

trait MetaProtoExtendedSession [T <: ProtoExtendedSession[T]] extends KeyedMetaMapper[Long, T]

linear super types: KeyedMetaMapper[Long, T], KeyedMapper[Long, T], BaseKeyedMapper, MetaMapper[T], Mapper[T], BaseMapper, FieldContainer, BaseMetaMapper, AnyRef, Any
self type: MetaProtoExtendedSession[T] with T
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
  1. MetaProtoExtendedSession
  2. KeyedMetaMapper
  3. KeyedMapper
  4. BaseKeyedMapper
  5. MetaMapper
  6. Mapper
  7. BaseMapper
  8. FieldContainer
  9. BaseMetaMapper
  10. AnyRef
  11. Any
  1. Public
  2. All
  1. Concrete
  2. Abstract

Type Members

  1. type AnyBound = T forSome { type T }

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  2. case class FieldHolder (name: String, method: Method, field: net.liftweb.mapper.MappedField[_, A]) extends Product

  3. type FieldPF = PartialFunction[String, (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq]

    definition classes: Mapper
  4. type KeyedMapperType = T

    definition classes: KeyedMapperBaseKeyedMapper
  5. type MapperType = T

    definition classes: MapperBaseMapper
  6. type OtherMapper = net.liftweb.mapper.KeyedMapper[_, _]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  7. type OtherMetaMapper = net.liftweb.mapper.KeyedMetaMapper[_, _]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  8. type Q = net.liftweb.mapper.MappedForeignKey[MetaProtoExtendedSession.this.AnyBound,T,OO] with net.liftweb.mapper.MappedField[MetaProtoExtendedSession.this.AnyBound,T] forSome { type OO <: net.liftweb.mapper.KeyedMapper[MetaProtoExtendedSession.this.AnyBound,OO] }

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  9. type RealType = T

    definition classes: MetaMapperBaseMetaMapper
  10. type TheKeyType = Long

    definition classes: KeyedMapperBaseKeyedMapper
  11. type UserType <: UserIdAsString

    attributes: abstract

Value Members

  1. def != (arg0: AnyRef) : Boolean

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  2. def != (arg0: Any) : Boolean

    o != arg0 is the same as !(o == (arg0)).

    o != arg0 is the same as !(o == (arg0)).


    the object to compare against this object for dis-equality.


    false if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; true otherwise.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: Any
  3. def ## () : Int

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef → Any
  4. def $asInstanceOf [T0] () : T0

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  5. def $isInstanceOf [T0] () : Boolean

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  6. def == (arg0: AnyRef) : Boolean

    o == arg0 is the same as if (o eq null) arg0 eq null else o.equals(arg0).

    o == arg0 is the same as if (o eq null) arg0 eq null else o.equals(arg0).


    the object to compare against this object for equality.


    true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  7. def == (arg0: Any) : Boolean

    o == arg0 is the same as o.equals(arg0).

    o == arg0 is the same as o.equals(arg0).


    the object to compare against this object for equality.


    true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: Any
  8. def CookieName : String

  9. def _dbTableNameLC : String

    The table name, to lower case.

    The table name, to lower case... ensures that it works on all DBs

    attributes: final
    definition classes: MetaMapperBaseMetaMapper
  10. def addEndStuffs (in: String, params: List[QueryParam[T]], conn: SuperConnection) : (String, Box[Long], Box[Long])

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: MetaMapper
  11. def addSnippet (xhtml: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq

    Default add snippet.

    Default add snippet. Override to change behavior of the add snippet.

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  12. def addSnippetCallback (obj: T) : Unit

    Default callback behavior of the add snippet.

    Default callback behavior of the add snippet. Called when the user presses submit. Saves the passed in object.


    mapped object of this metamapper's type

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  13. def addSnippetSetup : T

    Default setup behavior for the add snippet.

    Default setup behavior for the add snippet. Creates a new mapped object.


    new mapped object

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  14. object addlQueryParams extends RequestVar[List[QueryParam[A]]]

  15. def afterCommit : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  16. def afterCreate : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  17. def afterDelete : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  18. def afterSave : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  19. def afterSchemifier : Unit

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapperMetaMapperBaseMetaMapper
  20. def afterUpdate : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  21. def afterValidation : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  22. def afterValidationOnCreate : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  23. def afterValidationOnUpdate : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  24. def allFields : Seq[BaseField]

    definition classes: MapperFieldContainer
  25. def appendField (pf: FieldPF) : Unit

    definition classes: Mapper
  26. def appendFieldToStrings (in: T) : String

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  27. def asHtml (toLine: T) : NodeSeq

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  28. def asHtml : NodeSeq

    definition classes: Mapper
  29. def asInstanceOf [T0] : T0

    This method is used to cast the receiver object to be of type T0.

    This method is used to cast the receiver object to be of type T0.

    Note that the success of a cast at runtime is modulo Scala's erasure semantics. Therefore the expression1.asInstanceOf[String] will throw a ClassCastException at runtime, while the expressionList(1).asInstanceOf[List[String]] will not. In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as part of compilation it is not possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the requested typed.


    the receiver object.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: Any
  30. def asJs (actual: T) : JsExp

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  31. def asJs : JsExp

    Convert the model to a JavaScript object

    Convert the model to a JavaScript object

    definition classes: Mapper
  32. def asSafeJs (actual: T, f: KeyObfuscator) : JsExp

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  33. def asSafeJs (f: KeyObfuscator) : JsExp

    definition classes: KeyedMapper
  34. def asValid : Box[T]

    Returns the instance in a Full Box if the instance is valid, otherwise returns a Failure with the validation errors

    Returns the instance in a Full Box if the instance is valid, otherwise returns a Failure with the validation errors

    definition classes: Mapper
  35. def beforeCreate : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  36. def beforeDelete : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  37. def beforeSave : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  38. def beforeSchemifier : Unit

    definition classes: MetaMapperBaseMetaMapper
  39. def beforeUpdate : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  40. def beforeValidation : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  41. def beforeValidationOnCreate : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  42. def beforeValidationOnUpdate : List[(T) ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  43. implicit def boundedFieldToItem (in: (MappedField[String, T], Int)) : BoundedIndexField[T]

    attributes: implicit
    definition classes: MetaMapper
  44. def buildMapper (rs: ResultSet) : List[Box[(ResultSet, Int, T) ⇒ Unit]]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  45. def buildSelectString (fields: Seq[SelectableField], conn: SuperConnection, by: QueryParam[T]*) : (String, Box[Long], Box[Long], List[QueryParam[T]])

    Given fields, a connection and the query parameters, build a query and return the query String, and Start or MaxRows values (depending on whether the driver supports LIMIT and OFFSET) and the complete List of QueryParams based on any synthetic query parameters calculated during the query creation.

    Given fields, a connection and the query parameters, build a query and return the query String, and Start or MaxRows values (depending on whether the driver supports LIMIT and OFFSET) and the complete List of QueryParams based on any synthetic query parameters calculated during the query creation.


    -- a Seq of the fields to be selected


    -- the SuperConnection to be used for calculating the query


    -- the varg of QueryParams

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  46. def bulkDelete_!! (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, by: QueryParam[T]*) : Boolean

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  47. def bulkDelete_!! (by: QueryParam[T]*) : Boolean

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  48. def checkNames : Unit

    definition classes: Mapper
  49. def clean_? (toCheck: T) : Boolean

    Returns true if none of the fields are dirty

    Returns true if none of the fields are dirty

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  50. def clone () : AnyRef

    This method creates and returns a copy of the receiver object.

    This method creates and returns a copy of the receiver object.

    The default implementation of the clone method is platform dependent.


    a copy of the receiver object.

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: AnyRef
  51. val columnNamesForInsert : String

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  52. def columnPrimaryKey_? (name: String) : Boolean

    This method returns true if the named column is the primary key and it is autogenerated

    This method returns true if the named column is the primary key and it is autogenerated

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  53. val columnQueriesForInsert : String

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  54. def comparePrimaryKeys (other: T) : Boolean

    definition classes: KeyedMapperMapper
  55. def connectionIdentifier : ConnectionIdentifier

    definition classes: Mapper
  56. def connectionIdentifier (id: ConnectionIdentifier) : T

    definition classes: Mapper
  57. def count (by: QueryParam[T]*) : Long

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  58. def count : Long

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  59. def countByInsecureSql (query: String, checkedBy: IHaveValidatedThisSQL) : Long

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  60. def countByInsecureSqlDb (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, query: String, checkedBy: IHaveValidatedThisSQL) : Long

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  61. def countDb (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, by: QueryParam[T]*) : Long

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  62. def countryField : Box[MappedCountry[T]]

    definition classes: Mapper
  63. def create : T

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  64. def createInstance : T

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  65. def createInstance (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, rs: ResultSet, mapFuncs: List[Box[(ResultSet, Int, T) ⇒ Unit]]) : T

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  66. def createInstances [T] (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, rs: ResultSet, start: Box[Long], omax: Box[Long], f: (T) ⇒ Box[T]) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  67. def createInstances (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, rs: ResultSet, start: Box[Long], omax: Box[Long]) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  68. def crudSnippets : SnippetPF

    Defines the default CRUD snippets.

    Defines the default CRUD snippets. Override if you want to change the names of the snippets. Defaults are "add", "edit", and "view".

    (No, there's no D in CRUD.)

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  69. def crudSnippets_? : Boolean

    Override this definition in your model to enable CRUD snippets for that model.

    Override this definition in your model to enable CRUD snippets for that model. Set to false by default.

    Remember to override editSnippetSetup and viewSnippetSetup as well, as the defaults are broken.



    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  70. def dbAddTable : Box[() ⇒ Unit]

    definition classes: MetaMapperBaseMetaMapper
  71. def dbCalculateConnectionIdentifier : PartialFunction[T, ConnectionIdentifier]

    definition classes: Mapper
  72. def dbDefaultConnectionIdentifier : ConnectionIdentifier

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  73. def dbIndexes : List[BaseIndex[T]]

    definition classes: MetaMapperBaseMetaMapper
  74. def dbName : String

    The name of the mapped object

    The name of the mapped object

    definition classes: MetaMapperMapperBaseMapper
  75. def dbSelectDBConnectionForFind : PartialFunction[Long, ConnectionIdentifier]

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  76. def dbStringToKey (in: String) : Box[Long]

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  77. def dbTableName : String

    The name of the database table.

    The name of the database table. Override this method if you want to change the table to something other than the name of the Mapper class

    definition classes: MetaMapperBaseMetaMapper
  78. def db_can_delete_? : Boolean

    Can this model object be deleted?

    Can this model object be deleted?

    definition classes: Mapper
  79. def decodeFromJSON_! (json: JObject, markFieldsAsDirty: Boolean) : T

    Decode the fields from a JSON Object.

    Decode the fields from a JSON Object. Should the fields be marked as dirty?

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: MetaMapper
  80. def delete_! (toDelete: T) : Boolean

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  81. def delete_! : Boolean

    Delete the model from the RDBMS

    Delete the model from the RDBMS

    definition classes: Mapper
  82. def dirty_? (toTest: T) : Boolean

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  83. def dirty_? : Boolean

    definition classes: Mapper
  84. var displayFieldAsLineElement : (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq

    This function converts an element into the appropriate XHTML format for displaying across a line formatted block.

    This function converts an element into the appropriate XHTML format for displaying across a line formatted block. The default is &lt;td&gt; for use in XHTML tables. If you change this function, the change will be used for this MetaMapper unless you override the doHtmlLine method.

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  85. var displayNameToHeaderElement : (String) ⇒ NodeSeq

    This function converts a header name into the appropriate XHTML format for displaying across the headers of a formatted block.

    This function converts a header name into the appropriate XHTML format for displaying across the headers of a formatted block. The default is &lt;th&gt; for use in XHTML tables. If you change this function, the change will be used for this MetaMapper unless you override the htmlHeades method

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  86. def doHtmlLine (toLine: T) : NodeSeq

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  87. def doPostCommit (func: () ⇒ Unit) : T

    Append a function to perform after the commit happens

    Append a function to perform after the commit happens


    - the function to perform after the commit happens

    definition classes: Mapper
  88. def editSnippet (xhtml: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq

    Default edit snippet.

    Default edit snippet. Override to change behavior of the edit snippet.

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  89. def editSnippetCallback (obj: T) : Unit

    Default callback behavior of the edit snippet.

    Default callback behavior of the edit snippet. Called when the user presses submit. Saves the passed in object.


    mapped object of this metamapper's type

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  90. def editSnippetSetup : T

    Default setup behavior for the edit snippet.

    Default setup behavior for the edit snippet. BROKEN! MUST OVERRIDE IF USING CRUD SNIPPETS!


    a mapped object of this metamapper's type

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  91. val elemName : String

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  92. def encodeAsJSON_! (toEncode: T) : JObject

    This method will encode the instance as JSON.

    This method will encode the instance as JSON. It may reveal data in fields that might otherwise be proprietary. It should be used with caution and only exposed as a public method after a security review.

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: MetaMapper
  93. def eq (arg0: AnyRef) : Boolean

    This method is used to test whether the argument (arg0) is a reference to the receiver object (this).

    This method is used to test whether the argument (arg0) is a reference to the receiver object (this).

    The eq method implements an [ equivalence relation] on non-null instances of AnyRef: * It is reflexive: for any non-null instance x of type AnyRef, x.eq(x) returns true. * It is symmetric: for any non-null instances x and y of type AnyRef, x.eq(y) returns true if and only if y.eq(x) returns true. * It is transitive: for any non-null instances x, y, and z of type AnyRef if x.eq(y) returns true and y.eq(z) returns true, then x.eq(z) returns true.

    Additionally, the eq method has three other properties. * It is consistent: for any non-null instances x and y of type AnyRef, multiple invocations of x.eq(y) consistently returns true or consistently returns false. * For any non-null instance x of type AnyRef, x.eq(null) and null.eq(x) returns false. * null.eq(null) returns true.

    When overriding the equals or hashCode methods, it is important to ensure that their behavior is consistent with reference equality. Therefore, if two objects are references to each other (o1 eq o2), they should be equal to each other (o1 == o2) and they should hash to the same value (o1.hashCode == o2.hashCode).


    the object to compare against this object for reference equality.


    true if the argument is a reference to the receiver object; false otherwise.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  94. def equals (other: Any) : Boolean

    This method is used to compare the receiver object (this) with the argument object (arg0) for equivalence.

    This method is used to compare the receiver object (this) with the argument object (arg0) for equivalence.

    The default implementations of this method is an [ equivalence relation]: * It is reflexive: for any instance x of type Any, x.equals(x) should return true. * It is symmetric: for any instances x and y of type Any, x.equals(y) should return true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true. * It is transitive: for any instances x, y, and z of type AnyRef if x.equals(y) returns true and y.equals(z) returns true, then x.equals(z) should return true.

    If you override this method, you should verify that your implementation remains an equivalence relation. Additionally, when overriding this method it is often necessary to override hashCode to ensure that objects that are "equal" (o1.equals(o2) returns true) hash to the same scala.Int (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)).


    true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.

    definition classes: KeyedMapper → AnyRef → Any
  95. def fieldByName [T] (fieldName: String, actual: T) : Box[MappedField[T, T]]

    Get a field by the field name

    Get a field by the field name


    -- the name of the field to get


    -- the instance to get the field on


    Box[The Field] (Empty if the field is not found)

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  96. def fieldByName [T] (fieldName: String) : Box[MappedField[T, T]]

    Find the field by name

    Find the field by name


    -- the name of the field to find



    definition classes: Mapper
  97. def fieldMapperPF (transform: (BaseOwnedMappedField[T]) ⇒ NodeSeq, actual: T) : PartialFunction[String, (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  98. def fieldMapperPF (transform: (BaseOwnedMappedField[T]) ⇒ NodeSeq) : FieldPF

    definition classes: Mapper
  99. lazy val fieldMatcher : PartialFunction[(T, String), MappedField[Any, T]]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  100. def fieldOrder : List[BaseOwnedMappedField[T]]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  101. def fieldPF : FieldPF

    definition classes: Mapper
  102. implicit def fieldToItem [T] (in: MappedField[T, T]) : IndexItem[T]

    attributes: implicit
    definition classes: MetaMapper
  103. def finalize () : Unit

    This method is called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

    This method is called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

    The details of when and if the finalize method are invoked, as well as the interaction between finalizeand non-local returns and exceptions, are all platform dependent.

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: AnyRef
  104. def find (by: QueryParam[T]*) : Box[T]

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  105. def find (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, key: String) : Box[T]

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  106. def find (key: String) : Box[T]

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  107. def find (key: List[String]) : Box[T]

    Find the element based on the first element of the List

    Find the element based on the first element of the List

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  108. def find (key: Any) : Box[T]

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  109. def findAll (by: QueryParam[T]*) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  110. def findAll () : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  111. def findAllByInsecureSql (query: String, checkedBy: IHaveValidatedThisSQL) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  112. def findAllByInsecureSqlDb (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, query: String, checkedBy: IHaveValidatedThisSQL) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  113. def findAllByPreparedStatement (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, stmt: PreparedStatement) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  114. def findAllByPreparedStatement (f: (SuperConnection) ⇒ PreparedStatement) : List[T]

    Execute a PreparedStatement and return a List of Mapper instances.

    Execute a PreparedStatement and return a List of Mapper instances. f is where the user will do the work of creating the PreparedStatement and preparing it for execution.


    A function that takes a SuperConnection and returns a PreparedStatement.


    A List of Mapper instances.

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  115. def findAllByPreparedStatementDb [T] (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, stmt: PreparedStatement)(f: (T) ⇒ Box[T]) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  116. def findAllDb (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, by: QueryParam[T]*) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  117. def findAllDb (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  118. def findAllFields (fields: Seq[SelectableField], by: QueryParam[T]*) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  119. def findAllFieldsDb (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, fields: Seq[SelectableField], by: QueryParam[T]*) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  120. def findApplier (name: String, inst: AnyRef) : Box[(T, AnyRef) ⇒ Unit]

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: MetaMapper
  121. def findByKey (key: Long) : Box[T]

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  122. def findDb (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, fields: Seq[SelectableField], by: QueryParam[T]*) : Box[T]

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  123. def findDb (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, by: QueryParam[T]*) : Box[T]

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  124. def findDb (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, key: Any) : Box[T]

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  125. def findDbByKey (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, fields: Seq[SelectableField], key: Long) : Box[T]

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  126. def findDbByKey (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, key: Long) : Box[T]

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  127. def findMap [T] (by: QueryParam[T]*)(f: (T) ⇒ Box[T]) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  128. def findMapByInsecureSql [T] (query: String, checkedBy: IHaveValidatedThisSQL)(f: (T) ⇒ Box[T]) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  129. def findMapByInsecureSqlDb [T] (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, query: String, checkedBy: IHaveValidatedThisSQL)(f: (T) ⇒ Box[T]) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  130. def findMapDb [T] (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, by: QueryParam[T]*)(f: (T) ⇒ Box[T]) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  131. def findMapFieldDb [T] (dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, fields: Seq[SelectableField], by: QueryParam[T]*)(f: (T) ⇒ Box[T]) : List[T]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  132. def findOrCreate (key: List[String]) : T

    Find an element by primary key or create a new one

    Find an element by primary key or create a new one

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  133. def findOrCreate (key: Any) : T

    Find an element by primary key or create a new one

    Find an element by primary key or create a new one

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  134. def flatMapFieldTitleForm [T] (toMap: T, func: (NodeSeq, Box[NodeSeq], NodeSeq) ⇒ Seq[T]) : List[T]

    flat map the fields titles and forms to generate a list

    flat map the fields titles and forms to generate a list


    called with displayHtml, fieldId, form

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  135. def flatMapFieldTitleForm [T] (func: (NodeSeq, Box[NodeSeq], NodeSeq) ⇒ Seq[T]) : List[T]

    flat map the fields titles and forms to generate a list

    flat map the fields titles and forms to generate a list


    called with displayHtml, fieldId, form

    definition classes: Mapper
  136. def flatMapFieldTitleForm2 [T] (toMap: T, func: (NodeSeq, net.liftweb.mapper.MappedField[_, T], NodeSeq) ⇒ Seq[T]) : List[T]

    flat map the fields titles and forms to generate a list

    flat map the fields titles and forms to generate a list


    called with displayHtml, fieldId, form

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  137. def flatMapFieldTitleForm2 [T] (func: (NodeSeq, net.liftweb.mapper.MappedField[_, T], NodeSeq) ⇒ Seq[T]) : List[T]

    flat map the fields titles and forms to generate a list

    flat map the fields titles and forms to generate a list


    called with displayHtml, fieldId, form

    definition classes: Mapper
  138. def formFields (toMap: T) : List[net.liftweb.mapper.MappedField[_, T]]

    Get the fields (in order) for displaying a form

    Get the fields (in order) for displaying a form

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  139. def formFields : List[net.liftweb.mapper.MappedField[_, T]]

    Get the fields (in order) for displaying a form

    Get the fields (in order) for displaying a form

    definition classes: Mapper
  140. var formatFormElement : (NodeSeq, NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq

    This function converts a name and form for a given field in the model to XHTML for presentation in the browser.

    This function converts a name and form for a given field in the model to XHTML for presentation in the browser. By default, a table row ( &lt;tr&gt; ) is presented, but you can change the function to display something else.

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  141. def formatFormLine (displayName: NodeSeq, form: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  142. def getActualBaseField (actual: T, protoField: BaseOwnedMappedField[T]) : BaseOwnedMappedField[T]

    Given the prototype field (the field on the Singleton), get the field from the instance

    Given the prototype field (the field on the Singleton), get the field from the instance


    -- the Mapper instance


    -- the field from the MetaMapper (Singleton)


    the field from the actual object

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  143. def getActualField [T] (actual: T, protoField: MappedField[T, T]) : MappedField[T, T]

    Given the prototype field (the field on the Singleton), get the field from the instance

    Given the prototype field (the field on the Singleton), get the field from the instance


    -- the Mapper instance


    -- the field from the MetaMapper (Singleton)


    the field from the actual object

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  144. def getClass () : java.lang.Class[_]

    Returns a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.

    Returns a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.

    The nature of the representation is platform dependent.


    a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  145. def getSingleton : KeyedMetaMapper[Long, T]

    attributes: abstract
    definition classes: KeyedMapperMapper
  146. def hashCode () : Int

    Returns a hash code value for the object.

    Returns a hash code value for the object.

    The default hashing algorithm is platform dependent.

    Note that it is allowed for two objects to have identical hash codes (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)) yet not be equal (o1.equals(o2) returns false). A degenerate implementation could always return 0. However, it is required that if two objects are equal (o1.equals(o2) returns true) that they have identical hash codes (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)). Therefore, when overriding this method, be sure to verify that the behavior is consistent with the equals method.


    the hash code value for the object.

    definition classes: KeyedMapper → AnyRef → Any
  147. def htmlHeaders : NodeSeq

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  148. def htmlLine : NodeSeq

    definition classes: Mapper
  149. def indexedField (toSave: T) : Box[MappedField[Any, T]]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  150. def isInstanceOf [T0] : Boolean

    This method is used to test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is T0.

    This method is used to test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is T0.

    Note that the test result of the test is modulo Scala's erasure semantics. Therefore the expression1.isInstanceOf[String] will return false, while the expression List(1).isInstanceOf[List[String]] will return true. In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as part of compilation it is not possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the requested typed.


    true if the receiver object is an instance of erasure of type T0; false otherwise.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: Any
  151. def localeField : Box[MappedLocale[T]]

    If there's a field in this record that defines the locale, return it

    If there's a field in this record that defines the locale, return it

    definition classes: Mapper
  152. def logUserIdIn (uid: String) : Unit

    attributes: abstract
  153. def mapFieldTitleForm [T] (toMap: T, func: (NodeSeq, Box[NodeSeq], NodeSeq) ⇒ T) : List[T]

    map the fields titles and forms to generate a list

    map the fields titles and forms to generate a list


    called with displayHtml, fieldId, form

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  154. def mapFieldTitleForm [T] (func: (NodeSeq, Box[NodeSeq], NodeSeq) ⇒ T) : List[T]

    map the fields titles and forms to generate a list

    map the fields titles and forms to generate a list


    called with displayHtml, fieldId, form

    definition classes: Mapper
  155. lazy val mappedFields : Seq[BaseMappedField]

    definition classes: MetaMapperBaseMetaMapper
  156. lazy val mappedFieldsForModel : List[net.liftweb.mapper.MappedField[_, T]]

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  157. def modSnippet (xhtml: NodeSeq, obj: T, cleanup: (T) ⇒ Unit) : NodeSeq

    Default snippet for modification.

    Default snippet for modification. Used by the default add and edit snippets.

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  158. def ne (arg0: AnyRef) : Boolean is the same as !(o.eq(arg0)). is the same as !(o.eq(arg0)).


    the object to compare against this object for reference dis-equality.


    false if the argument is not a reference to the receiver object; true otherwise.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  159. def notify () : Unit

    Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  160. def notifyAll () : Unit

    Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  161. def objFromIndexedParam : Box[T]

    Lame attempt at automatically getting an object from the HTTP parameters.

    Lame attempt at automatically getting an object from the HTTP parameters. BROKEN! DO NOT USE! Only here so that existing sub-classes KeyedMetaMapper don't have to implement new methods when I commit the CRUD snippets code.

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  162. def prependField (pf: FieldPF) : Unit

    definition classes: Mapper
  163. def primaryKeyField : MappedField[Long, T] with IndexedField[Long]

    attributes: abstract
    definition classes: KeyedMapperBaseKeyedMapper
  164. def recoverUserId : Box[String]

    attributes: abstract
  165. def reload : T

    definition classes: KeyedMapper
  166. val rootClass : java.lang.Class[_ >: ?0]

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: MetaMapper
  167. def runSafe [T] (f: ⇒ T) : T

    definition classes: Mapper
  168. def runValidationList (toValidate: T) : List[FieldError]

    Run the list of field validations, etc.

    Run the list of field validations, etc. This is the raw validation, without the notifications. This method can be over-ridden.

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: MetaMapper
  169. def safe_? : Boolean

    attributes: final
    definition classes: Mapper
  170. def save (toSave: T) : Boolean

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  171. def save () : Boolean

    definition classes: MapperBaseMapper
  172. def saveMe () : T

    Save the instance and return the instance

    Save the instance and return the instance

    definition classes: Mapper
  173. def saved_? (toSave: T) : Boolean

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  174. def saved_? : Boolean

    definition classes: Mapper
  175. def suplementalJs (ob: Box[KeyObfuscator]) : List[(String, JsExp)]

    If the instance calculates any additional fields for JSON object, put the calculated fields here

    If the instance calculates any additional fields for JSON object, put the calculated fields here

    definition classes: Mapper
  176. def synchronized [T0] (arg0: T0) : T0

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  177. def testCookieEarlyInStateful : (Box[Req]) ⇒ Unit

    This does the cookie to User lookup.

    This does the cookie to User lookup. In Boot.scala: <code> LiftRules.earlyInStateful.append(ExtendedSession.testCookieEarlyInStateful) </code>

  178. implicit def thisToMappee (in: Mapper[T]) : T

    attributes: implicit
    definition classes: Mapper
  179. def timeZoneField : Box[MappedTimeZone[T]]

    definition classes: Mapper
  180. def toForm (toMap: T) : NodeSeq

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  181. def toForm (button: Box[String], redoSnippet: (NodeSeq) ⇒ NodeSeq, onSuccess: (T) ⇒ Unit) : NodeSeq

    definition classes: Mapper
  182. def toForm (button: Box[String], f: (T) ⇒ Any) : NodeSeq

    Present the model as a form and execute the function on submission of the form

    Present the model as a form and execute the function on submission of the form


    - If it's Full, put a submit button on the form with the value of the parameter


    - the function to execute on form submission


    the form

    definition classes: Mapper
  183. def toForm (button: Box[String], onSuccess: String) : NodeSeq

    Present the model as a form and execute the function on submission of the form

    Present the model as a form and execute the function on submission of the form


    - If it's Full, put a submit button on the form with the value of the parameter


    - redirect to the URL if the model validates, otherwise display the errors


    the form

    definition classes: Mapper
  184. def toHtml (toMap: T) : NodeSeq

    Present the model as a HTML using the same formatting as toForm

    Present the model as a HTML using the same formatting as toForm


    the instance to generate the HTML for


    the html view of the model

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  185. def toHtml : NodeSeq

    Present the model as a HTML using the same formatting as toForm

    Present the model as a HTML using the same formatting as toForm


    the html view of the model

    definition classes: Mapper
  186. def toString () : String

    Returns a string representation of the object.

    Returns a string representation of the object.

    The default representation is platform dependent.


    a string representation of the object.

    definition classes: Mapper → AnyRef → Any
  187. def toXml (what: T) : Elem

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  188. def toXml : Elem

    definition classes: Mapper
  189. def unapply (key: Any) : Option[T]

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  190. def updateFromJSON_! (toUpdate: T, json: JObject) : T

    This method will update the instance from JSON.

    This method will update the instance from JSON. It allows for attacks from untrusted JSON as it bypasses normal security. By default, the method is protected. You can write a proxy method to expose the functionality.

    attributes: protected
    definition classes: MetaMapper
  191. def userDidLogin (uid: UserType) : Unit

  192. def userDidLogout (uid: Box[UserType]) : Unit

  193. def validate (toValidate: T) : List[FieldError]

    attributes: final
    definition classes: MetaMapper
  194. def validate : List[FieldError]

    definition classes: Mapper
  195. def validation : List[(T) ⇒ List[FieldError]]

    If there are model-specific validations to perform, override this method and return an additional list of validations to perform

    If there are model-specific validations to perform, override this method and return an additional list of validations to perform

    definition classes: MetaMapper
  196. def viewSnippet (xhtml: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq

    Default view snippet.

    Default view snippet. Override to change behavior of the view snippet.

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  197. def viewSnippetSetup : T

    Default setup behavior for the view snippet.

    Default setup behavior for the view snippet. BROKEN! MUST OVERRIDE IF USING CRUD SNIPPETS!


    a mapped object of this metamapper's type

    definition classes: KeyedMetaMapper
  198. def wait () : Unit

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  199. def wait (arg0: Long, arg1: Int) : Unit

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  200. def wait (arg0: Long) : Unit

    attributes: final
    definition classes: AnyRef
  201. def whatToSet (toSave: T) : String

    definition classes: MetaMapper

Inherited from KeyedMetaMapper[Long, T]

Inherited from KeyedMapper[Long, T]

Inherited from BaseKeyedMapper

Inherited from MetaMapper[T]

Inherited from Mapper[T]

Inherited from BaseMapper

Inherited from FieldContainer

Inherited from BaseMetaMapper

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any