24.4. ScrolledText — Scrolled Text Widget

Platforms: Tk

The ScrolledText module provides a class of the same name which implements a basic text widget which has a vertical scroll bar configured to do the “right thing.” Using the ScrolledText class is a lot easier than setting up a text widget and scroll bar directly. The constructor is the same as that of the Tkinter.Text class.


ScrolledText has been renamed to tkinter.scrolledtext in Python 3. The 2to3 tool will automatically adapt imports when converting your sources to Python 3.

The text widget and scrollbar are packed together in a Frame, and the methods of the Grid and Pack geometry managers are acquired from the Frame object. This allows the ScrolledText widget to be used directly to achieve most normal geometry management behavior.

Should more specific control be necessary, the following attributes are available:


The frame which surrounds the text and scroll bar widgets.


The scroll bar widget.

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24.3. Tix — Extension widgets for Tk

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