Markers (TODO / FIXME)


Type Line Description
todo 49 Should we set dojo view helper paths here?


Type Line Description
todo 233 Not Yet Implemented


Type Line Description
todo 325 Support FETCH_CLASS and FETCH_INTO.


Type Line Description
todo 190 Discover column primary key position.
todo 190 Discover integer unsigned property.


Type Line Description
todo 119 Discover integer unsigned property.


Type Line Description
todo 86 also differentiate between z/OS and i/5
todo 213 Discover integer unsigned property.


Type Line Description
todo 150 Discover integer unsigned property.


Type Line Description
todo 390 Return value should be int?


Type Line Description
todo 402 Discover integer unsigned property.
todo 555 Support FETCH_CLASS and FETCH_INTO.


Type Line Description
todo 324 Discover integer unsigned property.
todo 494 Support FETCH_CLASS and FETCH_INTO.


Type Line Description
todo 52 Implement proxy settings


Type Line Description
todo 345 Add the $uri functionality.


Type Line Description
todo 98 Add validation of each one of the parameters (legal domain, etc.)


Type Line Description
todo 123 For 2.0 this should be redone into an abstract method.


Type Line Description
todo 135 Boolean is for backwards compability with extractComplexType object var. Remove it in later versions.


Type Line Description
todo 189 Optimize with ascii keys, if performance is bad


Type Line Description
todo 30 Support auth-int
todo 30 Track nonces, nonce-count, opaque for replay protection and stale support
todo 30 Support Authentication-Info header


Type Line Description
todo 94 implement it as a class, which supports ArrayAccess and Iterator interfaces, to provide incremental parsing and pages tree updating. That will give good performance and memory (PDF size) benefits.
todo 561 atomatically attach page to the document, if it's not done yet.
todo 561 check, that page is attached to the current document
todo 561 Dump pages as a balanced tree instead of a plain set.
todo 657 Create a balanced tree instead of plain structure.
todo 1011 Give appropriate name and make method public
todo 1377 This really isn't the best location for this method. It should probably actually exist as Zend_Pdf_Element_Date or something like that.
todo 1377 Address the following E_STRICT issue: PHP Strict Standards: date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier.


Type Line Description
todo 230 improve docblock descriptions


Type Line Description
todo 325 do this more intelligently?


Type Line Description
todo 22 Implement iterator


Type Line Description
todo 110 Determine how to implement this


Type Line Description
todo 43 to be implemented
todo 46 Implement "replies" and "updated" constructs from standard


Type Line Description
todo 104 fix generalisation, how?


Type Line Description
todo 567 Investigate why _getAtomType() fails here. Is it even needed?


Type Line Description
todo 205 Is this the same as subtitle?
todo 229 Add uri support


Type Line Description
todo 72 What should this do?
todo 85 What should this return?


Type Line Description
todo 125 What should this do?
todo 278 What should this serialization look like?


Type Line Description
todo 22 implement line numbers


Type Line Description
todo 77 What should this do?
todo 89 What should this do?


Type Line Description
todo 724 add more attribs


Type Line Description
todo 272 remove check when minimum PHP version is >= 5.2.3


Type Line Description
todo 200 add handling of '[' and ']' to parser for easier handling of response text
todo 798 parse response?
todo 809 parse response


Type Line Description
todo 37 Implement proxy settings


Type Line Description
todo 64 Perform CRAM-MD5 authentication with supplied credentials


Type Line Description
todo 254 fetch part
todo 288 fetch part


Type Line Description
todo 108 Someone please make this compatible with the SendMail transport class.
todo 176 Rename this to sendMail, it's a public method...


Type Line Description
todo 69 with an internal cache we could optimize this class, or create an extra class with
todo 188 implement
todo 196 toplines
todo 212 implement
todo 331 expunge here or at close? we can handle an error here better and are more fail safe
todo 371 use search to find number directly
todo 496 we assume / as the hierarchy delim - need to get that from the folder class!
todo 580 handle class instances for $message


Type Line Description
todo 45 init maildir (+ constructor option create if not found)
todo 224 This could fail in the middle of the task, which is not optimal.
todo 328 This is also not atomar and has similar problems as removeFolder()
todo 566 handle class instances for $message
todo 1023 is there a safe way to keep the handle open for writing?
todo 1032 should get file handler from _calculateQuota


Type Line Description
todo 144 that's ugly, would be better to let the message class decide
todo 146 top/body lines
todo 152 need a way to change that
todo 179 implement
todo 187 toplines
todo 203 implement


Type Line Description
todo 111 implement
todo 134 implement
todo 143 find a way to avoid decoding the headers


Type Line Description
todo 75 getFlags($id) for fast access if headers are not needed (i.e. just setting flags)?
todo 177 that's ugly, would be better to let the message class decide
todo 199 implement
todo 233 implement


Type Line Description
todo 221 determine if this method belongs inside the profile


Type Line Description
todo 265 How to retrieve from nested arrays
todo 307 How to retrieve from nested arrays
todo 326 How to retrieve from nested arrays


Type Line Description
todo 90 Should be an interface method. Hack for 1.0 BC


Type Line Description
todo 386 Should be an interface method. Hack for 1.0 BC
todo 391 Should be an interface method. Hack for 1.0 BC


Type Line Description
todo 47 we're ignoring \r for now - is this function fast enough and is it safe to asume noone needs \r?
todo 123 we're ignoring \r for now - is this function fast enough and is it safe to asume noone needs \r?


Type Line Description
todo 823 there seems to be a bug where v1 inbox entries dont


Type Line Description
todo 257 ZF-8732: This should return a *subclass* of Zend_Gdata_Entry, but the appropriate type doesn't exist yet.


Type Line Description
todo 76 write more tests


Type Line Description
todo 709 OpenID 2.0 (7.3) XRI and Yadis discovery


Type Line Description
todo 227 For consistency in a bugfix all tracks are appended to one single array


Type Line Description
todo 235 handle current position for writing!
todo 379 Renaming isn't supported, always return false


Type Line Description
todo 50 implement special result methods


Type Line Description
todo 914 support for Zend_Uri_Http


Type Line Description
todo 68 public $firstResultPosition;


Type Line Description
todo 157 Remove cycling?; Replace with upfront do-or-die configuration


Type Line Description
todo 547 Implement
todo 557 Implement


Type Line Description
todo 122


Type Line Description
todo 555 Set inflector from view renderer at same time


Type Line Description
todo 85 @see php.ini directive "unserialize_callback_func"
todo 74 Allow integration with unserialize_callback_func


Type Line Description
todo 256 write unicode / binary


Type Line Description
todo 28 Patch for refactoring failed tests (key block sizes >80 using internal algo)
todo 28 Check if mhash() is a required alternative (will be PECL-only soon)


Type Line Description
todo 23 also implement Countable for PHP 5.1 but not yet to stay 5.0 compatible


Type Line Description
todo 23 Handle params with multiple values, e.g. --colors=red,green,blue Set value of parameter to the array of values. Allow user to specify the separator with Zend_Console_Getopt::CONFIG_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR. If this config value is null or empty string, do not split values into arrays. Default separator is comma (',').
todo 23 Handle params with multiple values specified with separate options e.g. --colors red --colors green --colors blue should give one option with an array(red, green, blue). Enable with Zend_Console_Getopt::CONFIG_CUMULATIVE_PARAMETERS. Default is that subsequent options overwrite the parameter value.
todo 23 Handle flags occurring multiple times, e.g. -v -v -v Set value of the option's parameter to the integer count of instances instead of a boolean. Enable with Zend_Console_Getopt::CONFIG_CUMULATIVE_FLAGS. Default is that the value is simply boolean true regardless of how many instances of the flag appear.
todo 23 Handle flags that implicitly print usage message, e.g. --help
todo 23 Handle freeform options, e.g. --set-variable Enable with Zend_Console_Getopt::CONFIG_FREEFORM_FLAGS All flag-like syntax is recognized, no flag generates an exception.
todo 23 Handle numeric options, e.g. -1, -2, -3, -1000 Enable with Zend_Console_Getopt::CONFIG_NUMERIC_FLAGS The rule must specify a named flag and the '#' symbol as the parameter type. e.g., 'lines=#'
todo 23 Enable user to specify header and footer content in the help message.
todo 23 Feature request to handle option interdependencies. e.g. if -b is specified, -a must be specified or else the usage is invalid.
todo 23 Feature request to implement callbacks. e.g. if -a is specified, run function 'handleOptionA'().


Type Line Description
todo 25 Section should be removed with ZF 2.0 release as obsolete
todo 39 ZSearchHTMLAnalyzer and ZSearchXMLAnalyzer implementation


Type Line Description
todo 1428 undeleteAll processing.
todo 1572 Implementation


Type Line Description
todo 276 Allow findFeeds() to follow one, but only one, code 302.


Type Line Description
todo 175 Allow passing a string to indicate the transport to load
todo 175 Allow passing in optional options for the transport to load
todo 188 Allow passing a string to indicate the transport to load
todo 188 Allow passing in optional options for the transport to load


Type Line Description
todo 203 Need to update Zend_Layout to add a resetInstance() method


Type Line Description
todo 86 Should check that there are enough bytes left in the stream we are about to read.
todo 238 This could use the unpack() w/ S,n, or v


Type Line Description
todo 37 Currently not checking if the object needs to be Type Mapped to a server object.


Type Line Description
todo 29 Implement Typed Object Class Mapping
todo 29 Class could be implemented as Factory Class with each data type it's own class
todo 189 As of Flash Player 9 there is not support for mixed typed arrays so we handle this as an object. With the introduction of vectors in Flash Player 10 this may need to be reconsidered.
todo 254 implement Typed Class mapping


Type Line Description
todo 44 PHP 5.3 can drastically change this class w/ namespace and the new call_user_func w/ namespace


Type Line Description
todo 29 readObject to handle Typed Objects
todo 29 readXMLStrimg to be implemented.
todo 29 Class could be implemented as Factory Class with each data type it's own class.
todo 273 Rather than using an array of traitsInfo create Zend_Amf_Value_TraitsInfo


Type Line Description
todo 48 Make the reflection methods cache and autoload.
todo 474 should implement and SPL observer pattern for custom AMF headers
todo 474 DescribeService support


Type Line Description
todo 24 Implement an ability to associate an outline item with a structure element (PDF 1.3 feature)


Type Line Description
todo 422 Don't forget to close all current graphics operations (like path drawing)
todo 481 Don't forget to close all current graphics operations (like path drawing)
todo 848 check for the open paths
todo 904 process special cases with $x2-$x1 == 0 or $y2-$y1 == 0
todo 1107 process special cases with $x2-$x1 == 0 or $y2-$y1 == 0


Type Line Description
todo 376 Consider changing $byteCount to a character count. They are not always equivalent (in the case of surrogates).
todo 376 Make $byteOrder optional if there is a byte-order mark (BOM) in the string being extracted.


Type Line Description
todo 27 implement lazy resource loading so resources will be really loaded at access time


Type Line Description
todo 104 Deal with to-dos in the parent method.


Type Line Description
todo 772 Need to rework the selection logic for picking a subtable. We should have an explicit list of preferences, followed by a list of those that are tolerable. Most specifically, since everything above this layer deals in Unicode, we need to be sure to only accept format 0 MacRoman tables.


Type Line Description
todo 116 Reusage of the freed object. It's not a support of new feature, but only improvement.
todo 126 Reusage of the freed object. It's not a support of new feature, but only improvement.


Type Line Description
todo 177 Reusage of the freed object. It's not a support of new feature, but only improvement.
todo 190 Reusage of the freed object. It's not a support of new feature, but only improvement.


Type Line Description
todo 24 Write code for Zend_Pdf_FontCmap_HighByteMapping class.
todo 24 Write code for Zend_Pdf_FontCmap_MixedCoverage class.
todo 24 Write code for Zend_Pdf_FontCmap_TrimmedArray class.
todo 24 Write code for Zend_Pdf_FontCmap_SegmentedCoverage class.


Type Line Description
todo 34 Implement an ability to associate an outline item with a structure element (PDF 1.3 feature)


Type Line Description
todo 315 Reusage of the freed object. It's not a support of new feature, but only improvement.
todo 331 Reusage of the freed object. It's not a support of new feature, but only improvement.


Type Line Description
todo 67 Add compression conversions to support compression strategys other than PNG_COMPRESSION_DEFAULT_STRATEGY.
todo 67 Add pre-compression filtering.
todo 67 Add interlaced image handling.
todo 67 Add support for 16-bit images. Requires PDF version bump to 1.5 at least.
todo 67 Add processing for all PNG chunks defined in the spec. gAMA etc.
todo 67 Fix tRNS chunk support for Indexed Images to a SMask.


Type Line Description
todo 52 Joing this class with Zend_Pdf_Resource_Font_Simple_Parsed_TrueType


Type Line Description
todo 23 Use Zend_Mime not file extension for type determination.