the Json call code included in the Comet output

    Set this method to true to have the Json call code included in the Comet output

    definition classes: CometActor
  41. def bind (vals: BindParam*) : NodeSeq

    A helper for binding which uses the defaultHtml property and the default prefix.

    A helper for binding which uses the defaultHtml property and the default prefix.

    definition classes: CometActor
  42. def bind (prefix: String, vals: BindParam*) : NodeSeq

    A helper for binding which uses the defaultHtml property.

    A helper for binding which uses the defaultHtml property.

    definition classes: CometActor
  43. def bind (vals: Map[String, NodeSeq], xml: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq

    Replace the content of lift:bind nodes with the corresponding nodes found in a map, according to the value of the "name" attribute.

    Replace the content of lift:bind nodes with the corresponding nodes found in a map, according to the value of the "name" attribute.


      bind(Map("a" ->

    ), <lift:bind name



    map of name/nodes to replace


    nodes containing lift:bind nodes


    the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  44. def bind (namespace: String, nodeFailureXform: Box[(NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq], paramFailureXform: Box[(PrefixedAttribute) ⇒ MetaData], preserveScope: Boolean, xml: NodeSeq, params: BindParam*) : NodeSeq

    Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML with defined transforms for unbound elements within the specified namespace.

    Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML with defined transforms for unbound elements within the specified namespace.

    For example:

           Full(xhtml: NodeSeq => Text("Default Value")),
           <user:hello>replace this</user:hello><user:dflt>replace with default</user:dflt>,
           "hello" ->


    will return

    Default Value


    the namespace of tags to bind


    a box containing the function to use as the default transform for tags in the specified namespace that do not have bindings specified.


    a box containing the function to use as the default transform for unrecognized attributes in bound elements.


    the NodeSeq in which to find elements to be bound.


    the list of BindParam bindings to be applied


    the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  45. def bind (namespace: String, nodeFailureXform: Box[(NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq], paramFailureXform: Box[(PrefixedAttribute) ⇒ MetaData], xml: NodeSeq, params: BindParam*) : NodeSeq

    Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML with defined transforms for unbound elements within the specified namespace.

    Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML with defined transforms for unbound elements within the specified namespace.

    For example:

           Full(xhtml: NodeSeq => Text("Default Value")),
           <user:hello>replace this</user:hello><user:dflt>replace with default</user:dflt>,
           "hello" ->


    will return

    Default Value


    the namespace of tags to bind


    a box containing the function to use as the default transform for tags in the specified namespace that do not have bindings specified.


    a box containing the function to use as the default transform for unrecognized attributes in bound elements.


    the NodeSeq in which to find elements to be bound.


    the list of BindParam bindings to be applied


    the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  46. def bind (namespace: String, xml: NodeSeq, params: BindParam*) : NodeSeq

    Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML.

    Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML.

    For example:

      bind("user", <user:hello>replace this</user:hello>, "hello" ->


    will return


    the namespace of tags to bind


    the NodeSeq in which to find elements to be bound.


    the list of BindParam bindings to be applied


    the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  47. def bindlist (listvals: List[Map[String, NodeSeq]], xml: NodeSeq) : Box[NodeSeq]

    Bind a list of name/xml maps to a block of XML containing lift:bind nodes (see the bind(Map, NodeSeq) function)

    Bind a list of name/xml maps to a block of XML containing lift:bind nodes (see the bind(Map, NodeSeq) function)


    the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  48. def buildSpan (time: Long, xml: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq

    Creates the span element acting as the real estate for commet rendering.

    Creates the span element acting as the real estate for commet rendering.

    definition classes: CometActorLiftCometActor
  49. def cacheFixedRender : Boolean

    By default, we do not cache the value of fixedRender.

    By default, we do not cache the value of fixedRender. If it's expensive to recompute it each time there's a convertion of something to a RenderOut, override this method if you want to cache fixedRender

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  50. def calcFixedRender : Box[NodeSeq]

    Calculate fixedRender and capture the postpage javascript

    Calculate fixedRender and capture the postpage javascript

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  51. def captureInitialReq (initialReq: Box[Req]) : Unit

    Comet Actors live outside the HTTP request/response cycle.

    Comet Actors live outside the HTTP request/response cycle. However, it may be useful to know what Request led to the creation of the CometActor. You can override this method and capture the initial Req object. Note that keeping a reference to the Req may lead to memory retention issues if the Req contains large message bodies, etc. It's optimal to capture the path or capture any request parameters that you care about rather the keeping the whole Req reference.

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  52. def chooseTemplate (prefix: String, tag: String, xhtml: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq

    Finds and returns one of many templates from the children based upon the namespace and tag name: for example, for prefix "choose" and tag name "stuff" this would return the contents of the first tag <choose:stuff> ... </choose:stuff>in the specified NodeSeq.

    Finds and returns one of many templates from the children based upon the namespace and tag name: for example, for prefix "choose" and tag name "stuff" this would return the contents of the first tag <choose:stuff> ... </choose:stuff>in the specified NodeSeq.


    the prefix (e.g., "choose")


    the tag to choose (e.g., "stuff")


    the node sequence to search for the specified element


    the first matching node sequence

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  53. def clearWiringDependencies () : Unit

    Clear the common dependencies for Wiring.

    Clear the common dependencies for Wiring. This method will clearPostPageJavaScriptForThisPage() and unregisterFromAllDependencies(). The combination will result in a clean slate for Wiring during a redraw. You can change the behavior of the wiring dependency management by overriding this method

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  54. def clone () : AnyRef

    This method creates and returns a copy of the receiver object.

    This method creates and returns a copy of the receiver object.

    The default implementation of the clone method is platform dependent.


    a copy of the receiver object.

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: AnyRef
  55. def cometActorLocale : Locale

    The locale for the session that created the CometActor

    The locale for the session that created the CometActor

    definition classes: LiftCometActor
  56. def cometListeners : List[ListenerId]

    Return the list of ListenerIds of all long poll agents that are waiting for this CometActor to change its state.

    Return the list of ListenerIds of all long poll agents that are waiting for this CometActor to change its state. This method is useful for detecting presence.

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  57. def composeFunction : PartialFunction[Any, Unit]

    Compose the Message Handler function.

    Compose the Message Handler function. By default, composes highPriority orElse mediumePriority orElse internalHandler orElse lowPriority orElse internalHandler. But you can change how the handler works if doing stuff in highPriority, mediumPriority and lowPriority is not enough

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  58. implicit def cssSelectorToCssBindPromoter (sel: CssSelector) : ToCssBindPromoter

    promote a String to a ToCssBindPromotor

    promote a String to a ToCssBindPromotor

    attributes: implicit
    definition classes: BindHelpers
  59. def deepEnsureUniqueId (in: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq

    For a list of NodeSeq, ensure that the the id of the root Elems are unique.

    For a list of NodeSeq, ensure that the the id of the root Elems are unique. If there's a duplicate, that Elem will be returned without an id

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  60. def defaultHtml : NodeSeq

    The template that was passed to this component during comet initializations

    The template that was passed to this component during comet initializations

    definition classes: CometActor
  61. def defaultPrefix : Box[String]

    definition classes: CometActor
  62. def defaultXml : NodeSeq

    definition classes: CometActor
    1. Use defaultHtml

  63. def devMode : Boolean

    Set to 'true' if we should run "render" on every page load

    Set to 'true' if we should run "render" on every page load

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  64. def dontCacheRendering : Boolean

    Set this method to true if you want to avoid caching the rendering.

    Set this method to true if you want to avoid caching the rendering. This trades space for time.

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  65. implicit def elemToFull (in: Elem) : Box[NodeSeq]

    attributes: implicit
    definition classes: CometActor
  66. def ensureId (ns: NodeSeq, id: String) : NodeSeq

    Ensure that the first Element has the specified ID

    Ensure that the first Element has the specified ID

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  67. def ensureUniqueId (in: Seq[NodeSeq]) : Seq[NodeSeq]

    For a list of NodeSeq, ensure that the the id of the root Elems are unique.

    For a list of NodeSeq, ensure that the the id of the root Elems are unique. If there's a duplicate, that Elem will be returned without an id

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  68. def eq (arg0: AnyRef) : Boolean

    This method is used to test whether the argument (arg0) is a reference to the receiver object (this).

    This method is used to test whether the argument (arg0) is a reference to the receiver object (this).

    The eq method implements an [ equivalence relation] on non-null instances of AnyRef: * It is reflexive: for any non-null instance x of type AnyRef, x.eq(x) returns true. * It is symmetric: for any non-null instances x and y of type AnyRef, x.eq(y) returns true if and only if y.eq(x) returns true. * It is transitive: for any non-null instances x, y, and z of type AnyRef if x.eq(y) returns true and y.eq(z) returns true, then x.eq(z) returns true.

    Additionally, the eq method has three other properties. * It is consistent: for any non-null instances x and y of type AnyRef, multiple invocations of x.eq(y) consistently returns true or consistently returns false. * For any non-null instance x of type AnyRef, x.eq(null) and null.eq(x) returns false. * null.eq(null) returns true.

    When overriding the equals or hashCode methods, it is important to ensure that their behavior is consistent with reference equality. Therefore, if two objects are references to each other (o1 eq o2), they should be equal to each other (o1 == o2) and they should hash to the same value (o1.hashCode == o2.hashCode).


    the object to compare against this object for reference equality.


    true if the argument is a reference to the receiver object; false otherwise.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  69. def equals (arg0: Any) : Boolean

    This method is used to compare the receiver object (this) with the argument object (arg0) for equivalence.

    This method is used to compare the receiver object (this) with the argument object (arg0) for equivalence.

    The default implementations of this method is an [ equivalence relation]: * It is reflexive: for any instance x of type Any, x.equals(x) should return true. * It is symmetric: for any instances x and y of type Any, x.equals(y) should return true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true. * It is transitive: for any instances x, y, and z of type AnyRef if x.equals(y) returns true and y.equals(z) returns true, then x.equals(z) should return true.

    If you override this method, you should verify that your implementation remains an equivalence relation. Additionally, when overriding this method it is often necessary to override hashCode to ensure that objects that are "equal" (o1.equals(o2) returns true) hash to the same scala.Int (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)).


    the object to compare against this object for equality.


    true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.

    definition classes: AnyRef → Any
  70. def error (id: String, n: String) : Unit

    Similar with S.

    Similar with S.error

    definition classes: CometActor
  71. def error (id: String, n: NodeSeq) : Unit

    Similar with S.

    Similar with S.error

    definition classes: CometActor
  72. def error (n: NodeSeq) : Unit

    Similar with S.

    Similar with S.error

    definition classes: CometActor
  73. def error (n: String) : Unit

    Similar with S.

    Similar with S.error

    definition classes: CometActor
  74. def errorDiv (body: NodeSeq) : Box[NodeSeq]

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  75. def exceptionHandler : PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit]

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: SpecializedLiftActor
  76. def execTranslate (f: (Any) ⇒ Unit)(v: Any) : Unit

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: LiftActorSpecializedLiftActor
  77. def finalize () : Unit

    This method is called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

    This method is called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

    The details of when and if the finalize method are invoked, as well as the interaction between finalizeand non-local returns and exceptions, are all platform dependent.

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: AnyRef
  78. def findBox [T] (nodes: Seq[Node])(f: (Elem) ⇒ Box[T]) : Box[T]

    Given a NodeSeq and a function that returns a Box[T], return the first value found in which the function evaluates to Full

    Given a NodeSeq and a function that returns a Box[T], return the first value found in which the function evaluates to Full

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  79. def findId (ns: NodeSeq) : Box[String]

    Finds the first Element in the NodeSeq (or any children) that has an ID attribute

    Finds the first Element in the NodeSeq (or any children) that has an ID attribute

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  80. def findId (nodes: Seq[Node], id: String) : Option[Elem]

    Given an id value, find the Elem with the specified id

    Given an id value, find the Elem with the specified id

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  81. def findNode (in: Elem, nodes: NodeSeq) : Box[Elem]

    Finds and returns the first node in the specified NodeSeq and its children with the same label and prefix as the specified element.

    Finds and returns the first node in the specified NodeSeq and its children with the same label and prefix as the specified element.

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  82. def findOption [T] (nodes: Seq[Node])(f: (Elem) ⇒ Option[T]) : Option[T]

    Given a NodeSeq and a function that returns an Option[T], return the first value found in which the function evaluates to Some

    Given a NodeSeq and a function that returns an Option[T], return the first value found in which the function evaluates to Some

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  83. def findOrCreateId (f: (String) ⇒ (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq) : (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq

    Find the first Elem in the NodeSeq.

    Find the first Elem in the NodeSeq. If it has an id attribute, then call the function, f, with that id. If the first Elem does not have an id attribute, create an id attribute and pass that id attribute to the function

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  84. def fixedRender : Box[NodeSeq]

    A part of the CometActor's screen real estate that is not updated by default with reRender().

    A part of the CometActor's screen real estate that is not updated by default with reRender(). This block of HTML is useful for the editor part of a Comet-based control where the data is JSON and updated with partialUpdates.

    definition classes: CometActor
  85. def forwardMessageTo (msg: Any, forwardTo: TypedActor[Any, Any]) : Unit

    attributes: protected final
    definition classes: LiftActorForwardableActor
  86. def getClass () : java.lang.Class[_]

    Returns a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.

    Returns a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.

    The nature of the representation is platform dependent.


    a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  87. def handleJson (in: Any) : JsCmd

    definition classes: CometActor
  88. def hasOuter : Boolean

    definition classes: CometActorLiftCometActor
  89. def hashCode () : Int

    Returns a hash code value for the object.

    Returns a hash code value for the object.

    The default hashing algorithm is platform dependent.

    Note that it is allowed for two objects to have identical hash codes (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)) yet not be equal (o1.equals(o2) returns false). A degenerate implementation could always return 0. However, it is required that if two objects are equal (o1.equals(o2) returns true) that they have identical hash codes (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)). Therefore, when overriding this method, be sure to verify that the behavior is consistent with the equals method.


    the hash code value for the object.

    definition classes: AnyRef → Any
  90. def highPriority : PartialFunction[Any, Unit]

    Handle messages sent to this Actor before the

    Handle messages sent to this Actor before the

    definition classes: CometActor
  91. def highPriorityReceive : Box[PartialFunction[Any, Unit]]

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: SpecializedLiftActor
  92. def initCometActor (theSession: LiftSession, theType: Box[String], name: Box[String], defaultHtml: NodeSeq, attributes: Map[String, String]) : Unit

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActorLiftCometActor
  93. def insertMsgAtHeadOfQueue_! (msg: Any) : Unit

    This method inserts the message at the head of the mailbox It's protected because this functionality may or may not want to be exposed'

    This method inserts the message at the head of the mailbox It's protected because this functionality may or may not want to be exposed'

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: SpecializedLiftActor
  94. def isInstanceOf [T0] : Boolean

    This method is used to test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is T0.

    This method is used to test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is T0.

    Note that the test result of the test is modulo Scala's erasure semantics. Therefore the expression1.isInstanceOf[String] will return false, while the expression List(1).isInstanceOf[List[String]] will return true. In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as part of compilation it is not possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the requested typed.


    true if the receiver object is an instance of erasure of type T0; false otherwise.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: Any
  95. implicit def jsToXmlOrJsCmd (in: JsCmd) : RenderOut

    attributes: protected implicit
    definition classes: CometActor
  96. lazy val jsonCall : JsonCall

    definition classes: CometActorLiftCometActor
  97. lazy val jsonInCode : JsCmd

    definition classes: CometActor
  98. def jsonSend : JsonCall

    The JavaScript call that you use to send the data to the server.

    The JavaScript call that you use to send the data to the server. For example: &lt;button onclick={jsonSend("Hello", JsRaw("Dude".encJs))}&gt;Click&lt;/button&gt;

    definition classes: CometActor
  99. def jsonToIncludeInCode : JsCmd

    The call that packages up the JSON and tosses it to the server.

    The call that packages up the JSON and tosses it to the server. If you set autoIncludeJsonCode to true, then this will be included in the stuff sent to the server.

    definition classes: CometActor
  100. def lifespan : Box[TimeSpan]

    The lifespan of this component.

    The lifespan of this component. By default CometActors will last for the entire session that they were created in, even if the CometActor is not currently visible. You can set the lifespan of the CometActor. If the CometActor isn't visible on any page for some period after its lifespan the CometActor will be shut down.

    definition classes: CometActor
  101. def listenerTransition () : Unit

    This method will be called when there's a change in the long poll listeners.

    This method will be called when there's a change in the long poll listeners. The method does nothing, but allows you to get a granular sense of how many browsers care about this CometActor. Note that this method should not block for any material time and if there's any processing to do, use Scheduler.schedule or send a message to this CometActor. Do not change the Actor's state from this method.

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  102. def localSetup () : Unit

    This method will be called after the Actor has started.

    This method will be called after the Actor has started. Do any setup here

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometListenerCometActor
  103. def localShutdown () : Unit

    This method will be called as part of the shut-down of the actor.

    This method will be called as part of the shut-down of the actor. Release any resources here.

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometListenerCometActor
  104. def lowPriority : PartialFunction[Any, Unit]

    definition classes: CometActor
  105. def manualWiringDependencyManagement : Boolean

    By default, Lift deals with managing wiring dependencies.

    By default, Lift deals with managing wiring dependencies. This means on each full render (a full render will happen on reRender() or on a page load if there have been partial updates.) You may want to manually deal with wiring dependencies. If you do, override this method and return true

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  106. def mediumPriority : PartialFunction[Any, Unit]

    definition classes: CometActor
  107. def messageHandler : PartialFunction[Any, Unit]

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActorSpecializedLiftActor
  108. def mixinAttributes (out: Elem)(in: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq

    Takes attributes from the first node of 'in' (if any) and mixes them into 'out'.

    Takes attributes from the first node of 'in' (if any) and mixes them into 'out'. Curried form can be used to produce a NodeSeq => NodeSeq for bind.


    where to put the attributes


    where to take the attributes from


    'out' element with attributes from 'in'

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  109. def name : Box[String]

    The optional name of this CometActors

    The optional name of this CometActors

    definition classes: CometActorLiftCometActor
  110. def ne (arg0: AnyRef) : Boolean is the same as !(o.eq(arg0)). is the same as !(o.eq(arg0)).


    the object to compare against this object for reference dis-equality.


    false if the argument is not a reference to the receiver object; true otherwise.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  111. implicit def nodeSeqFuncToBoxNodeSeq (f: (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq) : Box[NodeSeq]

    A helpful implicit conversion that takes a NodeSeq => NodeSeq (for example a CssSel) and converts it to a Box[NodeSeq] by applying the function to defaultHtml

    A helpful implicit conversion that takes a NodeSeq => NodeSeq (for example a CssSel) and converts it to a Box[NodeSeq] by applying the function to defaultHtml

    attributes: protected implicit
    definition classes: CometActor
  112. implicit def nodeSeqToFull (in: NodeSeq) : Box[NodeSeq]

    attributes: implicit
    definition classes: CometActor
  113. def notice (id: String, n: String) : Unit

    Similar with S.

    Similar with S.notice

    definition classes: CometActor
  114. def notice (id: String, n: NodeSeq) : Unit

    Similar with S.

    Similar with S.notice

    definition classes: CometActor
  115. def notice (n: NodeSeq) : Unit

    Similar with S.

    Similar with S.notice

    definition classes: CometActor
  116. def notice (n: String) : Unit

    Similar with S.

    Similar with S.notice

    definition classes: CometActor
  117. def notify () : Unit

    Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  118. def notifyAll () : Unit

    Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  119. implicit def nsToNsFuncToRenderOut (f: (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq) : RenderOut

    Convert a NodeSeq => NodeSeq to a RenderOut.

    Convert a NodeSeq => NodeSeq to a RenderOut. The render method returns a RenderOut. This method implicitly (in Scala) or explicitly (in Java) will convert a NodeSeq => NodeSeq to a RenderOut. This is helpful if you use Lift's CSS Seletor Transforms to define rendering.

    attributes: protected implicit
    definition classes: CometActor
  120. def onJsonError : Box[JsCmd]

    If there's actor-specific JSON behavior on failure to make the JSON call, include the JavaScript here.

    If there's actor-specific JSON behavior on failure to make the JSON call, include the JavaScript here.

    definition classes: CometActor
  121. implicit def pairToPair (in: (String, Any)) : (String, NodeSeq)

    attributes: implicit
    definition classes: CometActor
  122. def parentTag : Elem

    definition classes: CometActorLiftCometActor
  123. def partialUpdate (cmd: ⇒ JsCmd) : Unit

    Perform a partial update of the comet component based on the JsCmd.

    Perform a partial update of the comet component based on the JsCmd. This means that the JsCmd will be sent to all of the currently listening browser tabs. This is the preferred method over reRender to update the component

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  124. def poke () : Unit

    Poke the CometActor and cause it to do a partial update Noop which will have the effect of causing the component to redisplay any Wiring elements on the component.

    Poke the CometActor and cause it to do a partial update Noop which will have the effect of causing the component to redisplay any Wiring elements on the component. This method is Actor-safe and may be called from any thread, not just the Actor's message handler thread.

    definition classes: CometActorLiftCometActor
  125. def predicateChanged (which: net.liftweb.util.Cell[_]) : Unit

    If the predicate cell changes, the Dependent will be notified

    If the predicate cell changes, the Dependent will be notified

    definition classes: LiftCometActorDependent
  126. def processBind (around: NodeSeq, atWhat: Map[String, NodeSeq]) : NodeSeq

    Bind parameters to XML.

    Bind parameters to XML.


    XML with lift:bind elements


    data to bind

    definition classes: BindHelpers
    1. use the bind function instead

  127. def reRender () : Unit

    Cause the entire component to be reRendered and pushed out to any listeners.

    Cause the entire component to be reRendered and pushed out to any listeners. This method will cause the entire component to be rendered which can result in a huge blob of JavaScript to be sent to the client. It's a much better practice to use partialUpdate for non-trivial CometActor components. Daniel Spiewak claims that the use of this API will not only lead to bad code quality, but may result in a pox on your house.

    definition classes: CometActor
  128. def reRender (sendAll: Boolean) : Unit

    Cause the entire component to be reRendered and pushed out to any listeners.

    Cause the entire component to be reRendered and pushed out to any listeners. This method will cause the entire component to be rendered which can result in a huge blob of JavaScript to be sent to the client. It's a much better practice to use partialUpdate for non-trivial CometActor components. Daniel Spiewak claims that the use of this API will not only lead to bad code quality, but may result in a pox on your house.


    -- Should the fixed part of the CometActor be rendered.

    definition classes: CometActor
  129. def receiveJson : PartialFunction[JValue, JsCmd]

    Override this method to deal with JSON sent from the browser via the sendJson function.

    Override this method to deal with JSON sent from the browser via the sendJson function. This is based on the Lift JSON package rather than the handleJson stuff based on the older util.JsonParser. This is the prefered mechanism. If you use the jsonSend call, you will get a JObject(JField("command", cmd), JField("param", params))

    definition classes: CometActor
  130. def registerWith : SimpleActor[Any]

    This controls which Actor to register with for updates.

    This controls which Actor to register with for updates. Typically this will be an instance of ListenerActor, although you can provide your own subscription handling on top of any SimpleActor.

    attributes: protected abstract
  131. def render : RenderOut

    It's the main method to override, to define what is rendered by the CometActor

    It's the main method to override, to define what is rendered by the CometActor

    There are implicit conversions for a bunch of stuff to RenderOut (including NodeSeq). Thus, if you don't declare the return turn to be something other than RenderOut and return something that's coersable into RenderOut, the compiler "does the right thing"(tm) for you.
    There are implicit conversions for NodeSeq, so you can return a pile of XML right here. There's an implicit conversion for NodeSeq => NodeSeq, so you can return a function (e.g., a CssBindFunc) that will convert the defaultHtml to the correct output. There's an implicit conversion from JsCmd, so you can return a pile of JavaScript that'll be shipped to the browser.

    attributes: abstract
    definition classes: CometActor
  132. def replaceIdNode (in: NodeSeq, id: String, replacement: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq

    Replace the element with the id that matches with the replacement nodeseq.

    Replace the element with the id that matches with the replacement nodeseq.

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  133. def reply (v: Any) : Unit

    The Actor should call this method with a reply to the message

    The Actor should call this method with a reply to the message

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: LiftActorForwardableActor
  134. def running : Boolean

    Is the CometActor running?

    Is the CometActor running?

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  135. def send (msg: Any) : Unit

    Send a message to the Actor.

    Send a message to the Actor. This call will always succeed and return almost immediately. The message will be processed asynchronously. This is a Java-callable alias for !.

    definition classes: SpecializedLiftActor
  136. def sendAndGetFuture (msg: Any) : LAFuture[Any]

    Send a message to the Actor and get an LAFuture that will contain the reply (if any) from the message.

    Send a message to the Actor and get an LAFuture that will contain the reply (if any) from the message. This method calls !&lt; and is here for Java compatibility

    definition classes: LiftActor
  137. def sendAndGetReply (timeout: Long, msg: Any) : Any

    Send a message to the Actor and wait for up to timeout milliseconds for the actor to process the message and reply.

    Send a message to the Actor and wait for up to timeout milliseconds for the actor to process the message and reply. This method is the Java callable version of !?.

    definition classes: LiftActor
  138. def sendAndGetReply (msg: Any) : Any

    Send a message to the Actor and wait for the actor to process the message and reply.

    Send a message to the Actor and wait for the actor to process the message and reply. This method is the Java callable version of !?.

    definition classes: LiftActor
  139. def sendInitialReq_? : Boolean

    Is this CometActor going to capture the initial Req object? If yes, override this method and return true and override captureInitialReq to capture the Req.

    Is this CometActor going to capture the initial Req object? If yes, override this method and return true and override captureInitialReq to capture the Req. Why have to explicitly ask for the Req? In order to send Req instances across threads, the Req objects must be snapshotted which is the process of reading the POST or PUT body from the HTTP request stream. We don't want to do this unless we have to, so by default the Req is not snapshotted/sent. But if you want it, you can have it.

    definition classes: LiftCometActor
  140. def shouldUpdate : PartialFunction[Any, Boolean]

    Override this in order to selectively update listeners based on the given message.

    Override this in order to selectively update listeners based on the given message. This method has been deprecated because it's executed in a seperate context from the session's context. This causes problems. Accept/reject logic should be done in the partial function that handles the message.

    attributes: protected
    1. Accept/reject logic should be done in the partial function that handles the message.

  141. def startQuestion (what: Any) : Unit

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: CometActor
  142. implicit def strToBPAssoc (in: String) : BindParamAssoc

    transforms a String to a BindParamAssoc object which can be associated to a BindParam object using the --> operator.

    transforms a String to a BindParamAssoc object which can be associated to a BindParam object using the --> operator.

    Usage: "David" --> "name"

    attributes: implicit
    definition classes: BindHelpers
    1. use -> instead

  143. implicit def strToCssBindPromoter (str: String) : ToCssBindPromoter

    promote a String to a ToCssBindPromotor

    promote a String to a ToCssBindPromotor

    attributes: implicit
    definition classes: BindHelpers
  144. implicit def strToSuperArrowAssoc (in: String) : SuperArrowAssoc

    attributes: implicit
    definition classes: BindHelpers
  145. def stripHead (in: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq

    Remove all the <head> tags, just leaving the child tags

    Remove all the <head> tags, just leaving the child tags

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  146. implicit def symToBPAssoc (in: Symbol) : BindParamAssoc

    transforms a Symbol to a BindParamAssoc object which can be associated to a BindParam object using the --> operator.

    transforms a Symbol to a BindParamAssoc object which can be associated to a BindParam object using the --> operator.

    Usage: 'David --> "name"

    attributes: implicit
    definition classes: BindHelpers
    1. use -> instead

  147. def synchronized [T0] (arg0: T0) : T0

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  148. def template (xhtml: NodeSeq, prefix: String, tag1: String, tag2: String, tag3: String) : Box[(NodeSeq, NodeSeq, NodeSeq)]

    Find three of many templates from the children

    Find three of many templates from the children

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  149. def template (xhtml: NodeSeq, prefix: String, tag1: String, tag2: String) : Box[(NodeSeq, NodeSeq)]

    Find two of many templates from the children

    Find two of many templates from the children

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  150. def template (xhtml: NodeSeq, prefix: String, tag: String) : Box[NodeSeq]

    Similar to chooseTemplate, this returns the contents of the element in a Full Box if found or an Empty Box otherwise.

    Similar to chooseTemplate, this returns the contents of the element in a Full Box if found or an Empty Box otherwise.

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  151. def testTranslate (f: (Any) ⇒ Boolean)(v: Any) : Boolean

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: LiftActorSpecializedLiftActor
  152. def theSession : LiftSession

    definition classes: CometActor
  153. def theType : Box[String]

    The optional type of this CometActor

    The optional type of this CometActor

    definition classes: CometActorLiftCometActor
  154. def toString () : String

    Returns a string representation of the object.

    Returns a string representation of the object.

    The default representation is platform dependent.


    a string representation of the object.

    definition classes: AnyRef → Any
  155. def unWatch : Unit

    definition classes: CometActor
  156. val uniqueId : String

    definition classes: CometActorLiftCometActor
  157. def unregisterFromAllDepenencies () : Unit

    Remove from all dependencies

    Remove from all dependencies

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: Dependent
  158. def wait () : Unit

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  159. def wait (arg0: Long, arg1: Int) : Unit

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  160. def wait (arg0: Long) : Unit

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  161. def warning (id: String, n: String) : Unit

    Similar with S.

    Similar with S.warning

    definition classes: CometActor
  162. def warning (id: String, n: NodeSeq) : Unit

    Similar with S.

    Similar with S.warning

    definition classes: CometActor
  163. def warning (n: NodeSeq) : Unit

    Similar with S.

    Similar with S.warning

    definition classes: CometActor
  164. def warning (n: String) : Unit

    Similar with S.

    Similar with S.warning

    definition classes: CometActor
  165. def whoDoIDependOn : Seq[net.liftweb.util.Cell[_]]

    Get a list of all the cells this Dependency depends on

    Get a list of all the cells this Dependency depends on

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: Dependent
  166. def xbind (namespace: String, xml: NodeSeq)(transform: PartialFunction[String, (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq]) : NodeSeq

    Experimental extension to bind which passes in an additional "parameter" from the XHTML to the transform function, which can be used to format the returned NodeSeq.

    Experimental extension to bind which passes in an additional "parameter" from the XHTML to the transform function, which can be used to format the returned NodeSeq.

    definition classes: BindHelpers
    1. use bind instead

  167. def xmlParam (in: NodeSeq, param: String) : Box[String]

    Finds the named attribute in specified XML element and returns a Full Box containing the value of the attribute if found.

    Finds the named attribute in specified XML element and returns a Full Box containing the value of the attribute if found. Empty otherwise.


    a Full Box containing the value of the attribute if found; Empty otherwise

    definition classes: BindHelpers
  168. def youDependOnMe (who: net.liftweb.util.Cell[_]) : Unit

    The Cell notifies the Dependent of the dependency

    The Cell notifies the Dependent of the dependency

    definition classes: Dependent
  169. def youDontDependOnMe (who: net.liftweb.util.Cell[_]) : Unit

    The Cell notifies the Dependent of the removed dependency

    The Cell notifies the Dependent of the removed dependency

    definition classes: Dependent

Inherited from CometActor

Inherited from BindHelpers

Inherited from LiftCometActor

Inherited from Dependent

Inherited from LiftActor

Inherited from ForwardableActor[Any, Any]

Inherited from GenericActor[Any]

Inherited from TypedActor[Any, Any]

Inherited from SpecializedLiftActor[Any]

Inherited from SimpleActor[Any]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any