API Docs for: 3.5.1

File: charts/js/TimeAxis.js

 * TimeAxis manages time data on an axis.
 * @module charts
 * @class TimeAxis
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters for the Chart.
 * @extends AxisType
function TimeAxis(config)
	TimeAxis.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

TimeAxis.NAME = "timeAxis";

TimeAxis.ATTRS = 
     * Indicates whether the maximum is calculated or explicitly set. 
     * @attribute setMax
     * @readOnly
     * @type Boolean
     * @private
    setMax: {
        readOnly: true,

        getter: function()
            var max = this._getNumber(this._setMaximum);
            return (Y_Lang.isNumber(max));

     * Indicates whether the minimum is calculated or explicitly set. 
     * @attribute setMin
     * @readOnly
     * @type Boolean
     * @private
    setMin: {
        readOnly: true,

        getter: function()
            var min = this._getNumber(this._setMinimum);
            return (Y_Lang.isNumber(min));

     * The maximum value that will appear on an axis. Unless explicitly set, this value is calculated by the `Axis`.
     * @attribute maximum
     * @type Number
    maximum: {
        getter: function ()
            var max = this._getNumber(this._setMaximum);
                max = this._getNumber(this.get("dataMaximum"));
            return parseFloat(max);
        setter: function (value)
            this._setMaximum = this._getNumber(value);
            return value;

     * The minimum value that will appear on an axis. Unless explicitly set, this value is calculated by the `Axis`.
     * @attribute minimum
     * @type Number
    minimum: {
        getter: function ()
            var min = this._getNumber(this._setMinimum);
                min = this._getNumber(this.get("dataMinimum"));
            return parseFloat(min);
        setter: function (value)
            this._setMinimum = this._getNumber(value);
            return value;

     * Method used for formatting a label. This attribute allows for the default label formatting method to overridden. The method use would need
     * to implement the arguments below and return a `String` or an `HTMLElement`. The default implementation of the method returns a `String`. The output of this method
     * will be rendered to the DOM using `appendChild`. If you override the `labelFunction` method and return an html string, you will also need to override the Axis' 
     * `appendLabelFunction` to accept html as a `String`.
     * <dl>
     *      <dt>val</dt><dd>Label to be formatted. (`String`)</dd>
     *      <dt>format</dt><dd>STRFTime string used to format the label. (optional)</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @attribute labelFunction
     * @type Function
    labelFunction: {
        value: function(val, format)
            val = Y.DataType.Date.parse(val);
                return Y.DataType.Date.format(val, {format:format});
            return val;

     * Pattern used by the `labelFunction` to format a label.
     * @attribute labelFormat
     * @type String
    labelFormat: {
        value: "%b %d, %y"

Y.extend(TimeAxis, Y.AxisType, {
     * Formats a label based on the axis type and optionally specified format.
     * @method formatLabel
     * @param {Object} value
     * @param {Object} format Pattern used to format the value.
     * @return String
    formatLabel: function(val, format)
        val = Y.DataType.Date.parse(val);
            return Y.DataType.Date.format(val, {format:format});
        return val;

     * Constant used to generate unique id.
     * @property GUID
     * @type String
     * @private
    GUID: "yuitimeaxis",
     * Type of data used in `Axis`.
     * @property _dataType
     * @readOnly
     * @private
    _dataType: "time",
     * Calculates and returns a value based on the number of labels and the index of
     * the current label.
     * @method getLabelByIndex
     * @param {Number} i Index of the label.
     * @param {Number} l Total number of labels.
     * @return String
    getLabelByIndex: function(i, l)
        var min = this.get("minimum"),
            max = this.get("maximum"),
            position = this.get("position"),
            l -= 1;
        increm = ((max - min)/l) * i;
        if(position == "bottom" || position == "top")
            label = min + increm;
            label = max - increm;
        return label;

     * Gets an array of values based on a key.
     * @method _getKeyArray
     * @param {String} key Value key associated with the data array.
     * @param {Array} data Array in which the data resides.
     * @return Array
     * @private
    _getKeyArray: function(key, data)
        var obj,
            keyArray = [],
            i = 0,
            len = data.length;
        for(; i < len; ++i)
            obj = data[i][key];
                val = obj.valueOf();
                val = new Date(obj);
                    val = val.valueOf();
                else if(!Y_Lang.isNumber(obj))
                        val = parseFloat(obj);
                        if(typeof obj != "string")
                            obj = obj;
                        val = new Date(obj).valueOf();
                    val = obj;
            keyArray[i] = val;
        return keyArray;

     * Sets data by key
     * @method _setDataByKey
     * @param {String} key Key value to use.
     * @param {Array} data Array to use.
     * @private 
    _setDataByKey: function(key, data)
        var obj, 
            arr = [], 
            dv = this._dataClone.concat(), 
            len = dv.length;
        for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
            obj = dv[i][key];
                val = obj.valueOf();
                val = new Date(obj);
                    val = val.valueOf();
                else if(!Y_Lang.isNumber(obj))
                        val = parseFloat(obj);
                        if(typeof obj != "string")
                            obj = obj.toString();
                        val = new Date(obj).valueOf();
                    val = obj;
            arr[i] = val;
        this.get("keys")[key] = arr;
        this._updateTotalDataFlag = true;

     * Parses value into a number.
     * @method _getNumber
     * @param val {Object} Value to parse into a number
     * @return Number
     * @private
    _getNumber: function(val)
            val = val.valueOf();
        else if(!Y_Lang.isNumber(val) && val)
            val = new Date(val).valueOf();

        return val;

Y.TimeAxis = TimeAxis;