Zend Framework
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Calculate query weights and build query scorers.
A Weight is constructed by a query Query->createWeight(). The sumOfSquaredWeights() method is then called on the top-level query to compute the query normalization factor Similarity->queryNorm(float). This factor is then passed to normalize(float). At this point the weighting is complete.
float $_queryNorm = ''
Normalization factor.
This value is stored only for query expanation purpose and not used in any other place
float $_value = ''
Weight value
Weight value may be initialized in sumOfSquaredWeights() or normalize() because they both are invoked either in Query::_initWeight (for top-level query) or in corresponding methods of parent query's weights
The weight for this query.
Assigns the query normalization factor to this.
The sum of squared weights of contained query clauses.