API Docs for: 3.5.1

File: datatable-deprecated/js/datatable-base.js

// API Doc comments disabled to avoid deprecated class leakage into
// non-deprecated class API docs.  See the 3.4.1 datatable API doc files in the
// download at http://yui.zenfs.com/releases/yui3/yui_3.4.1.zip for reference.
The DataTable widget provides a progressively enhanced DHTML control for
displaying tabular data across A-grade browsers.

DEPRECATED. As of YUI 3.5.0, DataTable has been rebuilt.  This module
corresponds to the 3.4.1 version of DataTable and will be removed from the
library in a future version.

See http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/migration.html for help upgrading to the
latest version.

For complete API docs for the classes in this and other deprecated
DataTable-related modules, refer to the static API doc files in the 3.4.1
download at http://yui.zenfs.com/releases/yui3/yui_3.4.1.zip

@module datatable-deprecated
@main datatable-deprecated

Provides the base DataTable implementation, which can be extended to add
additional functionality, such as sorting or scrolling.

DEPRECATED. As of YUI 3.5.0, DataTable has been rebuilt.  This module
corresponds to the 3.4.1 version of DataTable and will be removed from the
library in a future version.

See http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/migration.html for help upgrading to the
latest version.

For complete API docs for the classes in this and other deprecated
DataTable-related modules, refer to the static API doc files in the 3.4.1
download at http://yui.zenfs.com/releases/yui3/yui_3.4.1.zip

@module datatable-deprecated
@submodule datatable-base-deprecated

 * Base class for the DataTable widget.
 * @class DataTable.Base
 * @extends Widget
 * @constructor
function DTBase(config) {
    DTBase.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Y.mix(DTBase, {

     * Class name.
     * @property NAME
     * @type String
     * @static
     * @final
     * @value "dataTable"
    NAME:  "dataTable",

    ATTRS: {
        * @attribute columnset
        * @description Pointer to Columnset instance.
        * @type Array | Y.Columnset
        columnset: {
            setter: "_setColumnset"

        * @attribute recordset
        * @description Pointer to Recordset instance.
        * @type Array | Y.Recordset
        recordset: {
            valueFn: '_initRecordset',
            setter: "_setRecordset"

        * @attribute state
        * @description Internal state.
        * @readonly
        * @type
        /*state: {
            value: new Y.State(),
            readOnly: true


        * @attribute summary
        * @description Summary.
        * @type String
        summary: {

        * @attribute caption
        * @description Caption
        * @type String
        caption: {

        * @attribute thValueTemplate
        * @description Tokenized markup template for TH value.
        * @type String
        * @default '{value}'
        thValueTemplate: {
            value: TEMPLATE_VALUE

        * @attribute tdValueTemplate
        * @description Tokenized markup template for TD value.
        * @type String
        * @default '{value}'
        tdValueTemplate: {
            value: TEMPLATE_VALUE

        * @attribute trTemplate
        * @description Tokenized markup template for TR node creation.
        * @type String
        * @default '<tr id="{id}"></tr>'
        trTemplate: {
            value: TEMPLATE_TR

        /*caption: function (srcNode) {

Y.extend(DTBase, Y.Widget, {
    * @property thTemplate
    * @description Tokenized markup template for TH node creation.
    * @type String
    * @default '<th id="{id}" rowspan="{rowspan}" colspan="{colspan}" class="{classnames}" abbr="{abbr}"><div class="'+CLASS_LINER+'">{value}</div></th>'
    thTemplate: TEMPLATE_TH,

    * @property tdTemplate
    * @description Tokenized markup template for TD node creation.
    * @type String
    * @default '<td headers="{headers}" class="{classnames}"><div class="yui3-datatable-liner">{value}</div></td>'
    tdTemplate: TEMPLATE_TD,
    * @property _theadNode
    * @description Pointer to THEAD node.
    * @type {Node}
    * @private
    _theadNode: null,
    * @property _tbodyNode
    * @description Pointer to TBODY node.
    * @type {Node}
    * @private
    _tbodyNode: null,
    * @property _msgNode
    * @description Pointer to message display node.
    * @type {Node}
    * @private
    _msgNode: null,

    * @method _setColumnset
    * @description Converts Array to Y.Columnset.
    * @param columns {Array | Y.Columnset}
    * @return {Columnset}
    * @private
    _setColumnset: function(columns) {
        return YLang.isArray(columns) ? new Y.Columnset({definitions:columns}) : columns;

     * Updates the UI if Columnset is changed.
     * @method _afterColumnsetChange
     * @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change.
     * @protected
    _afterColumnsetChange: function (e) {

    * @method _setRecordset
    * @description Converts Array to Y.Recordset.
    * @param records {Array | Recordset}
    * @return {Recordset}
    * @private
    _setRecordset: function(rs) {
        if(YLang.isArray(rs)) {
            rs = new Y.Recordset({records:rs});

        return rs;
    * Updates the UI if Recordset is changed.
    * @method _afterRecordsetChange
    * @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change.
    * @protected
    _afterRecordsetChange: function (e) {

    * Updates the UI if Recordset records are changed.
    * @method _afterRecordsChange
    * @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change.
    * @protected
    _afterRecordsChange: function (e) {

     * Updates the UI if summary is changed.
     * @method _afterSummaryChange
     * @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change.
     * @protected
    _afterSummaryChange: function (e) {

     * Updates the UI if caption is changed.
     * @method _afterCaptionChange
     * @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change.
     * @protected
    _afterCaptionChange: function (e) {

    // METHODS

    * Destructor.
    * @method destructor
    * @private
    destructor: function() {
    // RENDER

    * Renders UI.
    * @method renderUI
    * @private
    renderUI: function() {
        // TABLE

        // COLGROUP

        // THEAD

        // Primary TBODY

        // Message TBODY

        // CAPTION

    * Creates and attaches TABLE element to given container.
    * @method _addTableNode
    * @param containerNode {Node} Parent node.
    * @protected
    * @return {Node}
    _addTableNode: function(containerNode) {
        if (!this._tableNode) {
            this._tableNode = containerNode.appendChild(Ycreate(TEMPLATE_TABLE));
        return this._tableNode;

    * Creates and attaches COLGROUP element to given TABLE.
    * @method _addColgroupNode
    * @param tableNode {Node} Parent node.
    * @protected
    * @return {Node}
    _addColgroupNode: function(tableNode) {
        // Add COLs to DOCUMENT FRAGMENT
        var len = this.get("columnset").keys.length,
            i = 0,
            allCols = ["<colgroup>"];

        for(; i<len; ++i) {


        // Create COLGROUP
        this._colgroupNode = tableNode.insertBefore(Ycreate(allCols.join("")), tableNode.get("firstChild"));

        return this._colgroupNode;

    * Creates and attaches THEAD element to given container.
    * @method _addTheadNode
    * @param tableNode {Node} Parent node.
    * @protected
    * @return {Node}
    _addTheadNode: function(tableNode) {
        if(tableNode) {
            this._theadNode = tableNode.insertBefore(Ycreate(TEMPLATE_THEAD), this._colgroupNode.next());
            return this._theadNode;

    * Creates and attaches TBODY element to given container.
    * @method _addTbodyNode
    * @param tableNode {Node} Parent node.
    * @protected
    * @return {Node}
    _addTbodyNode: function(tableNode) {
        this._tbodyNode = tableNode.appendChild(Ycreate(TEMPLATE_TBODY));
        return this._tbodyNode;

    * Creates and attaches message display element to given container.
    * @method _addMessageNode
    * @param tableNode {Node} Parent node.
    * @protected
    * @return {Node}
    _addMessageNode: function(tableNode) {
        this._msgNode = tableNode.insertBefore(Ycreate(TEMPLATE_MSG), this._tbodyNode);
        return this._msgNode;

    * Creates and attaches CAPTION element to given container.
    * @method _addCaptionNode
    * @param tableNode {Node} Parent node.
    * @protected
    * @return {Node}
    _addCaptionNode: function(tableNode) {
        this._captionNode = Y.Node.create('<caption></caption>');

    // BIND

    * Binds events.
    * @method bindUI
    * @private
    bindUI: function() {
            columnsetChange: this._afterColumnsetChange,
            summaryChange  : this._afterSummaryChange,
            captionChange  : this._afterCaptionChange,
            recordsetChange: this._afterRecordsChange,
            "recordset:tableChange": this._afterRecordsChange
    delegate: function(type) {
        //TODO: is this necessary?
        if(type==="dblclick") {
            this.get("boundingBox").delegate.apply(this.get("boundingBox"), arguments);
        else {
            this.get("contentBox").delegate.apply(this.get("contentBox"), arguments);

    // SYNC

    * Syncs UI to intial state.
    * @method syncUI
    * @private
    syncUI: function() {
        // THEAD ROWS
        // DATA ROWS
        // SUMMARY
        // CAPTION

     * Updates summary.
     * @method _uiSetSummary
     * @param val {String} New summary.
     * @protected
    _uiSetSummary: function(val) {
        val = YisValue(val) ? val : "";
        this._tableNode.set("summary", val);

     * Updates caption.
     * @method _uiSetCaption
     * @param val {String} New caption.
     * @protected
    _uiSetCaption: function(val) {
        var caption = this._captionNode,
            inDoc   = caption.inDoc(),
            method  = val ? (!inDoc && 'prepend') : (inDoc && 'removeChild');

        caption.setContent(val || '');

        if (method) {
            // prepend of remove necessary

     * Updates THEAD.
     * @method _uiSetColumnset
     * @param cs {Columnset} New Columnset.
     * @protected
    _uiSetColumnset: function(cs) {
        var tree = cs.tree,
            thead = this._theadNode,
            i = 0,
            len = tree.length,
            parent = thead.get("parentNode"),
            nextSibling = thead.next();
        // Move THEAD off DOM

        // Iterate tree of columns to add THEAD rows
        for(; i<len; ++i) {
                thead:   thead,
                columns: tree[i],
                id     : '' // to avoid {id} leftovers from the trTemplate
            }, (i === 0), (i === len - 1));

        // Column helpers needs _theadNode to exist

        // Re-attach THEAD to DOM
        parent.insert(thead, nextSibling);

    * Creates and attaches header row element.
    * @method _addTheadTrNode
    * @param o {Object} {thead, columns}.
    * @param isFirst {Boolean} Is first row.
    * @param isFirst {Boolean} Is last row.
    * @protected
     _addTheadTrNode: function(o, isFirst, isLast) {
        o.tr = this._createTheadTrNode(o, isFirst, isLast);

    * Creates header row element.
    * @method _createTheadTrNode
    * @param o {Object} {thead, columns}.
    * @param isFirst {Boolean} Is first row.
    * @param isLast {Boolean} Is last row.
    * @protected
    * @return {Node}
    _createTheadTrNode: function(o, isFirst, isLast) {
        //TODO: custom classnames
        var tr = Ycreate(fromTemplate(this.get("trTemplate"), o)),
            i = 0,
            columns = o.columns,
            len = columns.length,

         // Set FIRST/LAST class
        if(isFirst) {
        if(isLast) {

        for(; i<len; ++i) {
            column = columns[i];
            this._addTheadThNode({value:column.get("label"), column: column, tr:tr});

        return tr;

    * Attaches header row element.
    * @method _attachTheadTrNode
    * @param o {Object} {thead, columns, tr}.
    * @protected
    _attachTheadTrNode: function(o) {

    * Creates and attaches header cell element.
    * @method _addTheadThNode
    * @param o {Object} {value, column, tr}.
    * @protected
    _addTheadThNode: function(o) {
        o.th = this._createTheadThNode(o);
        //TODO: assign all node pointers: thNode, thLinerNode, thLabelNode
        o.column.thNode = o.th;

    * Creates header cell element.
    * @method _createTheadThNode
    * @param o {Object} {value, column, tr}.
    * @protected
    * @return {Node}
    _createTheadThNode: function(o) {
        var column = o.column;
        // Populate template object
        o.id = column.get("id");//TODO: validate 1 column ID per document
        o.colspan = column.colSpan;
        o.rowspan = column.rowSpan;
        o.abbr = column.get("abbr");
        o.classnames = column.get("classnames");
        o.value = fromTemplate(this.get("thValueTemplate"), o);

        // Clear minWidth on hidden Columns
        if(column.get("hidden")) {
        return Ycreate(fromTemplate(this.thTemplate, o));

    * Attaches header cell element.
    * @method _attachTheadThNode
    * @param o {Object} {value, column, tr}.
    * @protected
    _attachTheadThNode: function(o) {

     * Updates TBODY.
     * @method _uiSetRecordset
     * @param rs {Recordset} New Recordset.
     * @protected
    _uiSetRecordset: function(rs) {
        var self = this,
            oldTbody = this._tbodyNode,
            parent = oldTbody.get("parentNode"),
            nextSibling = oldTbody.next(),
            columns = this.get('columnset').keys,
            cellValueTemplate = this.get('tdValueTemplate'),
            o = {},
            newTbody, i, len, column, formatter;

        // Replace TBODY with a new one
        //TODO: split _addTbodyNode into create/attach
        oldTbody = null;
        newTbody = this._addTbodyNode(this._tableNode);
        this._tbodyNode = newTbody;
        o.tbody = newTbody;

        o.rowTemplate = this.get('trTemplate');
        o.columns = [];

        // Build up column data to avoid passing through Attribute APIs inside
        // render loops for rows and cells
        for (i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            column = columns[i];
            o.columns[i] = {
                column        : column,
                fields        : column.get('field'),
                classnames    : column.get('classnames'),
                emptyCellValue: column.get('emptyCellValue')

            formatter = column.get('formatter');

            if (YLang.isFunction(formatter)) {
                // function formatters need to run before checking if the value
                // needs defaulting from column.emptyCellValue
                formatter = Y.bind(this._functionFormatter, this, formatter);
            } else {
                if (!YLang.isString(formatter)) {
                    formatter = cellValueTemplate;

                // string formatters need the value defaulted before processing
                formatter = Y.bind(this._templateFormatter, this, formatter);

            o.columns[i].formatter = formatter;

        // Iterate Recordset to use existing TR when possible or add new TR
        // TODO i = this.get("state.offsetIndex")
        // TODO len =this.get("state.pageLength")
        for (i = 0, len = rs.size(); i < len; ++i) {
            o.record = rs.item(i);
            o.data   = o.record.get("data");
            o.rowindex = i;
            this._addTbodyTrNode(o); //TODO: sometimes rowindex != recordindex
        // TBODY to DOM
        parent.insert(this._tbodyNode, nextSibling);

    _functionFormatter: function (formatter, o) {
        var value = formatter.call(this, o);

        return (value !== undefined) ? value : o.emptyCellValue;

    _templateFormatter: function (template, o) {
        if (o.value === undefined) {
            o.value = o.emptyCellValue;

        return fromTemplate(template, o);

    * Creates and attaches data row element.
    * @method _addTbodyTrNode
    * @param o {Object} {tbody, record}
    * @protected
    _addTbodyTrNode: function(o) {
        var row = o.tbody.one("#" + o.record.get("id"));

        o.tr = row || this._createTbodyTrNode(o);


    * Creates data row element.
    * @method _createTbodyTrNode
    * @param o {Object} {tbody, record}
    * @protected
    * @return {Node}
    _createTbodyTrNode: function(o) {
        var columns = o.columns,
            i, len, columnInfo;

        o.tr = Ycreate(fromTemplate(o.rowTemplate, { id: o.record.get('id') }));
        for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; ++i) {
            columnInfo      = columns[i];
            o.column        = columnInfo.column;
            o.field         = columnInfo.fields;
            o.classnames    = columnInfo.classnames;
            o.formatter     = columnInfo.formatter;
            o.emptyCellValue= columnInfo.emptyCellValue;

        return o.tr;

    * Attaches data row element.
    * @method _attachTbodyTrNode
    * @param o {Object} {tbody, record, tr}.
    * @protected
    _attachTbodyTrNode: function(o) {
        var tbody = o.tbody,
            tr = o.tr,
            index = o.rowindex,
            nextSibling = tbody.get("children").item(index) || null,
            isOdd = (index % 2);
        if(isOdd) {
            tr.replaceClass(CLASS_EVEN, CLASS_ODD);
        } else {
            tr.replaceClass(CLASS_ODD, CLASS_EVEN);
        tbody.insertBefore(tr, nextSibling);

    * Creates and attaches data cell element.
    * @method _addTbodyTdNode
    * @param o {Object} {record, column, tr}.
    * @protected
    _addTbodyTdNode: function(o) {
        o.td = this._createTbodyTdNode(o);
        delete o.td;
    Creates a TD Node from the tdTemplate property using the input object as
    template {placeholder} values.  The created Node is also assigned to the
    `td` property on the input object.

    If the input object already has a `td` property, it is returned an no new
    Node is created.

    @method createCell
    @param {Object} data Template values
    @return {Node}
    createCell: function (data) {
        return data && (data.td ||
            (data.td = Ycreate(fromTemplate(this.tdTemplate, data))));

    * Creates data cell element.
    * @method _createTbodyTdNode
    * @param o {Object} {record, column, tr}.
    * @protected
    * @return {Node}
    _createTbodyTdNode: function(o) {
        o.headers = o.column.headers;
        o.value   = this.formatDataCell(o);

        return o.td || this.createCell(o);
    * Attaches data cell element.
    * @method _attachTbodyTdNode
    * @param o {Object} {record, column, tr, headers, classnames, value}.
    * @protected
    _attachTbodyTdNode: function(o) {

     * Returns markup to insert into data cell element.
     * @method formatDataCell
     * @param @param o {Object} {record, column, tr, headers, classnames}.
    formatDataCell: function (o) {
        o.value = o.data[o.field];

        return o.formatter.call(this, o);

    _initRecordset: function () {
        return new Y.Recordset({ records: [] });

Y.namespace("DataTable").Base = DTBase;