Uses of Interface

Packages that use ActionCommand
org.apache.struts.chain.commands Configurable commands that may be placed within the request processor. 
org.apache.struts.chain.commands.generic Contains generic commands. 
org.apache.struts.chain.commands.servlet Commands which are particular to servlet processing. 

Uses of ActionCommand in org.apache.struts.chain.commands

Classes in org.apache.struts.chain.commands that implement ActionCommand
 class AbstractAuthorizeAction
          Determine whether the requested action is authorized for the current user.
 class AbstractCreateAction
           Create (if necessary) and cache an Action for this request.
 class AbstractExceptionHandler
          Invoke the local or global exception handler configured for the exception class that occurred.
 class AbstractExecuteAction
          Invoke the appropriate Action for this request, and cache the returned ActionForward.
 class AbstractPerformForward
          Perform forwarding or redirection based on the specified ForwardConfig (if any).
 class AbstractPerformInclude
          Perform forwarding or redirection based on the specified String (if any).
 class AbstractPopulateActionForm
          Populate the form bean (if any) for this request.
 class AbstractRequestNoCache
          Check to see if the controller is configured to prevent caching, and if so, request no cache flags to be set.
 class AbstractSelectAction
          Cache the ActionConfig instance for the action to be used for processing this request.
 class AbstractSelectForward
          Select and cache the ActionForward for this ActionConfig if specified.
 class AbstractSelectInput
          Select and cache a ForwardConfig that returns us to the input page for the current action, if any.
 class AbstractSelectLocale
          Select the Locale to be used for this request.
 class AbstractSelectModule
          Cache the ModuleConfig and MessageResources instances for the sub-application module to be used for processing this request.
 class AbstractSetContentType
          Check to see if the content type is set, and if so, set it for this response.
 class AbstractSetOriginalURI
          Check to original uri is set, and if not, set it for this request.
 class AbstractValidateActionForm
          Validate the properties of the form bean for this request.
 class ActionCommandBase
          Simple abstract class which avoids frequent casting to ActionContext in commands explicitly intended for use with that class.
 class CreateActionForm
          Create (if necessary) and cache a form bean for this request.
 class ExceptionCatcher
          Intercept any exception thrown by a subsequent Command in this processing chain, and fire the configured exception handler chain after storing the exception that has occurred into the Context.
 class ExecuteCommand
          Invoke the appropriate Command for this request.
 class ExecuteForwardCommand
          Look up and execute a commons-chain Command based on properties of the ActionContext's forwardConfig property.
 class RemoveCachedMessages
          Remove cached messages stored in the session.
 class SelectInclude
          Select and cache the include for this ActionConfig if specified.

Uses of ActionCommand in org.apache.struts.chain.commands.generic

Classes in org.apache.struts.chain.commands.generic that implement ActionCommand
 class CopyFormToContext
          Subclass this command and configure it as part of a per-forward chain to perform any necessary pre-population or other preparation for a form before control is dispatched to the view layer.

Uses of ActionCommand in org.apache.struts.chain.commands.servlet

Classes in org.apache.struts.chain.commands.servlet that implement ActionCommand
 class AuthorizeAction
          Determine if the action is authorized for the given roles.
 class CreateAction
          Concrete implementation of AbstractCreateAction for use in a Servlet API chain.
 class ExceptionHandler
          Handle the specified exception.
 class ExecuteAction
          Invoke the appropriate Action for this request, and cache the returned ActionForward.
 class PerformForward
          Perform forwarding or redirection based on the specified ForwardConfig (if any).
 class PerformInclude
          Perform forwarding or redirection based on the specified include uri (if any).
 class PopulateActionForm
          Populate the form bean (if any) for this request.
 class RequestNoCache
          Check to see if the controller is configured to prevent caching, and if so, set the no cache HTTP response headers.
 class SelectAction
          Cache the ActionConfig instance for the action to be used for processing this request.
 class SelectForward
          Create and return a ForwardConfig representing the specified module-relative destination.
 class SelectInput
          Validate the properties of the form bean for this request.
 class SelectLocale
          Select the Locale to be used for this request.
 class SelectModule
          Cache the ModuleConfig and MessageResources instances for the sub-application module to be used for processing this request.
 class SetContentType
          Check to see if the content type is set, and if so, set it for this response.
 class SetOriginalURI
          Set the servlet path.
 class ValidateActionForm
          Validate the properties of the form bean for this request.

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