

package provider

  1. Public
  2. All
  1. Concrete
  2. Abstract

Type Members

  1. trait HTTPContext extends AnyRef

    Represents the service context information.

  2. case class HTTPCookie (name: String, value: Box[String], domain: Box[String], path: Box[String], maxAge: Box[Int], version: Box[Int], secure_?: Box[Boolean]) extends Cloneable with Product

    Repersents an immutable representation of an HTTP Cookie

  3. case class HTTPParam (name: String, values: List[String]) extends Product

    Represents a HTTP query parameter or a HTTP header parameter

  4. trait HTTPProvider extends AnyRef

    Implement this trait in order to integrate Lift with other underlaying web containers.

  5. trait HTTPRequest extends AnyRef

    The representation of a HTTP request state

  6. trait HTTPResponse extends AnyRef

    Represents the HTTP response that will be send to the client

  7. trait HTTPSession extends AnyRef

    The representation of a HTTP session

Value Members

  1. object HTTPCookie extends AnyRef

    Companion module for creating HTTPCookie objects

  2. object HTTPParam extends AnyRef

    Companion module for creating new HTTPParam objects

  3. object RetryState extends Enumeration

  4. package servlet