Class ScoreFacetRequest

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ScoreFacetRequest
extends FacetRequest

Facet request for weighting facets according to document scores.

WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
FacetRequest.ResultMode, FacetRequest.SortBy, FacetRequest.SortOrder
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
ScoreFacetRequest(CategoryPath path, int num)
          Create a score facet request for a given node in the taxonomy.
Method Summary
 Aggregator createAggregator(boolean useComplements, FacetArrays arrays, IndexReader reader, TaxonomyReader taxonomy)
          Create an aggregator for this facet request.
 double getValueOf(FacetArrays arrays, int ordinal)
          Return the value of a category used for facets computations for this request.
 boolean requireDocumentScore()
          Indicates whether the results of this request depends on each result document's score
 boolean supportsComplements()
          Indicates whether this facet request is eligible for applying the complements optimization.
Methods inherited from class
clone, createCategoryListIterator, createFacetResultsHandler, equals, getCategoryPath, getDepth, getNumLabel, getNumResults, getResultMode, getSortBy, getSortOrder, hashCode, setDepth, setNumLabel, setResultMode, setSortBy, setSortOrder, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ScoreFacetRequest(CategoryPath path,
                         int num)
Create a score facet request for a given node in the taxonomy.

Method Detail


public Aggregator createAggregator(boolean useComplements,
                                   FacetArrays arrays,
                                   IndexReader reader,
                                   TaxonomyReader taxonomy)
Description copied from class: FacetRequest
Create an aggregator for this facet request. Aggregator action depends on request definition. For a count request, it will usually increment the count for that facet.

Specified by:
createAggregator in class FacetRequest
useComplements - whether the complements optimization is being used for current computation.
arrays - provider for facet arrays in use for current computation.
reader - index reader in effect.
taxonomy - reader of taxonomy in effect.


public double getValueOf(FacetArrays arrays,
                         int ordinal)
Description copied from class: FacetRequest
Return the value of a category used for facets computations for this request. For a count request this would be the count for that facet, i.e. an integer number. but for other requests this can be the result of a more complex operation, and the result can be any double precision number. Having this method with a general name value which is double precision allows to have more compact API and code for handling counts and perhaps other requests (such as for associations) very similarly, and by the same code and API, avoiding code duplication.

Specified by:
getValueOf in class FacetRequest
arrays - provider for facet arrays in use for current computation.
ordinal - an index into the count arrays now in effect in arrays. E.g., for ordinal number n, with partition, of size partitionSize, now covering n, getValueOf would be invoked with idx being n % partitionSize.


public boolean supportsComplements()
Description copied from class: FacetRequest
Indicates whether this facet request is eligible for applying the complements optimization.

supportsComplements in class FacetRequest


public boolean requireDocumentScore()
Description copied from class: FacetRequest
Indicates whether the results of this request depends on each result document's score

Specified by:
requireDocumentScore in class FacetRequest