Package org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes

Interface Summary
ChunkGroup A group of chunks, that are at the same point in the file structure.

Class Summary
AttachmentChunks Collection of convenence chunks for standard parts of the MSG file attachment.
AttachmentChunks.AttachmentChunksSorter Orders by the attachment number.
ByteChunk A Chunk that holds binary data, normally unparsed.
Chunks Collection of convenience chunks for standard parts of the MSG file.
DirectoryChunk A Chunk that is just a placeholder in the MAPIMessage directory structure, which contains children.
MAPIProperty Holds the list of MAPI Attributes, and allows lookup by friendly name, ID and MAPI Property Name.
MessageSubmissionChunk A Chunk that holds the details given back by the server at submission time.
NameIdChunks Collection of convenience chunks for the NameID part of an outlook file
RecipientChunks Collection of convenience chunks for the Recip(ient) part of an outlook file.
RecipientChunks.RecipientChunksSorter Orders by the recipient number.
StringChunk A Chunk made up of a single string.
Types The types list and details are available from

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