Package org.apache.poi.hslf.model

Interface Summary
ShapeOutline Date: Apr 17, 2008

Class Summary
ActiveXShape Represents an ActiveX control in a PowerPoint document.
AutoShape Represents an AutoShape.
AutoShapes Stores definition of auto-shapes.
Background Background shape
Fill Represents functionality provided by the 'Fill Effects' dialog in PowerPoint.
Freeform A "Freeform" shape.
HeadersFooters Header / Footer settings.
Hyperlink Represents a hyperlink in a PowerPoint document
Line Represents a line in a PowerPoint drawing
MasterSheet The superclass of all master sheets - Slide masters, Notes masters, etc.
MovieShape Represents a movie in a PowerPoint document.
Notes This class represents a slide's notes in a PowerPoint Document.
OLEShape A shape representing embedded OLE obejct.
Picture Represents a picture in a PowerPoint document.
Placeholder Represents a Placeholder in PowerPoint.
Polygon A simple closed polygon shape
PPFont Represents a Font used in a presenation.
PPGraphics2D Translates Graphics2D calls into PowerPoint.
Shape Represents a Shape which is the elemental object that composes a drawing.
ShapeFactory Create a Shape object depending on its type
ShapeGroup Represents a group of shapes.
ShapePainter Paint a shape into java.awt.Graphics2D
ShapeTypes Contains all known shape types in PowerPoint
Sheet This class defines the common format of "Sheets" in a powerpoint document.
SimpleShape An abstract simple (non-group) shape.
Slide This class represents a slide in a PowerPoint Document.
SlideMaster SlideMaster determines the graphics, layout, and formatting for all the slides in a given presentation.
Table Represents a table in a PowerPoint presentation
TableCell Represents a cell in a ppt table
TextBox Represents a TextFrame shape in PowerPoint.
TextPainter Paint text into java.awt.Graphics2D
TextRun This class represents a run of text in a powerpoint document.
TextShape A common superclass of all shapes that can hold text.
TitleMaster Title masters define the design template for slides with a Title Slide layout.

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