API Docs for: 3.5.1

File: resize/js/resize-base.js

 * The Resize Utility allows you to make an HTML element resizable.
 * @module resize
 * @main resize

var Lang = Y.Lang,
	isArray = Lang.isArray,
	isBoolean = Lang.isBoolean,
	isNumber = Lang.isNumber,
	isString = Lang.isString,

	YArray  = Y.Array,
	trim = Lang.trim,
	indexOf = YArray.indexOf,

	COMMA = ',',
	DOT = '.',
	EMPTY_STR = '',
	HANDLE_SUB = '{handle}',
	SPACE = ' ',

	ACTIVE = 'active',
	ACTIVE_HANDLE = 'activeHandle',
	ACTIVE_HANDLE_NODE = 'activeHandleNode',
	ALL = 'all',
	AUTO_HIDE = 'autoHide',
	BORDER = 'border',
	BOTTOM = 'bottom',
	CLASS_NAME = 'className',
	COLOR = 'color',
	DEF_MIN_HEIGHT = 'defMinHeight',
	DEF_MIN_WIDTH = 'defMinWidth',
	HANDLE = 'handle',
	HANDLES = 'handles',
	HANDLES_WRAPPER = 'handlesWrapper',
	HIDDEN = 'hidden',
	INNER = 'inner',
	LEFT = 'left',
	MARGIN = 'margin',
	NODE = 'node',
	NODE_NAME = 'nodeName',
	NONE = 'none',
	OFFSET_HEIGHT = 'offsetHeight',
	OFFSET_WIDTH = 'offsetWidth',
	PADDING = 'padding',
	PARENT_NODE = 'parentNode',
	POSITION = 'position',
	RELATIVE = 'relative',
	RESIZE = 'resize',
	RESIZING = 'resizing',
	RIGHT = 'right',
	STATIC = 'static',
	STYLE = 'style',
	TOP = 'top',
	WIDTH = 'width',
	WRAP = 'wrap',
	WRAPPER = 'wrapper',
	WRAP_TYPES = 'wrapTypes',

	EV_MOUSE_UP = 'resize:mouseUp',
	EV_RESIZE = 'resize:resize',
	EV_RESIZE_ALIGN = 'resize:align',
	EV_RESIZE_END = 'resize:end',
	EV_RESIZE_START = 'resize:start',

	T = 't',
	TR = 'tr',
	R = 'r',
	BR = 'br',
	B = 'b',
	BL = 'bl',
	L = 'l',
	TL = 'tl',

	concat = function() {
		return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join(SPACE);

	// round the passed number to get rid of pixel-flickering
	toRoundNumber = function(num) {
		return Math.round(parseFloat(num)) || 0;

	getCompStyle = function(node, val) {
		return node.getComputedStyle(val);

	handleAttrName = function(handle) {
		return HANDLE + handle.toUpperCase();

	isNode = function(v) {
		return (v instanceof Y.Node);

	toInitialCap = Y.cached(
		function(str) {
			return str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);

	capitalize = Y.cached(function() {
		var out = [],
			args = YArray(arguments, 0, true);

		YArray.each(args, function(part, i) {
			if (i > 0) {
				part = toInitialCap(part);

		return out.join(EMPTY_STR);

	getCN = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,


A base class for Resize, providing:

   * Basic Lifecycle (initializer, renderUI, bindUI, syncUI, destructor)
   * Applies drag handles to an element to make it resizable
   * Here is the list of valid resize handles:
       `[ 't', 'tr', 'r', 'br', 'b', 'bl', 'l', 'tl' ]`. You can
       read this list as top, top-right, right, bottom-right, bottom,
       bottom-left, left, top-left.
   * The drag handles are inserted into the element and positioned
       absolute. Some elements, such as a textarea or image, don't support
       children. To overcome that, set wrap:true in your config and the
       element willbe wrapped for you automatically.

Quick Example:

    var instance = new Y.Resize({
        node: '#resize1',
        preserveRatio: true,
        wrap: true,
        maxHeight: 170,
        maxWidth: 400,
        handles: 't, tr, r, br, b, bl, l, tl'

Check the list of <a href="Resize.html#configattributes">Configuration Attributes</a> available for

@class Resize
@param config {Object} Object literal specifying widget configuration properties.
@extends Base

function Resize() {
    Resize.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Y.mix(Resize, {
	 * Static property provides a string to identify the class.
	 * @property NAME
	 * @type String
	 * @static

	 * Static property used to define the default attribute
	 * configuration for the Resize.
	 * @property ATTRS
	 * @type Object
	 * @static
		 * Stores the active handle during the resize.
		 * @attribute activeHandle
		 * @default null
		 * @private
		 * @type String
		activeHandle: {
			value: null,
			validator: function(v) {
                return Y.Lang.isString(v) || Y.Lang.isNull(v);

		 * Stores the active handle element during the resize.
		 * @attribute activeHandleNode
		 * @default null
		 * @private
		 * @type Node
		activeHandleNode: {
			value: null,
			validator: isNode

         * False to ensure that the resize handles are always visible, true to
         * display them only when the user mouses over the resizable borders.
		 * @attribute autoHide
		 * @default false
		 * @type boolean
		autoHide: {
			value: false,
			validator: isBoolean

         * The default minimum height of the element. Only used when
		 * ResizeConstrained is not plugged.
         * @attribute defMinHeight
         * @default 15
         * @type Number
		defMinHeight: {
			value: 15,
			validator: isNumber

         * The default minimum width of the element. Only used when
		 * ResizeConstrained is not plugged.
         * @attribute defMinWidth
         * @default 15
         * @type Number
		defMinWidth: {
			value: 15,
			validator: isNumber

         * The handles to use (any combination of): 't', 'b', 'r', 'l', 'bl',
         * 'br', 'tl', 'tr'. Can use a shortcut of All.
         * @attribute handles
         * @default all
         * @type Array | String
		handles: {
			setter: '_setHandles',
			value: ALL

         * Node to wrap the resize handles.
         * @attribute handlesWrapper
         * @type Node
		handlesWrapper: {
			readOnly: true,
			setter: Y.one,
			valueFn: '_valueHandlesWrapper'

         * The selector or element to resize. Required.
         * @attribute node
         * @type Node
		node: {
			setter: Y.one

         * True when the element is being Resized.
         * @attribute resizing
         * @default false
         * @type boolean
		resizing: {
			value: false,
			validator: isBoolean

		 * True to wrap an element with a div if needed (required for textareas
         * and images, defaults to false) in favor of the handles config option.
         * The wrapper element type (default div) could be over-riden passing the
         * <code>wrapper</code> attribute.
		 * @attribute wrap
		 * @default false
		 * @type boolean
		wrap: {
			setter: '_setWrap',
			value: false,
			validator: isBoolean

		 * Elements that requires a wrapper by default. Normally are elements
         * which cannot have children elements.
		 * @attribute wrapTypes
		 * @default /canvas|textarea|input|select|button|img/i
		 * @readOnly
		 * @type Regex
		wrapTypes: {
			readOnly: true,
			value: /^canvas|textarea|input|select|button|img|iframe|table|embed$/i

		 * Element to wrap the <code>wrapTypes</code>. This element will house
         * the handles elements.
		 * @attribute wrapper
		 * @default div
		 * @type String | Node
		 * @writeOnce
		wrapper: {
			readOnly: true,
			valueFn: '_valueWrapper',
			writeOnce: true

		b: function(instance, dx, dy) {
			var info = instance.info,
				originalInfo = instance.originalInfo;

			info.offsetHeight = originalInfo.offsetHeight + dy;

		l: function(instance, dx, dy) {
			var info = instance.info,
				originalInfo = instance.originalInfo;

			info.left = originalInfo.left + dx;
			info.offsetWidth = originalInfo.offsetWidth - dx;

		r: function(instance, dx, dy) {
			var info = instance.info,
				originalInfo = instance.originalInfo;

			info.offsetWidth = originalInfo.offsetWidth + dx;

		t: function(instance, dx, dy) {
			var info = instance.info,
				originalInfo = instance.originalInfo;

			info.top = originalInfo.top + dy;
			info.offsetHeight = originalInfo.offsetHeight - dy;

		tr: function(instance, dx, dy) {
			this.t.apply(this, arguments);
			this.r.apply(this, arguments);

		bl: function(instance, dx, dy) {
			this.b.apply(this, arguments);
			this.l.apply(this, arguments);

		br: function(instance, dx, dy) {
			this.b.apply(this, arguments);
			this.r.apply(this, arguments);

		tl: function(instance, dx, dy) {
			this.t.apply(this, arguments);
			this.l.apply(this, arguments);

	capitalize: capitalize

Y.Resize = Y.extend(
	     * Array containing all possible resizable handles.
	     * @property ALL_HANDLES
	     * @type {String}
		ALL_HANDLES: [ T, TR, R, BR, B, BL, L, TL ],

	     * Regex which matches with the handles that could change the height of
		 * the resizable element.
	     * @property REGEX_CHANGE_HEIGHT
	     * @type {String}
		REGEX_CHANGE_HEIGHT: /^(t|tr|b|bl|br|tl)$/i,

	     * Regex which matches with the handles that could change the left of
		 * the resizable element.
	     * @property REGEX_CHANGE_LEFT
	     * @type {String}
		REGEX_CHANGE_LEFT: /^(tl|l|bl)$/i,

	     * Regex which matches with the handles that could change the top of
		 * the resizable element.
	     * @property REGEX_CHANGE_TOP
	     * @type {String}
		REGEX_CHANGE_TOP: /^(tl|t|tr)$/i,

	     * Regex which matches with the handles that could change the width of
		 * the resizable element.
	     * @property REGEX_CHANGE_WIDTH
	     * @type {String}
		REGEX_CHANGE_WIDTH: /^(bl|br|l|r|tl|tr)$/i,

	     * Template used to create the resize wrapper for the handles.
	     * @property HANDLES_WRAP_TEMPLATE
	     * @type {String}

	     * Template used to create the resize wrapper node when needed.
	     * @property WRAP_TEMPLATE
	     * @type {String}
		WRAP_TEMPLATE: '<div class="'+CSS_RESIZE_WRAPPER+'"></div>',

	     * Template used to create each resize handle.
	     * @property HANDLE_TEMPLATE
	     * @type {String}
							'<div class="'+concat(CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_INNER, CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_INNER_PLACEHOLDER)+'">&nbsp;</div>' +

		 * Each box has a content area and optional surrounding padding and
		 * border areas. This property stores the sum of all horizontal
		 * surrounding * information needed to adjust the node height.
		 * @property totalHSurrounding
		 * @default 0
		 * @type number
		totalHSurrounding: 0,

		 * Each box has a content area and optional surrounding padding and
		 * border areas. This property stores the sum of all vertical
		 * surrounding * information needed to adjust the node height.
		 * @property totalVSurrounding
		 * @default 0
		 * @type number
		totalVSurrounding: 0,

		 * Stores the <a href="Resize.html#attr_node">node</a>
		 * surrounding information retrieved from
		 * <a href="Resize.html#method__getBoxSurroundingInfo">_getBoxSurroundingInfo</a>.
		 * @property nodeSurrounding
		 * @type Object
		 * @default null
		nodeSurrounding: null,

		 * Stores the <a href="Resize.html#attr_wrapper">wrapper</a>
		 * surrounding information retrieved from
		 * <a href="Resize.html#method__getBoxSurroundingInfo">_getBoxSurroundingInfo</a>.
		 * @property wrapperSurrounding
		 * @type Object
		 * @default null
		wrapperSurrounding: null,

		 * Whether the handle being dragged can change the height.
		 * @property changeHeightHandles
		 * @default false
		 * @type boolean
		changeHeightHandles: false,

		 * Whether the handle being dragged can change the left.
		 * @property changeLeftHandles
		 * @default false
		 * @type boolean
		changeLeftHandles: false,

		 * Whether the handle being dragged can change the top.
		 * @property changeTopHandles
		 * @default false
		 * @type boolean
		changeTopHandles: false,

		 * Whether the handle being dragged can change the width.
		 * @property changeWidthHandles
		 * @default false
		 * @type boolean
		changeWidthHandles: false,

		 * Store DD.Delegate reference for the respective Resize instance.
		 * @property delegate
		 * @default null
		 * @type Object
		delegate: null,

	     * Stores the current values for the height, width, top and left. You are
	     * able to manipulate these values on resize in order to change the resize
	     * behavior.
	     * @property info
	     * @type Object
	     * @protected
		info: null,

	     * Stores the last values for the height, width, top and left.
	     * @property lastInfo
	     * @type Object
	     * @protected
		lastInfo: null,

	     * Stores the original values for the height, width, top and left, stored
	     * on resize start.
	     * @property originalInfo
	     * @type Object
	     * @protected
		originalInfo: null,

	     * Construction logic executed during Resize instantiation. Lifecycle.
	     * @method initializer
	     * @protected
		initializer: function() {

	     * Create the DOM structure for the Resize. Lifecycle.
	     * @method renderUI
	     * @protected
		renderUI: function() {
			var instance = this;


	     * Bind the events on the Resize UI. Lifecycle.
	     * @method bindUI
	     * @protected
		bindUI: function() {
			var instance = this;


	     * Sync the Resize UI.
	     * @method syncUI
	     * @protected
		syncUI: function() {
			var instance = this;


			// hide handles if AUTO_HIDE is true

	     * Descructor lifecycle implementation for the Resize class. Purges events attached
	     * to the node (and all child nodes) and removes the Resize handles.
	     * @method destructor
	     * @protected
		destructor: function() {
			var instance = this,
				node = instance.get(NODE),
				wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER),
				pNode = wrapper.get(PARENT_NODE);

			// purgeElements on boundingBox
			Y.Event.purgeElement(wrapper, true);

			// destroy handles dd and remove them from the dom
			instance.eachHandle(function(handleEl) {

				// remove handle

			// unwrap node
			if (instance.get(WRAP)) {
				instance._copyStyles(wrapper, node);

				if (pNode) {
					pNode.insertBefore(node, wrapper);



	     * Creates DOM (or manipulates DOM for progressive enhancement)
	     * This method is invoked by initializer(). It's chained automatically for
	     * subclasses if required.
	     * @method renderer
	     * @protected
	    renderer: function() {

	     * <p>Loop through each handle which is being used and executes a callback.</p>
	     * <p>Example:</p>
	     * <pre><code>instance.eachHandle(
		 *      function(handleName, index) { ... }
		 *  );</code></pre>
	     * @method eachHandle
	     * @param {function} fn Callback function to be executed for each handle.
		eachHandle: function(fn) {
			var instance = this;

				function(handle, i) {
					var handleEl = instance.get(

					fn.apply(instance, [handleEl, handle, i]);

	     * Bind the handles DragDrop events to the Resize instance.
	     * @method _bindDD
	     * @private
		_bindDD: function() {
			var instance = this;

			instance.delegate = new Y.DD.Delegate(
					bubbleTargets: instance,
					container: instance.get(HANDLES_WRAPPER),
					dragConfig: {
						clickPixelThresh: 0,
						clickTimeThresh: 0,
						useShim: true,
						move: false
					target: false

			instance.on('drag:drag', instance._handleResizeEvent);
			instance.on('drag:dropmiss', instance._handleMouseUpEvent);
			instance.on('drag:end', instance._handleResizeEndEvent);
			instance.on('drag:start', instance._handleResizeStartEvent);

	     * Bind the events related to the handles (_onHandleMouseEnter, _onHandleMouseLeave).
	     * @method _bindHandle
	     * @private
		_bindHandle: function() {
			var instance = this,
				wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER);

			wrapper.on('mouseenter', Y.bind(instance._onWrapperMouseEnter, instance));
			wrapper.on('mouseleave', Y.bind(instance._onWrapperMouseLeave, instance));
			wrapper.delegate('mouseenter', Y.bind(instance._onHandleMouseEnter, instance), DOT+CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE);
			wrapper.delegate('mouseleave', Y.bind(instance._onHandleMouseLeave, instance), DOT+CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE);

	     * Create the custom events used on the Resize.
	     * @method _createEvents
	     * @private
		_createEvents: function() {
			var instance = this,
				// create publish function for kweight optimization
				publish = function(name, fn) {
					instance.publish(name, {
						defaultFn: fn,
						queuable: false,
						emitFacade: true,
						bubbles: true,
						prefix: RESIZE

			 * Handles the resize start event. Fired when a handle starts to be
	         * dragged.
	         * @event resize:start
	         * @preventable _defResizeStartFn
	         * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize start event.
	         * @bubbles Resize
	         * @type {Event.Custom}
			publish(EV_RESIZE_START, this._defResizeStartFn);

			 * Handles the resize event. Fired on each pixel when the handle is
	         * being dragged.
	         * @event resize:resize
	         * @preventable _defResizeFn
	         * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize event.
	         * @bubbles Resize
	         * @type {Event.Custom}
			publish(EV_RESIZE, this._defResizeFn);

			 * Handles the resize align event.
	         * @event resize:align
	         * @preventable _defResizeAlignFn
	         * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize align event.
	         * @bubbles Resize
	         * @type {Event.Custom}
			publish(EV_RESIZE_ALIGN, this._defResizeAlignFn);

			 * Handles the resize end event. Fired when a handle stop to be
	         * dragged.
	         * @event resize:end
	         * @preventable _defResizeEndFn
	         * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize end event.
	         * @bubbles Resize
	         * @type {Event.Custom}
			publish(EV_RESIZE_END, this._defResizeEndFn);

			 * Handles the resize mouseUp event. Fired when a mouseUp event happens on a
	         * handle.
	         * @event resize:mouseUp
	         * @preventable _defMouseUpFn
	         * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize mouseUp event.
	         * @bubbles Resize
	         * @type {Event.Custom}
			publish(EV_MOUSE_UP, this._defMouseUpFn);

	      * Responsible for loop each handle element and append to the wrapper.
	      * @method _renderHandles
	      * @protected
		_renderHandles: function() {
			var instance = this,
				wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER),
				handlesWrapper = instance.get(HANDLES_WRAPPER);

			instance.eachHandle(function(handleEl) {


	     * Creates the handle element based on the handle name and initialize the
	     * DragDrop on it.
	     * @method _buildHandle
	     * @param {String} handle Handle name ('t', 'tr', 'b', ...).
	     * @protected
		_buildHandle: function(handle) {
			var instance = this;

			return Y.Node.create(
				Y.substitute(instance.HANDLE_TEMPLATE, {
					handle: handle

	     * Basic resize calculations.
	     * @method _calcResize
	     * @protected
		_calcResize: function() {
			var instance = this,
				handle = instance.handle,
				info = instance.info,
				originalInfo = instance.originalInfo,

				dx = info.actXY[0] - originalInfo.actXY[0],
				dy = info.actXY[1] - originalInfo.actXY[1];

            if (handle && Y.Resize.RULES[handle]) {
			    Y.Resize.RULES[handle](instance, dx, dy);
			else {
				Y.log('Handle rule not found: ' + handle, 'warn', 'resize');

	     * Helper method to update the current size value on
	     * <a href="Resize.html#property_info">info</a> to respect the
	     * min/max values and fix the top/left calculations.
		 * @method _checkSize
		 * @param {String} offset 'offsetHeight' or 'offsetWidth'
		 * @param {number} size Size to restrict the offset
		 * @protected
		_checkSize: function(offset, size) {
			var instance = this,
				info = instance.info,
				originalInfo = instance.originalInfo,
				axis = (offset == OFFSET_HEIGHT) ? TOP : LEFT;

			// forcing the offsetHeight/offsetWidth to be the passed size
			info[offset] = size;

			// predicting, based on the original information, the last left valid in case of reach the min/max dimension
			// this calculation avoid browser event leaks when user interact very fast
			if (((axis == LEFT) && instance.changeLeftHandles) ||
				((axis == TOP) && instance.changeTopHandles)) {

				info[axis] = originalInfo[axis] + originalInfo[offset] - size;

	     * Copy relevant styles of the <a href="Resize.html#attr_node">node</a>
	     * to the <a href="Resize.html#attr_wrapper">wrapper</a>.
	     * @method _copyStyles
	     * @param {Node} node Node from.
	     * @param {Node} wrapper Node to.
	     * @protected
		_copyStyles: function(node, wrapper) {
			var position = node.getStyle(POSITION).toLowerCase(),
				surrounding = this._getBoxSurroundingInfo(node),

			// resizable wrapper should be positioned
			if (position == STATIC) {
				position = RELATIVE;

			wrapperStyle = {
				position: position,
				left: getCompStyle(node, LEFT),
				top: getCompStyle(node, TOP)

			Y.mix(wrapperStyle, surrounding.margin);
			Y.mix(wrapperStyle, surrounding.border);


			// remove margin and border from the internal node
			node.setStyles({ border: 0, margin: 0 });

				node.get(OFFSET_WIDTH) + surrounding.totalHBorder,
				node.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT) + surrounding.totalVBorder

		// extract handle name from a string
		// using Y.cached to memoize the function for performance
		_extractHandleName: Y.cached(
			function(node) {
				var className = node.get(CLASS_NAME),

					match = className.match(
						new RegExp(
							getCN(RESIZE, HANDLE, '(\\w{1,2})\\b')

				return match ? match[1] : null;

	     * <p>Generates metadata to the <a href="Resize.html#property_info">info</a>
	     * and <a href="Resize.html#property_originalInfo">originalInfo</a></p>
	     * <pre><code>bottom, actXY, left, top, offsetHeight, offsetWidth, right</code></pre>
	     * @method _getInfo
	     * @param {Node} node
	     * @param {EventFacade} event
	     * @private
		_getInfo: function(node, event) {
			var actXY = [0,0],
				drag = event.dragEvent.target,
				nodeXY = node.getXY(),
				nodeX = nodeXY[0],
				nodeY = nodeXY[1],
				offsetHeight = node.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT),
				offsetWidth = node.get(OFFSET_WIDTH);

			if (event) {
				// the xy that the node will be set to. Changing this will alter the position as it's dragged.
				actXY = (drag.actXY.length ? drag.actXY : drag.lastXY);

			return {
				actXY: actXY,
				bottom: (nodeY + offsetHeight),
				left: nodeX,
				offsetHeight: offsetHeight,
				offsetWidth: offsetWidth,
				right: (nodeX + offsetWidth),
				top: nodeY

		 * Each box has a content area and optional surrounding margin,
		 * padding and * border areas. This method get all this information from
		 * the passed node. For more reference see
		 * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/box.html#box-dimensions">
		 * http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/box.html#box-dimensions</a>.
		 * @method _getBoxSurroundingInfo
		 * @param {Node} node
		 * @private
		 * @return {Object}
		_getBoxSurroundingInfo: function(node) {
			var	info = {
				padding: {},
				margin: {},
				border: {}

			if (isNode(node)) {
				Y.each([ TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM, LEFT ], function(dir) {
					var paddingProperty = capitalize(PADDING, dir),
						marginProperty = capitalize(MARGIN, dir),
						borderWidthProperty = capitalize(BORDER, dir, WIDTH),
						borderColorProperty = capitalize(BORDER, dir, COLOR),
						borderStyleProperty = capitalize(BORDER, dir, STYLE);

					info.border[borderColorProperty] = getCompStyle(node, borderColorProperty);
					info.border[borderStyleProperty] = getCompStyle(node, borderStyleProperty);
					info.border[borderWidthProperty] = getCompStyle(node, borderWidthProperty);
					info.margin[marginProperty] = getCompStyle(node, marginProperty);
					info.padding[paddingProperty] = getCompStyle(node, paddingProperty);

			info.totalHBorder = (toRoundNumber(info.border.borderLeftWidth) + toRoundNumber(info.border.borderRightWidth));
			info.totalHPadding = (toRoundNumber(info.padding.paddingLeft) + toRoundNumber(info.padding.paddingRight));
			info.totalVBorder = (toRoundNumber(info.border.borderBottomWidth) + toRoundNumber(info.border.borderTopWidth));
			info.totalVPadding = (toRoundNumber(info.padding.paddingBottom) + toRoundNumber(info.padding.paddingTop));

			return info;

	     * Sync the Resize UI with internal values from
	     * <a href="Resize.html#property_info">info</a>.
	     * @method _syncUI
	     * @protected
		_syncUI: function() {
			var instance = this,
				info = instance.info,
				wrapperSurrounding = instance.wrapperSurrounding,
				wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER),
				node = instance.get(NODE);

			wrapper.sizeTo(info.offsetWidth, info.offsetHeight);

			if (instance.changeLeftHandles || instance.changeTopHandles) {
				wrapper.setXY([info.left, info.top]);

			// if a wrap node is being used
			if (!wrapper.compareTo(node)) {
				// the original internal node borders were copied to the wrapper on _copyStyles, to compensate that subtract the borders from the internal node
					info.offsetWidth - wrapperSurrounding.totalHBorder,
					info.offsetHeight - wrapperSurrounding.totalVBorder

			// prevent webkit textarea resize
			if (Y.UA.webkit) {
				node.setStyle(RESIZE, NONE);

	     * Update <code>instance.changeHeightHandles,
		 * instance.changeLeftHandles, instance.changeTopHandles,
		 * instance.changeWidthHandles</code> information.
	     * @method _updateChangeHandleInfo
	     * @private
		_updateChangeHandleInfo: function(handle) {
			var instance = this;

			instance.changeHeightHandles = instance.REGEX_CHANGE_HEIGHT.test(handle);
			instance.changeLeftHandles = instance.REGEX_CHANGE_LEFT.test(handle);
			instance.changeTopHandles = instance.REGEX_CHANGE_TOP.test(handle);
			instance.changeWidthHandles = instance.REGEX_CHANGE_WIDTH.test(handle);

	     * Update <a href="Resize.html#property_info">info</a> values (bottom, actXY, left, top, offsetHeight, offsetWidth, right).
	     * @method _updateInfo
	     * @private
		_updateInfo: function(event) {
			var instance = this;

			instance.info = instance._getInfo(instance.get(WRAPPER), event);

	     * Update properties
	     * <a href="Resize.html#property_nodeSurrounding">nodeSurrounding</a>,
	     * <a href="Resize.html#property_nodeSurrounding">wrapperSurrounding</a>,
	     * <a href="Resize.html#property_nodeSurrounding">totalVSurrounding</a>,
	     * <a href="Resize.html#property_nodeSurrounding">totalHSurrounding</a>.
	     * @method _updateSurroundingInfo
	     * @private
		_updateSurroundingInfo: function() {
			var instance = this,
				node = instance.get(NODE),
				wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER),
				nodeSurrounding = instance._getBoxSurroundingInfo(node),
				wrapperSurrounding = instance._getBoxSurroundingInfo(wrapper);

			instance.nodeSurrounding = nodeSurrounding;
			instance.wrapperSurrounding = wrapperSurrounding;

			instance.totalVSurrounding = (nodeSurrounding.totalVPadding + wrapperSurrounding.totalVBorder);
			instance.totalHSurrounding = (nodeSurrounding.totalHPadding + wrapperSurrounding.totalHBorder);

	     * Set the active state of the handles.
	     * @method _setActiveHandlesUI
	     * @param {boolean} val True to activate the handles, false to deactivate.
	     * @protected
		_setActiveHandlesUI: function(val) {
			var instance = this,
				activeHandleNode = instance.get(ACTIVE_HANDLE_NODE);

			if (activeHandleNode) {
				if (val) {
					// remove CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_ACTIVE from all handles before addClass on the active
						function(handleEl) {

				else {

	     * Setter for the handles attribute
	     * @method _setHandles
	     * @protected
	     * @param {String} val
		_setHandles: function(val) {
			var instance = this,
				handles = [];

			// handles attr accepts both array or string
			if (isArray(val)) {
				handles = val;
			else if (isString(val)) {
				// if the handles attr passed in is an ALL string...
				if (val.toLowerCase() == ALL) {
					handles = instance.ALL_HANDLES;
				// otherwise, split the string to extract the handles
				else {
						function(node, i) {
							var handle = trim(node);

							// if its a valid handle, add it to the handles output
							if (indexOf(instance.ALL_HANDLES, handle) > -1) {

			return handles;

	     * Set the visibility of the handles.
	     * @method _setHideHandlesUI
	     * @param {boolean} val True to hide the handles, false to show.
	     * @protected
		_setHideHandlesUI: function(val) {
			var instance = this,
				wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER);

			if (!instance.get(RESIZING)) {
				if (val) {
				else {

	     * Setter for the wrap attribute
	     * @method _setWrap
	     * @protected
	     * @param {boolean} val
		_setWrap: function(val) {
			var instance = this,
				node = instance.get(NODE),
				nodeName = node.get(NODE_NAME),
				typeRegex = instance.get(WRAP_TYPES);

			// if nodeName is listed on WRAP_TYPES force use the wrapper
			if (typeRegex.test(nodeName)) {
				val = true;

			return val;

	     * Default resize:mouseUp handler
	     * @method _defMouseUpFn
	     * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
	     * @protected
		_defMouseUpFn: function(event) {
			var instance = this;

			instance.set(RESIZING, false);

	     * Default resize:resize handler
	     * @method _defResizeFn
	     * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
	     * @protected
		_defResizeFn: function(event) {
			var instance = this;


	     * Logic method for _defResizeFn. Allow AOP.
	     * @method _resize
	     * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
	     * @protected
		_resize: function(event) {
			var instance = this;


			// _syncUI of the wrapper, not using proxy

	     * Default resize:align handler
	     * @method _defResizeAlignFn
	     * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
	     * @protected
		_defResizeAlignFn: function(event) {
			var instance = this;


	     * Logic method for _defResizeAlignFn. Allow AOP.
	     * @method _resizeAlign
	     * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
	     * @protected
		_resizeAlign: function(event) {
			var instance = this,

			instance.lastInfo = instance.info;

			// update the instance.info values

			info = instance.info;

			// basic resize calculations

			// if Y.Plugin.ResizeConstrained is not plugged, check for min dimension
			if (!instance.con) {
				defMinHeight = (instance.get(DEF_MIN_HEIGHT) + instance.totalVSurrounding);
				defMinWidth = (instance.get(DEF_MIN_WIDTH) + instance.totalHSurrounding);

				if (info.offsetHeight <= defMinHeight) {
					instance._checkSize(OFFSET_HEIGHT, defMinHeight);

				if (info.offsetWidth <= defMinWidth) {
					instance._checkSize(OFFSET_WIDTH, defMinWidth);

	     * Default resize:end handler
	     * @method _defResizeEndFn
	     * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
	     * @protected
		_defResizeEndFn: function(event) {
			var instance = this;


	     * Logic method for _defResizeEndFn. Allow AOP.
	     * @method _resizeEnd
	     * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
	     * @protected
		_resizeEnd: function(event) {
			var instance = this,
				drag = event.dragEvent.target;

			// reseting actXY from drag when drag end
			drag.actXY = [];

			// syncUI when resize end


			instance.set(ACTIVE_HANDLE, null);
			instance.set(ACTIVE_HANDLE_NODE, null);

			instance.handle = null;

	     * Default resize:start handler
	     * @method _defResizeStartFn
	     * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
	     * @protected
		_defResizeStartFn: function(event) {
			var instance = this;


	     * Logic method for _defResizeStartFn. Allow AOP.
	     * @method _resizeStart
	     * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
	     * @protected
		_resizeStart: function(event) {
			var instance = this,
				wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER);

			instance.handle = instance.get(ACTIVE_HANDLE);

			instance.set(RESIZING, true);


			// create an originalInfo information for reference
			instance.originalInfo = instance._getInfo(wrapper, event);


	     * Fires the resize:mouseUp event.
	     * @method _handleMouseUpEvent
	     * @param {EventFacade} event resize:mouseUp event facade
	     * @protected
		_handleMouseUpEvent: function(event) {
			this.fire(EV_MOUSE_UP, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });

	     * Fires the resize:resize event.
	     * @method _handleResizeEvent
	     * @param {EventFacade} event resize:resize event facade
	     * @protected
		_handleResizeEvent: function(event) {
			this.fire(EV_RESIZE, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });

	     * Fires the resize:align event.
	     * @method _handleResizeAlignEvent
	     * @param {EventFacade} event resize:resize event facade
	     * @protected
		_handleResizeAlignEvent: function(event) {
			this.fire(EV_RESIZE_ALIGN, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });

	     * Fires the resize:end event.
	     * @method _handleResizeEndEvent
	     * @param {EventFacade} event resize:end event facade
	     * @protected
		_handleResizeEndEvent: function(event) {
			this.fire(EV_RESIZE_END, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });

	     * Fires the resize:start event.
	     * @method _handleResizeStartEvent
	     * @param {EventFacade} event resize:start event facade
	     * @protected
		_handleResizeStartEvent: function(event) {
            if (!this.get(ACTIVE_HANDLE)) {
                //This handles the "touch" case
			this.fire(EV_RESIZE_START, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });

		 * Mouseenter event handler for the <a href="Resize.html#attr_wrapper">wrapper</a>.
		 * @method _onWrapperMouseEnter
	     * @param {EventFacade} event
		 * @protected
		_onWrapperMouseEnter: function(event) {
			var instance = this;

			if (instance.get(AUTO_HIDE)) {

		 * Mouseleave event handler for the <a href="Resize.html#attr_wrapper">wrapper</a>.
		 * @method _onWrapperMouseLeave
	     * @param {EventFacade} event
		 * @protected
		_onWrapperMouseLeave: function(event) {
			var instance = this;

			if (instance.get(AUTO_HIDE)) {

		 * Handles setting the activeHandle from a node, used from startDrag (for touch) and mouseenter (for mouse).
		 * @method _setHandleFromNode
	     * @param {Node} node
		 * @protected
        _setHandleFromNode: function(node) {
			var instance = this,
				handle = instance._extractHandleName(node);

			if (!instance.get(RESIZING)) {
				instance.set(ACTIVE_HANDLE, handle);
				instance.set(ACTIVE_HANDLE_NODE, node);


		 * Mouseenter event handler for the handles.
		 * @method _onHandleMouseEnter
	     * @param {EventFacade} event
		 * @protected
		_onHandleMouseEnter: function(event) {

		 * Mouseout event handler for the handles.
		 * @method _onHandleMouseLeave
	     * @param {EventFacade} event
		 * @protected
		_onHandleMouseLeave: function(event) {
			var instance = this;

			if (!instance.get(RESIZING)) {

	     * Default value for the wrapper handles node attribute
	     * @method _valueHandlesWrapper
	     * @protected
	     * @readOnly
		_valueHandlesWrapper: function() {
			return Y.Node.create(this.HANDLES_WRAP_TEMPLATE);

	     * Default value for the wrapper attribute
	     * @method _valueWrapper
	     * @protected
	     * @readOnly
		_valueWrapper: function() {
			var instance = this,
				node = instance.get(NODE),
				pNode = node.get(PARENT_NODE),
				// by deafult the wrapper is always the node
				wrapper = node;

			// if the node is listed on the wrapTypes or wrap is set to true, create another wrapper
			if (instance.get(WRAP)) {
				wrapper = Y.Node.create(instance.WRAP_TEMPLATE);

				if (pNode) {
					pNode.insertBefore(wrapper, node);


				instance._copyStyles(node, wrapper);

				// remove positioning of wrapped node, the WRAPPER take care about positioning
					position: STATIC,
					left: 0,
					top: 0

			return wrapper;

Y.each(Y.Resize.prototype.ALL_HANDLES, function(handle, i) {
	// creating ATTRS with the handles elements
	Y.Resize.ATTRS[handleAttrName(handle)] = {
		setter: function() {
			return this._buildHandle(handle);
		value: null,
		writeOnce: true