Class StandardRecord

  extended by org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordBase
      extended by org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
          extended by org.apache.poi.hssf.record.StandardRecord
Direct Known Subclasses:
AreaFormatRecord, AreaRecord, AutoFilterInfoRecord, AxisLineFormatRecord, AxisOptionsRecord, AxisParentRecord, AxisRecord, AxisUsedRecord, BackupRecord, BarRecord, BeginRecord, BlankRecord, BOFRecord, BookBoolRecord, BottomMarginRecord, BoundSheetRecord, CalcCountRecord, CalcModeRecord, CategorySeriesAxisRecord, CatLabRecord, CellRecord, CFHeaderRecord, CFRuleRecord, ChartEndBlockRecord, ChartEndObjectRecord, ChartFormatRecord, ChartFRTInfoRecord, ChartRecord, ChartStartBlockRecord, ChartStartObjectRecord, ChartTitleFormatRecord, CodepageRecord, ColumnInfoRecord, ContinueRecord, CountryRecord, CRNCountRecord, CRNRecord, DataFormatRecord, DataItemRecord, DataLabelExtensionRecord, DateWindow1904Record, DatRecord, DBCellRecord, DConRefRecord, DefaultColWidthRecord, DefaultDataLabelTextPropertiesRecord, DefaultRowHeightRecord, DeltaRecord, DimensionsRecord, DrawingRecord, DrawingSelectionRecord, DSFRecord, DVALRecord, DVRecord, EndRecord, EOFRecord, ExtendedFormatRecord, ExtendedPivotTableViewFieldsRecord, ExternalNameRecord, ExternSheetRecord, FeatHdrRecord, FeatRecord, FilePassRecord, FileSharingRecord, FnGroupCountRecord, FontBasisRecord, FontIndexRecord, FontRecord, FormatRecord, FrameRecord, GridsetRecord, GutsRecord, HCenterRecord, HeaderFooterBase, HeaderFooterRecord, HideObjRecord, HyperlinkRecord, IndexRecord, InterfaceEndRecord, InterfaceHdrRecord, IterationRecord, LeftMarginRecord, LegendRecord, LineFormatRecord, LinkedDataRecord, MergeCellsRecord, MMSRecord, MulBlankRecord, MulRKRecord, NameCommentRecord, NoteRecord, NumberFormatIndexRecord, ObjectLinkRecord, ObjectProtectRecord, PageBreakRecord, PageItemRecord, PaletteRecord, PaneRecord, PasswordRecord, PasswordRev4Record, PlotAreaRecord, PlotGrowthRecord, PrecisionRecord, PrintGridlinesRecord, PrintHeadersRecord, PrintSetupRecord, ProtectionRev4Record, ProtectRecord, RecalcIdRecord, RefModeRecord, RefreshAllRecord, RightMarginRecord, RowRecord, SaveRecalcRecord, ScenarioProtectRecord, SCLRecord, SelectionRecord, SeriesChartGroupIndexRecord, SeriesIndexRecord, SeriesLabelsRecord, SeriesListRecord, SeriesRecord, SeriesTextRecord, SeriesToChartGroupRecord, SharedValueRecordBase, SheetPropertiesRecord, StreamIDRecord, StyleRecord, SupBookRecord, TabIdRecord, TableStylesRecord, TextRecord, TickRecord, TopMarginRecord, UncalcedRecord, UnitsRecord, UnknownRecord, UserSViewBegin, UserSViewEnd, UseSelFSRecord, ValueRangeRecord, VCenterRecord, ViewDefinitionRecord, ViewFieldsRecord, ViewSourceRecord, WindowOneRecord, WindowProtectRecord, WindowTwoRecord, WriteAccessRecord, WriteProtectRecord, WSBoolRecord

public abstract class StandardRecord
extends Record

Subclasses of this class (the majority of BIFF records) are non-continuable. This allows for some simplification of serialization logic

Josh Micich

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected abstract  int getDataSize()
 int getRecordSize()
          gives the current serialized size of the record.
 int serialize(int offset, byte[] data)
          Write the data content of this BIFF record including the sid and record length.
The subclass must write the exact number of bytes as reported by RecordBase.getRecordSize()}
protected abstract  void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out)
          Write the data content of this BIFF record.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
clone, cloneViaReserialise, getSid, serialize, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StandardRecord()
Method Detail


protected abstract int getDataSize()


public final int getRecordSize()
Description copied from class: RecordBase
gives the current serialized size of the record. Should include the sid and reclength (4 bytes).

Specified by:
getRecordSize in class RecordBase


public final int serialize(int offset,
                           byte[] data)
Write the data content of this BIFF record including the sid and record length.
The subclass must write the exact number of bytes as reported by RecordBase.getRecordSize()}

Specified by:
serialize in class RecordBase
offset - to begin writing at
data - byte array containing instance data
number of bytes written


protected abstract void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out)
Write the data content of this BIFF record. The 'ushort sid' and 'ushort size' header fields have already been written by the superclass.
The number of bytes written must equal the record size reported by RecordBase.getRecordSize()} minus four ( record header consiting of a 'ushort sid' and 'ushort reclength' has already been written by thye superclass).

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