Uses of Class

Packages that use CString

Uses of CString in org.apache.poi.hslf.record

Methods in org.apache.poi.hslf.record that return CString
 CString HeadersFootersContainer.addFooterAtom()
          Insert a CString record that stores the user's date.
 CString HeadersFootersContainer.addHeaderAtom()
          Insert a CString record that stores the user's date.
 CString HeadersFootersContainer.addUserDateAtom()
          Insert a CString record that stores the user's date.
 CString HeadersFootersContainer.getFooterAtom()
          A CString record that stores the Footers's contents.
 CString HeadersFootersContainer.getHeaderAtom()
          A CString record that stores the Header's contents.
 CString ExVideoContainer.getPathAtom()
          Returns the Path Atom (CString) of this link
 CString HeadersFootersContainer.getUserDateAtom()
          A CString record that stores the user's date.

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