Uses of Class

Packages that use TypeNullability

Uses of TypeNullability in org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal that return TypeNullability
 TypeNullability TypeInfo.getNullability()
static TypeNullability TypeNullability.interpret(short code)
          Based on the code retrieved from DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo() for the NULLABLE column, return the appropriate enum.
static TypeNullability TypeNullability.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static TypeNullability[] TypeNullability.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Constructors in org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal with parameters of type TypeNullability
TypeInfo(String typeName, int jdbcTypeCode, String[] createParams, boolean unsigned, int precision, short minimumScale, short maximumScale, boolean fixedPrecisionScale, String literalPrefix, String literalSuffix, boolean caseSensitive, TypeSearchability searchability, TypeNullability nullability)

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