Interface EnhancementsIndexingParams

All Superinterfaces:
FacetIndexingParams, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EnhancementsIndexingParams
extends FacetIndexingParams

Facet indexing parameters for defining category enhancements. It must contain at least one enhancement, otherwise nothing is "enhanced" about it. When there are more than one, the order matters - see getCategoryEnhancements().

See Also:
WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.

Method Summary
 void addCategoryEnhancements(CategoryEnhancement... enhancements)
          Add CategoryEnhancements to the indexing parameters
 List<CategoryEnhancement> getCategoryEnhancements()
          Get a list of the active category enhancements.
 List<Class<? extends CategoryProperty>> getRetainableProperties()
          Get a list of CategoryProperty classes to be retained when creating CategoryParentsStream.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.lucene.facet.index.params.FacetIndexingParams
drillDownTermText, getAllCategoryListParams, getCategoryListParams, getFacetDelimChar, getOrdinalPolicy, getPartitionSize, getPathPolicy

Method Detail


void addCategoryEnhancements(CategoryEnhancement... enhancements)
Add CategoryEnhancements to the indexing parameters

enhancements - enhancements to add


List<CategoryEnhancement> getCategoryEnhancements()
Get a list of the active category enhancements. If no enhancements exist return null. The order of enhancements in the returned list dictates the order in which the enhancements data appear in the category tokens payload.

A list of the active category enhancements, or null if there are no enhancements.


List<Class<? extends CategoryProperty>> getRetainableProperties()
Get a list of CategoryProperty classes to be retained when creating CategoryParentsStream.

the list of CategoryProperty classes to be retained when creating CategoryParentsStream, or null if there are no such properties.