Package org.jfree.chart.renderer.category

Plug-in renderers for the CategoryPlot class.


Interface Summary
BarPainter The interface for plugin painter for the BarRenderer class.
CategoryItemRenderer A plug-in object that is used by the CategoryPlot class to display individual data items from a CategoryDataset.

Class Summary
AbstractCategoryItemRenderer An abstract base class that you can use to implement a new CategoryItemRenderer.
AreaRenderer A category item renderer that draws area charts.
BarRenderer A CategoryItemRenderer that draws individual data items as bars.
BarRenderer3D A renderer for bars with a 3D effect, for use with the CategoryPlot class.
BoxAndWhiskerRenderer A box-and-whisker renderer.
CategoryItemRendererState An object that retains temporary state information for a CategoryItemRenderer.
CategoryStepRenderer A "step" renderer similar to XYStepRenderer but that can be used with the CategoryPlot class.
CategoryStepRenderer.State State information for the renderer.
DefaultCategoryItemRenderer A default renderer for the CategoryPlot class.
GanttRenderer A renderer for simple Gantt charts.
GradientBarPainter An implementation of the BarPainter interface that uses several gradient fills to enrich the appearance of the bars.
GroupedStackedBarRenderer A renderer that draws stacked bars within groups.
IntervalBarRenderer A renderer that handles the drawing of bars for a bar plot where each bar has a high and low value.
LayeredBarRenderer A CategoryItemRenderer that represents data using bars which are superimposed.
LevelRenderer A CategoryItemRenderer that draws individual data items as horizontal lines, spaced in the same way as bars in a bar chart.
LineAndShapeRenderer A renderer that draws shapes for each data item, and lines between data items (for use with the CategoryPlot class).
LineRenderer3D A line renderer with a 3D effect.
MinMaxCategoryRenderer Renderer for drawing min max plot.
ScatterRenderer A renderer that handles the multiple values from a MultiValueCategoryDataset by plotting a shape for each value for each given item in the dataset.
StackedAreaRenderer A renderer that draws stacked area charts for a CategoryPlot.
StackedBarRenderer A stacked bar renderer for use with the CategoryPlot class.
StackedBarRenderer3D Renders stacked bars with 3D-effect, for use with the CategoryPlot class.
StandardBarPainter An implementation of the BarPainter interface that preserves the behaviour of bar painting that existed prior to the introduction of the BarPainter interface.
StatisticalBarRenderer A renderer that handles the drawing a bar plot where each bar has a mean value and a standard deviation line.
StatisticalLineAndShapeRenderer A renderer that draws shapes for each data item, and lines between data items.
WaterfallBarRenderer A renderer that handles the drawing of waterfall bar charts, for use with the CategoryPlot class.

Package org.jfree.chart.renderer.category Description

Plug-in renderers for the CategoryPlot class.

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