Package org.apache.struts.mock

Mock objects of the Struts Framework.


Class Summary
MockAction General purpose Action for unit tests.
MockActionServlet Mock ActionServlet object for low-level unit tests of Struts controller components.
MockEnumeration General purpose Enumeration wrapper around an Iterator specified to our controller.
MockFormBean General purpose form bean for unit tests.
MockHttpServletRequest Mock HttpServletRequest object for low-level unit tests of Struts controller components.
MockHttpServletResponse Mock HttpServletResponse object for low-level unit tests of Struts controller components.
MockHttpSession Mock HttpSession object for low-level unit tests of Struts controller components.
MockMultipartRequestHandler Mock MultipartRequestHandler object for unit tests.
MockPageContext Mock ServletContext object for low-level unit tests of Struts controller components.
MockPrincipal Mock Principal object for low-level unit tests of Struts controller components.
MockServletConfig Mock ServletConfig object for low-level unit tests of Struts controller components.
MockServletContext Mock ServletContext object for low-level unit tests of Struts controller components.
TestMockBase Convenience base class for unit tests of the org.apache.struts.util package, and others that require a runtime environment similar to what the Struts controller servlet sets up.

Package org.apache.struts.mock Description

Mock objects of the Struts Framework.

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