API Docs for: 3.5.1

File: charts/js/CartesianSeries.js

 * The CartesianSeries class creates a chart with horizontal and vertical axes.
 * @module charts
 * @class CartesianSeries
 * @extends Base
 * @uses Renderer
 * @constructor
Y.CartesianSeries = Y.Base.create("cartesianSeries", Y.Base, [Y.Renderer], {
     * Storage for `xDisplayName` attribute.
     * @property _xDisplayName
     * @type String
     * @private
    _xDisplayName: null,

     * Storage for `yDisplayName` attribute.
     * @property _yDisplayName
     * @type String
     * @private
    _yDisplayName: null,
     * Th x-coordinate for the left edge of the series.
     * @property _leftOrigin
     * @type String
     * @private
    _leftOrigin: null,

     * The y-coordinate for the bottom edge of the series.
     * @property _bottomOrigin
     * @type String
     * @private
    _bottomOrigin: null,

     * @method render
     * @private
    render: function()
        this.set("rendered", true);

     * Adds event listeners.
     * @method addListeners
     * @private
    addListeners: function()
        var xAxis = this.get("xAxis"),
            yAxis = this.get("yAxis");
            xAxis.after("dataReady", Y.bind(this._xDataChangeHandler, this));
            xAxis.after("dataUpdate", Y.bind(this._xDataChangeHandler, this));
            yAxis.after("dataReady", Y.bind(this._yDataChangeHandler, this));
            yAxis.after("dataUpdate", Y.bind(this._yDataChangeHandler, this));
        this.after("xAxisChange", this._xAxisChangeHandler);
        this.after("yAxisChange", this._yAxisChangeHandler);
        this.after("stylesChange", function(e) {
            var axesReady = this._updateAxisData();
        this.after("widthChange", function(e) {
            var axesReady = this._updateAxisData();
        this.after("heightChange", function(e) {
            var axesReady = this._updateAxisData();
        this.after("visibleChange", this._handleVisibleChange);
     * Event handler for the xAxisChange event.
     * @method _xAxisChangeHandler
     * @param {Object} e Event object.
     * @private
    _xAxisChangeHandler: function(e)
        var xAxis = this.get("xAxis");
        xAxis.after("dataReady", Y.bind(this._xDataChangeHandler, this));
        xAxis.after("dataUpdate", Y.bind(this._xDataChangeHandler, this));
     * Event handler the yAxisChange event.
     * @method _yAxisChangeHandler
     * @param {Object} e Event object.
     * @private
    _yAxisChangeHandler: function(e)
        var yAxis = this.get("yAxis");
        yAxis.after("dataReady", Y.bind(this._yDataChangeHandler, this));
        yAxis.after("dataUpdate", Y.bind(this._yDataChangeHandler, this));

     * Constant used to generate unique id.
     * @property GUID
     * @type String
     * @private
    GUID: "yuicartesianseries",

     * Event handler for xDataChange event.
     * @method _xDataChangeHandler
     * @param {Object} event Event object.
     * @private 
    _xDataChangeHandler: function(event)
        var axesReady = this._updateAxisData();

     * Event handler for yDataChange event.
     * @method _yDataChangeHandler
     * @param {Object} event Event object.
     * @private 
    _yDataChangeHandler: function(event)
        var axesReady = this._updateAxisData();

     * Checks to ensure that both xAxis and yAxis data are available. If so, set the `xData` and `yData` attributes and return `true`. Otherwise, return `false`.
     * @method _updateAxisData
     * @return Boolean
     * @private 
    _updateAxisData: function()
        var xAxis = this.get("xAxis"),
            yAxis = this.get("yAxis"),
            xKey = this.get("xKey"),
            yKey = this.get("yKey"),
        if(!xAxis || !yAxis || !xKey || !yKey)
            return false;
        xData = xAxis.getDataByKey(xKey);
        yData = yAxis.getDataByKey(yKey);
        if(!xData || !yData)
            return false;
        this.set("xData", xData.concat());
        this.set("yData", yData.concat());
        return true;

     * Draws the series is the xAxis and yAxis data are both available.
     * @method validate
     * @private
    validate: function()
        if((this.get("xData") && this.get("yData")) || this._updateAxisData())

     * Creates a `Graphic` instance.
     * @method _setCanvas
     * @protected
    _setCanvas: function()
        var graph = this.get("graph"),
            graphic = graph.get("graphic");
        this.set("graphic", graphic);

     * Calculates the coordinates for the series.
     * @method setAreaData
     * @protected
    setAreaData: function()
        var isNumber = Y_Lang.isNumber,
            nextX, nextY,
            graph = this.get("graph"),
            w = graph.get("width"),
            h = graph.get("height"),
            xAxis = this.get("xAxis"),
            yAxis = this.get("yAxis"),
            xData = this.get("xData").concat(),
            yData = this.get("yData").concat(),
            xOffset = xAxis.getEdgeOffset(xData.length, w),
            yOffset = yAxis.getEdgeOffset(yData.length, h),
            padding = this.get("styles").padding,
			leftPadding = padding.left,
			topPadding = padding.top,
			dataWidth = w - (leftPadding + padding.right + xOffset),
			dataHeight = h - (topPadding + padding.bottom + yOffset),
			xcoords = [],
			ycoords = [],
			xMax = xAxis.get("maximum"),
			xMin = xAxis.get("minimum"),
			yMax = yAxis.get("maximum"),
			yMin = yAxis.get("minimum"),
            xScaleFactor = dataWidth / (xMax - xMin),
			yScaleFactor = dataHeight / (yMax - yMin),
            direction = this.get("direction"),
            i = 0,
            xMarkerPlane = [],
            yMarkerPlane = [],
            xMarkerPlaneOffset = this.get("xMarkerPlaneOffset"),
            yMarkerPlaneOffset = this.get("yMarkerPlaneOffset"),
            graphic = this.get("graphic");
        graphic.set("width", w);
        graphic.set("height", h);
        dataLength = xData.length;
        xOffset *= 0.5;
        yOffset *= 0.5;
        //Assuming a vertical graph has a range/category for its vertical axis.    
        if(direction === "vertical")
            yData = yData.reverse();
        this._leftOrigin = Math.round(((0 - xMin) * xScaleFactor) + leftPadding + xOffset);
        this._bottomOrigin = Math.round((dataHeight + topPadding + yOffset)); 
        for (; i < dataLength; ++i) 
            xValue = parseFloat(xData[i]);
            yValue = parseFloat(yData[i]);
                nextX = Math.round((((xValue - xMin) * xScaleFactor) + leftPadding + xOffset));
                nextX = NaN;
			    nextY = Math.round(((dataHeight + topPadding + yOffset) - (yValue - yMin) * yScaleFactor));
                nextY = NaN;
            xMarkerPlane.push({start:nextX - xMarkerPlaneOffset, end: nextX + xMarkerPlaneOffset});
            yMarkerPlane.push({start:nextY - yMarkerPlaneOffset, end: nextY + yMarkerPlaneOffset});
        this.set("xcoords", xcoords);
		this.set("ycoords", ycoords);
        this.set("xMarkerPlane", xMarkerPlane);
        this.set("yMarkerPlane", yMarkerPlane);
        this._dataLength = dataLength;

     * Draws the series.
     * @method draw
     * @protected
    draw: function()
        var graph = this.get("graph"),
            w = graph.get("width"),
            h = graph.get("height");
            if((isFinite(w) && isFinite(h) && w > 0 && h > 0) && ((this.get("xData") && this.get("yData")) || this._updateAxisData()))
                    this._callLater = true;
                this._drawing = true;
                this._callLater = false;
                if(this.get("xcoords") && this.get("ycoords"))
                this._drawing = false;
     * Default value for plane offsets when the parent chart's `interactiveType` is `planar`. 
     * @property _defaultPlaneOffset
     * @type Number
     * @private
    _defaultPlaneOffset: 4,
     * Gets the default value for the `styles` attribute. Overrides
     * base implementation.
     * @method _getDefaultStyles
     * @return Object
     * @protected
    _getDefaultStyles: function()
        return {padding:{
                top: 0,
                left: 0,
                right: 0,
                bottom: 0

     * Collection of default colors used for lines in a series when not specified by user.
     * @property _defaultLineColors
     * @type Array
     * @protected
    _defaultLineColors:["#426ab3", "#d09b2c", "#000000", "#b82837", "#b384b5", "#ff7200", "#779de3", "#cbc8ba", "#7ed7a6", "#007a6c"],

     * Collection of default colors used for marker fills in a series when not specified by user.
     * @property _defaultFillColors
     * @type Array
     * @protected
    _defaultFillColors:["#6084d0", "#eeb647", "#6c6b5f", "#d6484f", "#ce9ed1", "#ff9f3b", "#93b7ff", "#e0ddd0", "#94ecba", "#309687"],
     * Collection of default colors used for marker borders in a series when not specified by user.
     * @property _defaultBorderColors
     * @type Array
     * @protected
    _defaultBorderColors:["#205096", "#b38206", "#000000", "#94001e", "#9d6fa0", "#e55b00", "#5e85c9", "#adab9e", "#6ac291", "#006457"],
     * Collection of default colors used for area fills, histogram fills and pie fills in a series when not specified by user.
     * @property _defaultSliceColors
     * @type Array
     * @protected
    _defaultSliceColors: ["#66007f", "#a86f41", "#295454", "#996ab2", "#e8cdb7", "#90bdbd","#000000","#c3b8ca", "#968373", "#678585"],

     * Parses a color based on a series order and type.
     * @method _getDefaultColor
     * @param {Number} index Index indicating the series order.
     * @param {String} type Indicates which type of object needs the color.
     * @return String
     * @protected
    _getDefaultColor: function(index, type)
        var colors = {
                line: this._defaultLineColors,
                fill: this._defaultFillColors,
                border: this._defaultBorderColors,
                slice: this._defaultSliceColors
            col = colors[type],
            l = col.length;
        index = index || 0;
        if(index >= l)
            index = index % l;
        type = type || "fill";
        return colors[type][index];
     * Shows/hides contents of the series.
     * @method _handleVisibleChange
     * @param {Object} e Event object.
     * @protected
    _handleVisibleChange: function(e) 

     * Returns the sum of all values for the series.
     * @method getTotalValues
     * @return Number
    getTotalValues: function()
        var total = this.get("valueAxis").getTotalByKey(this.get("valueKey"));
        return total;

     * Destructor implementation for the CartesianSeries class. Calls destroy on all Graphic instances.
     * @method destructor
     * @protected
    destructor: function()
            this._lineGraphic = null;
}, {
    ATTRS: {
         * Name used for for displaying data related to the x-coordinate.
         * @attribute xDisplayName
         * @type String
        xDisplayName: {
            getter: function()
                return this._xDisplayName || this.get("xKey");

            setter: function(val)
                this._xDisplayName = val.toString();
                return val;

         * Name used for for displaying data related to the y-coordinate.
         * @attribute yDisplayName
         * @type String
        yDisplayName: {
            getter: function()
                return this._yDisplayName || this.get("yKey");

            setter: function(val)
                this._yDisplayName = val.toString();
                return val;
         * Name used for for displaying category data
         * @attribute categoryDisplayName
         * @type String
         * @readOnly
        categoryDisplayName: {
            readOnly: true,

            getter: function()
                return this.get("direction") == "vertical" ? this.get("yDisplayName") : this.get("xDisplayName");

         * Name used for for displaying value data
         * @attribute valueDisplayName
         * @type String
         * @readOnly
        valueDisplayName: {
            readOnly: true,

            getter: function()
                return this.get("direction") == "vertical" ? this.get("xDisplayName") : this.get("yDisplayName");
         * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series.
         * @attribute type
         * @type String
         * @default cartesian
        type: {		
            value: "cartesian"

         * Order of this instance of this `type`.
         * @attribute order
         * @type Number
        order: {},

         * Order of the instance
         * @attribute graphOrder
         * @type Number
        graphOrder: {},

         * x coordinates for the series.
         * @attribute xcoords
         * @type Array
        xcoords: {},
         * y coordinates for the series
         * @attribute ycoords
         * @type Array
        ycoords: {},

         * Reference to the `Chart` application.
         * @attribute chart
         * @type ChartBase
         * @readOnly
        chart: {
            readOnly: true,

            getter: function()
                return this.get("graph").get("chart");
         * Reference to the `Graph` in which the series is drawn into.
         * @attribute graph
         * @type Graph
        graph: {},

         * Reference to the `Axis` instance used for assigning 
         * x-values to the graph.
         * @attribute xAxis
         * @type Axis
        xAxis: {},
         * Reference to the `Axis` instance used for assigning 
         * y-values to the graph.
         * @attribute yAxis
         * @type Axis
        yAxis: {},
         * Indicates which array to from the hash of value arrays in 
         * the x-axis `Axis` instance.
         * @attribute xKey
         * @type String
        xKey: {
            setter: function(val)
                return val.toString();

         * Indicates which array to from the hash of value arrays in 
         * the y-axis `Axis` instance.
         * @attribute yKey
         * @type String
        yKey: {
            setter: function(val)
                return val.toString();

         * Array of x values for the series.
         * @attribute xData
         * @type Array
        xData: {},

         * Array of y values for the series.
         * @attribute yData
         * @type Array
        yData: {},
         * Indicates whether the Series has been through its initial set up.
         * @attribute rendered
         * @type Boolean
        rendered: {
            value: false

         * Returns the width of the parent graph
         * @attribute width
         * @type Number
        width: {
            readOnly: true,
            getter: function()

         * Returns the height of the parent graph
         * @attribute height
         * @type Number
        height: {
            readOnly: true,
            getter: function()

         * Indicates whether to show the series
         * @attribute visible
         * @type Boolean
         * @default true
        visible: {
            value: true

         * Collection of area maps along the xAxis. Used to determine mouseover for multiple
         * series.
         * @attribute xMarkerPlane
         * @type Array
        xMarkerPlane: {},
         * Collection of area maps along the yAxis. Used to determine mouseover for multiple
         * series.
         * @attribute yMarkerPlane
         * @type Array
        yMarkerPlane: {},

         * Distance from a data coordinate to the left/right for setting a hotspot.
         * @attribute xMarkerPlaneOffset
         * @type Number
        xMarkerPlaneOffset: {
            getter: function() {
                var marker = this.get("styles").marker;
                if(marker && marker.width && isFinite(marker.width))
                    return marker.width * 0.5;
                return this._defaultPlaneOffset;

         * Distance from a data coordinate to the top/bottom for setting a hotspot.
         * @attribute yMarkerPlaneOffset
         * @type Number
        yMarkerPlaneOffset: {
            getter: function() {
                var marker = this.get("styles").marker;
                if(marker && marker.height && isFinite(marker.height))
                    return marker.height * 0.5;
                return this._defaultPlaneOffset;

         * Direction of the series
         * @attribute direction
         * @type String
        direction: {
            value: "horizontal"

         * Indicates whether or not markers for a series will be grouped and rendered in a single complex shape instance.
         * @attribute groupMarkers
         * @type Boolean
        groupMarkers: {
            getter: function()
                if(this._groupMarkers === undefined)
                    return this.get("graph").get("groupMarkers");
                    return this._groupMarkers;

            setter: function(val)
                this._groupMarkers = val;
                return val;