Annotation Type Schedule

public @interface Schedule

Schedule a timer for automatic creation with a timeout schedule based on a cron-like time expression. The annotated method is used as the timeout callback method.

All elements of this annotation are optional. If none are specified a persistent timer will be created with callbacks occuring every day at midnight in the default time zone associated with the container in which the application is executing.

There are seven elements that constitute a schedule specification which are listed below. In addition, the timezone element may be used to specify a non-default time zone in whose context the schedule specification is to be evaluated; the persistent element may be used to specify a non-persistent timer, and the info element may be used to specify additional information that may be retrieved when the timer callback occurs.

The elements that specify the calendar-based schedule itself are as follows:

Each element supports values expressed in one of the following forms

The following additional rules apply to the schedule specification elements:

Schedule-based timer times are evaluated in the context of the default time zone associated with the container in which the application is executing. A schedule-based timer may optionally override this default and associate itself with a specific time zone. If the schedule-based timer is associated with a specific time zone, all its times are evaluated in the context of that time zone, regardless of the default time zone in which the container is executing.

The timeout callback method to which the Schedule annotation is applied must have one of the following signatures, where <METHOD> designates the method name:

 void <METHOD>()
 void <METHOD>(Timer timer)
A timeout callback method can have public, private, protected, or package level access. A timeout callback method must not be declared as final or static. Timeout callback methods must not throw application exceptions.

EJB 3.1

Optional Element Summary
 java.lang.String dayOfMonth
          Specifies one or more days within a month.
 java.lang.String dayOfWeek
          Specifies one or more days within a week.
 java.lang.String hour
          Specifies one or more hours within a day.
 java.lang.String info
          Specifies an information string that is associated with the timer
 java.lang.String minute
          Specifies one or more minutes with an hour.
 java.lang.String month
          Specifies one or more months within a year.
 boolean persistent
          Specifies whether the timer that is created is persistent.
 java.lang.String second
          Specifies one or more seconds with in a minute.
 java.lang.String timezone
          Specifies the time zone within which the schedule is evaluated.
 java.lang.String year
          Specifies one or more years.


public abstract java.lang.String second
Specifies one or more seconds with in a minute.



public abstract java.lang.String minute
Specifies one or more minutes with an hour.



public abstract java.lang.String hour
Specifies one or more hours within a day.



public abstract java.lang.String dayOfMonth
Specifies one or more days within a month.



public abstract java.lang.String month
Specifies one or more months within a year.



public abstract java.lang.String dayOfWeek
Specifies one or more days within a week.



public abstract java.lang.String year
Specifies one or more years.



public abstract java.lang.String timezone
Specifies the time zone within which the schedule is evaluated. Time zones are specified as an ID string. The set of required time zone IDs is defined by the Zone Name(TZ) column of the public domain zoneinfo database.

If a timezone is not specified, the schedule is evaluated in the context of the default timezone associated with the contianer in which the application is executing.



public abstract java.lang.String info
Specifies an information string that is associated with the timer



public abstract boolean persistent
Specifies whether the timer that is created is persistent.


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Generated on 10-February-2011 12:41