Package org.apache.poi

Class Summary
POIDocument This holds the common functionality for all POI Document classes.
POIOLE2TextExtractor Common Parent for OLE2 based Text Extractors of POI Documents, such as .doc, .xls You will typically find the implementation of a given format's text extractor under org.apache.poi.[format].extractor .
POITextExtractor Common Parent for Text Extractors of POI Documents.
POIXMLDocumentPart Represents an entry of a OOXML package.
POIXMLFactory Defines a factory API that enables sub-classes to create instances of POIXMLDocumentPart
POIXMLProperties Wrapper around the two different kinds of OOXML properties a document can have
POIXMLPropertiesTextExtractor A POITextExtractor for returning the textual content of the OOXML file properties, eg author and title.
POIXMLRelation Represents a descriptor of a OOXML relation.

Exception Summary
OldFileFormatException Base class of all the exceptions that POI throws in the event that it's given a file that's older than currently supported.
POIXMLException Indicates a generic OOXML error.

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