Uses of Class

Packages that use BytePropertyNode

Uses of BytePropertyNode in org.apache.poi.hwpf.model

Classes in org.apache.poi.hwpf.model with type parameters of type BytePropertyNode
 class BytePropertyNode<T extends BytePropertyNode<T>>
          Deprecated. byte positions shall not be saved in memory

Subclasses of BytePropertyNode in org.apache.poi.hwpf.model
 class CHPX
          DANGER - works in bytes! Make sure you call getStart() / getEnd() when you want characters (normal use), but getStartByte() / getEndByte() when you're reading in / writing out!
 class PAPX
          DANGER - works in bytes! Make sure you call getStart() / getEnd() when you want characters (normal use), but getStartByte() / getEndByte() when you're reading in / writing out!

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