Interface PicturesManager

public interface PicturesManager

User-implemented pictures manager to store images on-disk

Sergey Vladimirov (vlsergey {at} gmail {dot} com)

Method Summary
 java.lang.String savePicture(byte[] content, PictureType pictureType, java.lang.String suggestedName, float widthInches, float heightInches)
          Stores image (probably on disk).

Method Detail


java.lang.String savePicture(byte[] content,
                             PictureType pictureType,
                             java.lang.String suggestedName,
                             float widthInches,
                             float heightInches)
Stores image (probably on disk). Please, note that different output format support different file types, so image conversion may be required. For example, HTML browsers usually supports PictureType.GIF, PictureType.JPEG, PictureType.PNG, PictureType.TIFF, but rarely PictureType.EMF or PictureType.WMF. FO (Apache FOP) supports at least PNG and SVG types.

content - picture content
pictureType - detected picture type (may be PictureType.UNKNOWN
suggestedName - suggested picture name (based on picture offset in file), supposed to be unique
widthInches - display width in inches (scaled). May be useful for rendering vector images (such as EMF or WMF)
heightInches - display height in inches (scaled). May be useful for rendering vector images (such as EMF or WMF)
path to file that can be used as reference in HTML (img's src) of XLS FO (fo:external-graphic's src) or null if image were not saved and should not be referenced from result HTML / FO.

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