Uses of Class

Packages that use JoinType
org.hibernate This package defines the central Hibernate APIs. 
org.hibernate.criterion A framework for defining restriction criteria and order criteria. 
org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast An ANTLR-based parser for Hibernate Query Language. 
org.hibernate.internal An internal package containing mostly implementations of central Hibernate APIs. 
org.hibernate.loader This package defines functionality for processing JDBC result sets and returning complex graphs of persistent objects. 
org.hibernate.loader.collection This package defines collection initializers 
org.hibernate.loader.criteria This package defines the criteria query compiler and loader 
org.hibernate.loader.entity This package defines entity loaders 
org.hibernate.sql This package defines helper classes for rendering SQL fragments and SQL statements. 

Uses of JoinType in org.hibernate

Methods in org.hibernate with parameters of type JoinType
 Criteria Criteria.createAlias(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType)
          Join an association using the specified join-type, assigning an alias to the joined association.
 Criteria Criteria.createAlias(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType, Criterion withClause)
          Join an association using the specified join-type, assigning an alias to the joined association.
 Criteria Criteria.createCriteria(String associationPath, JoinType joinType)
          Create a new Criteria, "rooted" at the associated entity, using the specified join type.
 Criteria Criteria.createCriteria(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType)
          Create a new Criteria, "rooted" at the associated entity, assigning the given alias and using the specified join type.
 Criteria Criteria.createCriteria(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType, Criterion withClause)
          Create a new Criteria, "rooted" at the associated entity, assigning the given alias and using the specified join type.

Uses of JoinType in org.hibernate.criterion

Methods in org.hibernate.criterion with parameters of type JoinType
 DetachedCriteria DetachedCriteria.createAlias(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType)
 DetachedCriteria DetachedCriteria.createAlias(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType, Criterion withClause)
 DetachedCriteria DetachedCriteria.createCriteria(String associationPath, JoinType joinType)
 DetachedCriteria DetachedCriteria.createCriteria(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType)
 DetachedCriteria DetachedCriteria.createCriteria(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType, Criterion withClause)

Uses of JoinType in org.hibernate.engine.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.engine.internal that return JoinType
 JoinType JoinSequence.Join.getJoinType()

Methods in org.hibernate.engine.internal with parameters of type JoinType
 JoinSequence JoinSequence.addJoin(AssociationType associationType, String alias, JoinType joinType, String[] referencingKey)

Uses of JoinType in org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast

Methods in org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast that return JoinType
 JoinType HqlSqlWalker.getImpliedJoinType()

Uses of JoinType in org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree

Methods in org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree with parameters of type JoinType
 void DotNode.setJoinType(JoinType joinType)
          Sets the join type for this '.' node structure.

Uses of JoinType in org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util

Methods in org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util that return JoinType
static JoinType JoinProcessor.toHibernateJoinType(int astJoinType)
          Translates an AST join type (i.e., the token type) into a JoinFragment.XXX join type.

Methods in org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util with parameters of type JoinType
 JoinSequence SessionFactoryHelper.createJoinSequence(boolean implicit, AssociationType associationType, String tableAlias, JoinType joinType, String[] columns)
          Generate a join sequence representing the given association type.

Uses of JoinType in org.hibernate.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.internal that return JoinType
 JoinType CriteriaImpl.Subcriteria.getJoinType()

Methods in org.hibernate.internal with parameters of type JoinType
 Criteria CriteriaImpl.createAlias(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType)
 Criteria CriteriaImpl.Subcriteria.createAlias(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType)
 Criteria CriteriaImpl.createAlias(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType, Criterion withClause)
 Criteria CriteriaImpl.Subcriteria.createAlias(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType, Criterion withClause)
 Criteria CriteriaImpl.createCriteria(String associationPath, JoinType joinType)
 Criteria CriteriaImpl.Subcriteria.createCriteria(String associationPath, JoinType joinType)
 Criteria CriteriaImpl.createCriteria(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType)
 Criteria CriteriaImpl.Subcriteria.createCriteria(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType)
 Criteria CriteriaImpl.createCriteria(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType, Criterion withClause)
 Criteria CriteriaImpl.Subcriteria.createCriteria(String associationPath, String alias, JoinType joinType, Criterion withClause)

Uses of JoinType in org.hibernate.loader

Methods in org.hibernate.loader that return JoinType
 JoinType OuterJoinableAssociation.getJoinType()
protected  JoinType JoinWalker.getJoinType(AssociationType associationType, FetchMode config, PropertyPath path, String lhsTable, String[] lhsColumns, boolean nullable, int currentDepth, CascadeStyle cascadeStyle)
          Determine the appropriate associationType of join (if any) to use to fetch the given association.
protected  JoinType JoinWalker.getJoinType(boolean nullable, int currentDepth)
          Use an inner join if it is a non-null association and this is the "first" join in a series
protected  JoinType JoinWalker.getJoinType(OuterJoinLoadable persister, PropertyPath path, int propertyNumber, AssociationType associationType, FetchMode metadataFetchMode, CascadeStyle metadataCascadeStyle, String lhsTable, String[] lhsColumns, boolean nullable, int currentDepth)
          Determine the appropriate type of join (if any) to use to fetch the given association.

Methods in org.hibernate.loader with parameters of type JoinType
protected  boolean JoinWalker.isJoinable(JoinType joinType, Set visitedAssociationKeys, String lhsTable, String[] lhsColumnNames, AssociationType type, int depth)
          Should we join this association?

Constructors in org.hibernate.loader with parameters of type JoinType
OuterJoinableAssociation(PropertyPath propertyPath, AssociationType joinableType, String lhsAlias, String[] lhsColumns, String rhsAlias, JoinType joinType, String withClause, boolean hasRestriction, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, Map enabledFilters)

Uses of JoinType in org.hibernate.loader.collection

Methods in org.hibernate.loader.collection that return JoinType
protected  JoinType BasicCollectionJoinWalker.getJoinType(OuterJoinLoadable persister, PropertyPath path, int propertyNumber, AssociationType associationType, FetchMode metadataFetchMode, CascadeStyle metadataCascadeStyle, String lhsTable, String[] lhsColumns, boolean nullable, int currentDepth)

Uses of JoinType in org.hibernate.loader.criteria

Methods in org.hibernate.loader.criteria that return JoinType
protected  JoinType CriteriaJoinWalker.getJoinType(AssociationType associationType, FetchMode config, PropertyPath path, String lhsTable, String[] lhsColumns, boolean nullable, int currentDepth, CascadeStyle cascadeStyle)
protected  JoinType CriteriaJoinWalker.getJoinType(OuterJoinLoadable persister, PropertyPath path, int propertyNumber, AssociationType associationType, FetchMode metadataFetchMode, CascadeStyle metadataCascadeStyle, String lhsTable, String[] lhsColumns, boolean nullable, int currentDepth)
 JoinType CriteriaQueryTranslator.getJoinType(String path)

Uses of JoinType in org.hibernate.loader.entity

Methods in org.hibernate.loader.entity that return JoinType
protected  JoinType EntityJoinWalker.getJoinType(OuterJoinLoadable persister, PropertyPath path, int propertyNumber, AssociationType associationType, FetchMode metadataFetchMode, CascadeStyle metadataCascadeStyle, String lhsTable, String[] lhsColumns, boolean nullable, int currentDepth)

Uses of JoinType in org.hibernate.sql

Methods in org.hibernate.sql that return JoinType
static JoinType JoinType.parse(int joinType)
static JoinType JoinType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static JoinType[] JoinType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.hibernate.sql with parameters of type JoinType
 void OracleJoinFragment.addJoin(String tableName, String alias, String[] fkColumns, String[] pkColumns, JoinType joinType)
 void Sybase11JoinFragment.addJoin(String tableName, String alias, String[] fkColumns, String[] pkColumns, JoinType joinType)
 void QueryJoinFragment.addJoin(String tableName, String alias, String[] fkColumns, String[] pkColumns, JoinType joinType)
 void ANSIJoinFragment.addJoin(String tableName, String alias, String[] fkColumns, String[] pkColumns, JoinType joinType)
abstract  void JoinFragment.addJoin(String tableName, String alias, String[] fkColumns, String[] pkColumns, JoinType joinType)
 void OracleJoinFragment.addJoin(String tableName, String alias, String[] fkColumns, String[] pkColumns, JoinType joinType, String on)
 void Sybase11JoinFragment.addJoin(String tableName, String alias, String[] fkColumns, String[] pkColumns, JoinType joinType, String on)
 void QueryJoinFragment.addJoin(String tableName, String alias, String[] fkColumns, String[] pkColumns, JoinType joinType, String on)
 void ANSIJoinFragment.addJoin(String tableName, String alias, String[] fkColumns, String[] pkColumns, JoinType joinType, String on)
abstract  void JoinFragment.addJoin(String tableName, String alias, String[] fkColumns, String[] pkColumns, JoinType joinType, String on)
 void CacheJoinFragment.addJoin(String tableName, String alias, String[] fkColumns, String[] pkColumns, JoinType joinType, String on)

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