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[edit] Modules de tiers

Ces modules ne sont pas officiellement support茅s. N茅anmoins beaucoup d'entre eux se sont montr茅s utiles pour beaucoup de gens. Appr茅ciez 脿 vos risques et p茅rils.

[edit] Compilation des modules de tiers

Les modules sont typiquement ajout茅s en les compilant avec les sources Nginx.

Dans le r茅pertoire source de Nginx, tapez :

./configure --add-module=/path/to/module1/source \

Vous pouvez utiliser autant d'arguments --add-module que n茅cesaire.

Soyez conscient que certains modules peuvent n茅cessiter des biblioth猫ques compl茅mentaires pour 锚tre install茅s sur votre syst猫me.

[edit] Ecrire votre propre module

Evan Miller a 茅crit le guide definitif du d茅veloppement de module Nginx. Mais certaines de ses parties sont un petit peu d茅pass茅es. Vous avez 茅t茅 pr茅venu.

Une recherche github a r茅v茅l茅 le Kit de d茅veloppement Nginx. Il semble 锚tre plus 脿 jour.

Consultez aussi les outils en bas de cette page.

[edit] Known modules

Nom Description Auteur Lien
Accept Language Analyse la directive Accept-Language de l'ent锚te et donne la locale la plus adapt茅e 脿 partir d'une liste des locales support茅es. Guillaume Maury T茅l茅charger
Access Key Interdit l鈥檃cc猫s 脿 moins que l'URL demand茅e ne contienne une clef d鈥檃cc猫s. Mykola Grechukh T茅l茅charger
AFCGI Asynchronous/multiplexing FastCGI pour Nginx (inclut une impl茅mentation de serveur de r茅f茅rence) rsms T茅l茅charger
Array Var Ajoute le support pour des variables tableaux aux fichiers de configuration de Nginx agentzh T茅l茅charger
Auth PAM Authentification HTTP Basique utilisant PAM. Sergio Talens-Oliag T茅l茅charger
Auth Request Permet une autorisation bas茅e sur le r茅sultat d'une sous-requ锚te. Maxim Dounin T茅l茅charger
Auto Lib R茅utilise des versions pr茅-compil茅es/install茅es d'OpenSSL, PCRE, et Zlib sans les recompiler 脿 chaque fois que Nginx est compil茅 Marcus Clyne T茅l茅charger
AWS auth G茅n猫re des en-t锚tes de s茅curit茅 pour les requ锚tes GET vers Amazon S3. Arvind Jayaprakash T茅l茅charger
Cache Purge Module ajoutant la possibilit茅 de vider le contenu des caches de FastCGI, proxy et uWSGI. FRiCKLE T茅l茅charger
Chunkin Support des requ锚tes HTTP 1.1 chunked-encoding pour Nginx. agentzh T茅l茅charger
Circle GIF G茅n猫re des images de cercles simples avec les couleurs et la taille sp茅cifi茅s dans l'URL.. Evan Miller T茅l茅charger
Development Kit Une extension aux fonctionnalit茅s principales de Nginx qui peut 锚tre utilis茅e comme base pour d'autres modules Marcus Clyne T茅l茅charger
Drizzle Fait parler Nginx directement 脿 mysql et drizzle par libdrizzle. chaoslawful, agentzh T茅l茅charger
Dynamic etags Module Nginx pour etags sur contenu dynamique kali T茅l茅charger
Echo Ajoute "echo", "sleep", "time", "exec", et d'autres joyeuset茅s du terminal au fichier de configuration de Nginx. agentzh T茅l茅charger
Encrypted Session chiffre et d茅chiffre les valeurs des variables nginx, peut 锚te utilis茅 comme authentification l茅g猫re 脿 base de session agentzh T茅l茅charger
Eval Un module pour 茅valuer une r茅ponse memcached ou proxy dans une variable. vkholodkov T茅l茅charger
Eval (agentzh's fork) ngx_eval am茅lior茅 qui peut capturer les r茅ponses de sous-requ锚tes arbitraires dans des variables nginx (m锚me avec les filtres de sortie activ茅s) agentzh T茅l茅charger
Expressz Premier de la ligne des modules Expressz, d茅chargeant la compression d'image et de flux/fichier vers un(des) GPU(s). Jason Giedymin at AcronymLabs
EY Balancer Ajoute une queue de requ锚te 脿 Nginx qui permet de limiter le nombre de requ锚tes concurrentes pass茅e en amont. Ry Dahl T茅l茅charger
Fancy Indexes Comme le module int茅gr茅 autoindex, mais en plus original. Adrian Perez de Castro T茅l茅charger
Form Input This module reads HTTP POST request body and parse the arguments into nginx variables. Calio, agentzh T茅l茅charger
GeoIP Country code lookups via the MaxMind GeoIP API. SPIL GAMES File:Nginx-geoip-0.2.tar.gz
GridFS Nginx module for serving files from MongoDB's GridFS. mdirolf T茅l茅charger
Headers More Set and clear input and output headers...more than "add"! agentzh T茅l茅charger
HTTP Healthcheck Health check HTTP servers inside an upstream so you don't forward requests to bad hosts Jack Lindamood
HTTP Accounting Add netflow monitor and status code counter function to nginx. Useful for http accounting based on nginx configuration logic ( location or anything else). Lantao Liu T茅l茅charger
HTTP Push Turn Nginx into an adept long-polling HTTP Push (Comet) server. Leo Ponomarev T茅l茅charger
HTTP Push Stream Turn Nginx into an adept stream HTTP Push (Comet) server. Wandenberg Peixoto T茅l茅charger
HTTP Redis Redis support. Sergey A. Osokin <osa@FreeBSD.ORG.ru> T茅l茅charger
JavaScript Embedding SpiderMonkey. Full port of Perl module and more. Peter Leonov T茅l茅charger
Iconv A character encoding conversion nginx module using libiconv. Calio, agentzh T茅l茅charger
Image Hacker On the fly image manipulation ala amazon's image server aaronbatalion T茅l茅charger
Log Request Speed Log the time it took to process each request. Mauro Stettler
Lua Embed the power of Lua into nginx chaoslawful, agentzh T茅l茅charger
Luafile Embed the power of Lua into nginx very easy. alacner T茅l茅charger
Memc An extended version of the standard memcached module that supports set, add, delete, and many more memcached commands. agentzh T茅l茅charger
Mogilefs Implements a MogileFS client, provides a replace to the Perlbal reverse proxy of the original MogileFS. Valery Kholodkov T茅l茅charger
MP4 Streaming Lite Will seek to a certain time within H.264/MP4 files when provided with a "start" parameter in the URL. Jiang Hong T茅l茅charger
Notice Serve static file to POST requests. Keith Rarick T茅l茅charger
OwnerMatch This module provides a simple file owner-based access control. Heiher T茅l茅charger
PHP Session Parser Extract values that are stored in a serialized PHP session Mauro Stettler T茅l茅charger
Postgres Upstream module that allows nginx to communicate directly with PostgreSQL database. FRiCKLE T茅l茅charger
Pubcookie Adds Pubcookie-based cross-site authentication method to Nginx. Vitki T茅l茅charger
RDS JSON Help ngx_drizzle and other DBD modules emit JSON data. agentzh T茅l茅charger
Redis2 Upstream module for the full Redis 2.0 protocol agentzh T茅l茅charger
Roboo HTTP Robot mitigator utilizing advanced non-interactive HTTP challenge/response mechanisms Yuri Gushin, Alex Behar T茅l茅charger
RRD Graph This module provides an HTTP interface to RRDtool's graphing facilities. Evan Miller T茅l茅charger
SCGI SCGI implementation for Nginx. Manlio Perillo T茅l茅charger
Secure Download Create expiring links. Mauro Stettler, Szymon Modzelewski T茅l茅charger
Set CConv Conversion between Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese at rewrite phase Liseen Wan T茅l茅charger
Set Hash Set a variable to a variety of hash functions (upper/lowercase), including MD5, SHA1 and Murmurhash 2 Marcus Clyne T茅l茅charger
Set Lang Set a variable to indicate the language based on a variety of sources including cookies, GET/POST variables, Accept Language header and more Marcus Clyne T茅l茅charger
Set Misc Various set_xxx directives added to nginx's rewrite module (md5/sha1, sql/json quoting, and many more) agentzh, Calio, shrimp T茅l茅charger
sFlow Operational performance monitoring with standard sFlow protocol Neil McKee T茅l茅charger
SlowFS Cache Module adding ability to cache static files. FRiCKLE T茅l茅charger
SR Cache Transparent subrequest-based caching layout for arbitrary nginx locations (can be used with ngx_memc + memcached!) agentzh T茅l茅charger
Static etags Nginx doesn't generate etags for static content. I'd like it to. Let's see if I can remember some C from college. mikewest T茅l茅charger
Strip Whitespace remover. Evan Miller File:Mod strip-0.1.tar.gz
Substitutions A filter module which can do both regular expression and fixed string substitutions on response bodies. Weibin Yao T茅l茅charger
Supervisord Module providing nginx with API to communicate with supervisord and manage (start/stop) backends on-demand. FRiCKLE T茅l茅charger
Upload Parses multipart/form-data allowing arbitrary handling of uploaded files. Valery Kholodkov T茅l茅charger
Upload Progress Tracks and reports upload progress. Brice Figureau T茅l茅charger
Upstream Consistent Hash Select backend based on Consistent hash ring. Mauro Stettler T茅l茅charger
Upstream Fair Balancer Sends an incoming request to the least-busy backend server, rather than distributing requests round-robin. Gregory Nosek T茅l茅charger
Upstream Hash Provides simple upstream load distribution by hashing a configurable variable. Evan Miller T茅l茅charger
Upstream Keepalive Provides keep-alive connections to memcached upstreams. Maxim Dounin T茅l茅charger
WSGI WSGI implementation for Nginx. Allows easy deployment of Python applications. Manlio Perillo T茅l茅charger
XSS Native support for cross-site scripting (XSS) in an nginx. agentzh T茅l茅charger
Zip Assemble ZIP archives on the fly. Evan Miller T茅l茅charger

[edit] Tools for module developers

Name Description Author Link
Nginx Auto Lib Core Reusable file for module developers to include with their modules to easily and consistently handle including external libraries; used in the Auto Lib module and included in the Nginx Development Kit Marcus Clyne T茅l茅charger
Nginx Development Kit An extension to the core functionality of Nginx which can be used as a basis for other modules Marcus Clyne T茅l茅charger

[edit] Third party patches

These patches must be applied to the Nginx source code tree. There's no guarantee these patches will apply to a particular version of Nginx.

As with third party modules, these patches are not officially supported. Your mileage may vary.

Description Author Link
Set Real IP header to any variable. Joaquin Cuenca Abela File:Realip.patch
Redirect to static file based on its freshness. DeepFryed File:Redirect modified.patch | File:Redirect modified readme.txt
Log to syslog. Marlon de Boer File:Syslog.patch (0.6.35) | File:Syslog 0.6.35 sh is not bash.patch | Patch against 0.8.4 (works on 0.7.x and 0.8.x) | Patch for version 0.8.49 with 'sh is not bash' fix
Get client cert due date SunGod File:Nginx-0.7.67.ssl cert date.patch.txt
Disable nginx's memory pool to help valgrind and other tools (for nginx C developers only) shrimp, agentzh Git repository for the patch

[edit] References