Uses of Class

Packages that use StandardSQLFunction
org.hibernate.dialect.function A framework for defining database-specific SQL functions that are available via the dialect. 

Uses of StandardSQLFunction in org.hibernate.dialect.function

Subclasses of StandardSQLFunction in org.hibernate.dialect.function
 class AvgWithArgumentCastFunction
          Some databases strictly return the type of the of the aggregation value for AVG which is problematic in the case of averaging integers because the decimals will be dropped.
 class ClassicAvgFunction
          Classic AVG sqlfunction that return types as it was done in Hibernate 3.1
 class ClassicCountFunction
          Classic COUNT sqlfunction that return types as it was done in Hibernate 3.1
 class ClassicSumFunction
          Classic SUM sqlfunction that return types as it was done in Hibernate 3.1
 class ConditionalParenthesisFunction
          Essentially the same as StandardSQLFunction, except that here the parentheses are not included when no arguments are given.
static class StandardAnsiSqlAggregationFunctions.AvgFunction
          Definition of a standard ANSI SQL compliant AVG function
static class StandardAnsiSqlAggregationFunctions.CountFunction
          Definition of a standard ANSI SQL compliant COUNT function
static class StandardAnsiSqlAggregationFunctions.MaxFunction
static class StandardAnsiSqlAggregationFunctions.MinFunction
static class StandardAnsiSqlAggregationFunctions.SumFunction
 class StandardJDBCEscapeFunction
          Analogous to StandardSQLFunction except that standard JDBC escape sequences (i.e.

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