Package org.apache.poi.hssf.record.chart

Class Summary
AreaFormatRecord The area format record is used to define the colours and patterns for an area.

AreaRecord The area record is used to define a area chart.

AxisLineFormatRecord The axis line format record defines the axis type details.

AxisOptionsRecord The axis options record provides unit information and other various tidbits about the axis.

AxisParentRecord The axis size and location

AxisRecord The axis record defines the type of an axis.

AxisUsedRecord The number of axes used on a chart.

BarRecord The bar record is used to define a bar chart.

BeginRecord The begin record defines the start of a block of records for a (grpahing data object.
CategorySeriesAxisRecord This record refers to a category or series axis and is used to specify label/tickmark frequency.

CatLabRecord CATLAB - Category Labels (0x0856)
ChartEndBlockRecord ENDBLOCK - Chart Future Record Type End Block (0x0853)
ChartEndObjectRecord ENDOBJECT - Chart Future Record Type End Object (0x0855)
ChartFormatRecord Class ChartFormatRecord (0x1014)

(As with all chart related records, documentation is lacking.

ChartFRTInfoRecord CHARTFRTINFO - Chart Future Record Type Info (0x0850)
ChartRecord CHART (0x1002)

The chart record is used to define the location and size of a chart.

Chart related records don't seem to be covered in either the OOO or the MS documentation.

ChartStartBlockRecord STARTBLOCK - Chart Future Record Type Start Block (0x0852)
ChartStartObjectRecord STARTOBJECT - Chart Future Record Type Start Object (0x0854)
ChartTitleFormatRecord CHARTTITLEFORMAT (0x1050)

Describes the formatting runs associated with a chart title.

DataFormatRecord The data format record is used to index into a series.

DataLabelExtensionRecord DATALABEXT - Chart Data Label Extension (0x086A)
DatRecord The dat record is used to store options for the chart.

DefaultDataLabelTextPropertiesRecord The default data label text properties record identifies the text characteristics of the preceding text record.

EndRecord The end record defines the end of a block of records for a (Graphing) data object.
FontBasisRecord The font basis record stores various font metrics.

FontIndexRecord The font index record indexes into the font table for the text record.

FrameRecord The frame record indicates whether there is a border around the displayed text of a chart.

LegendRecord Defines a legend for a chart.

LineFormatRecord Describes a line format record.
LinkedDataRecord Describes a linked data record.
NumberFormatIndexRecord The number format index record indexes format table.
ObjectLinkRecord Links text to an object on the chart or identifies it as the title.

PlotAreaRecord preceeds and identifies a frame as belonging to the plot area.

PlotGrowthRecord The plot growth record specifies the scaling factors used when a font is scaled.

SeriesChartGroupIndexRecord The series chart group index record stores the index to the CHARTFORMAT record (0 based).

SeriesIndexRecord links a series to its position in the series list.

SeriesLabelsRecord The series label record defines the type of label associated with the data format record.

SeriesListRecord SERIESLIST (0x1016)

The series list record defines the series displayed as an overlay to the main chart record.
(As with all chart related records, documentation is lacking.

SeriesRecord The series record describes the overall data for a series.

SeriesTextRecord SERIESTEXT (0x100D)
SeriesToChartGroupRecord Indicates the chart-group index for a series.
SheetPropertiesRecord Describes a chart sheet properties record.
TextRecord The text record is used to define text stored on a chart.

TickRecord The Tick record defines how tick marks and label positioning/formatting

UnitsRecord The units record describes units.

ValueRangeRecord The value range record defines the range of the value axis.


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