Books on Maven

Apache Maven 3.0 Cookbook

  • Covers: Maven 3
  • Published: Packt Publishing (August 2011)
  • Authors: Srirangan
  • Buy the Book: Packt, Amazon

Apache Maven (en Français)

Apache Maven 2: Effective Implementation

Maven: The Definitive Guide (Readable HTML and Free PDF Download)

Better Builds with Maven (Free PDF Download)

Maven: A Developer's Notebook

Miscellaneous on Maven

If you're interested in testing your Maven skills, check out JavaBlackBelt's Maven exam. This exam is being written collaboratively by the community. Feel free to add new questions, suggest improvements, etc.

Articles on Maven

If you are writing an article on Maven we suggest contacting the developers on the mailing list as we would be happy to provide feedback to help ensure accuracy in your article. Just ping us on the dev mailing list to get in touch.

Title Publisher Author Published
Create a Customized Build Process in Maven John Casey August 2009
Maven: mas que una herramienta de construccion (in Spanish) Manuel Recena June 2009
Introduction to m2eclipse TheServerSide Tim O'Brien, Bruce Snyder, Eugene Kuleshov July 2008
Maven 2.x (in Turkish) Anadolu Üniversitesi Mustafa Sait Özen August 2007
Setting up the Internal Repository The Server Side Avneet Mangat June 2007
Building Web Applications with Maven 2 Will Iverson 1 March 2007
Introduction to Apache Maven 2 developerWorks Sing Li 19 December 2006
Maven - Menos mal que has venido (in Spanish) Universidad de Sevilla Manuel J. Recena Soto 6 November 2006
FAQ for Maven 2 and Continuum (in French) Eric Reboisson 11 October 2006
Keep Your Maven Projects Portable Throughout the Build Cycle DevX Eric Redmond 8 September 2006
Automation for the people: Choosing a Continuous Integration server deverloperWorks Paul Duvall 5 September 2006
Java Posse #070 - Interview with Brett Porter of Maven Java Posse Tor Norbye, Carl Quinn, Dick Wall, Joe Nuxoll, Brett Porter 18 July 2006
Continuous Integration with Continuum John Ferguson Smart 30 May 2006
The Maven 2 POM demystified JavaWorld Eric Redmond 29 May 2006
Maven: Building Complex Systems Dr.Dobb's Gigi Sayfan 21 April 2006
Working with maven 2 PeopleWare Jan Dockx 13 April 2006
Maven 2.0: Compile, Test, Run, Deploy, and More onjava Chris Hardin 29 March 2006
Descripcion tecnica de Maven (in Spanish) Metaware Inc Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez 13 March 2006
Get the most out of Maven 2 site generation JavaWorld John Ferguson Smart 27 February 2006
An introduction to Maven 2 (in french) Denis Cabasson 27 January 2006
Maven 2.0 - Javapolis 2005 Vincent Massol 15 December 2005
An introduction to Maven 2 JavaWorld John Ferguson Smart 5 December 2005
Taking the Maven 2 Plunge David DeWolf 1 October 2005
Building J2EE Projects with Maven OnJava Vincent Massol 7 September 2005
Maven 2.0 and Continuum SJUG Presentation Brett Porter 1 June 2005
Exploiting Maven in Eclipse developerWorks Gilles Dodinet 24 May 2005
Managing WebSphere Portal V5.1 projects with Apache Maven and Rational Application Developer 6.0 developerWorks Hinrich Boog 30 March 2005
Maven 1.0 Javapolis Presentation Vincent Massol 16 December 2004
Master and Commander by Julien Dubois Oracle Julien Dubois November 2004
installing and working with Maven (in German) Manfred Wolff August 2004
Apache's Maven Comes of Age (Coverage of the release of Maven 1.0) Sean Michael Kerner 15 July 2004
Extending Maven Through Plugins by Eric Pugh OnJava Eric Pugh 17 March 2004
Maven Magic - a tutorial on Maven and J2EE projects. TheServerSide Srikanth Shenoy November 2003
Developing with Maven by Rob Herbst OnJava Rob Herbst 22 October 2003
Apache Maven Simplifies the Java Build Process Even More Than Ant DevX Dave Ford 2 September 2003
Building J2EE applications with Maven (Slides from TheServerSide Symposium) TheServerSide Vincent Massol 27 June 2003
Maven ties together tools for better code management JavaWorld Jeff Linwood 11 October 2002
How to get Maven to build your web service into a WAR on AstroGrid Astrogrid
Some Maven FAQs on AstroGrid Astrogrid
Some Useful Maven Notes on AstroGrid Astrogrid
A tutorial for Maven, J2EE projects, and MevenIDE (in Portuguese).