Interface IStabilityClassifier

public interface IStabilityClassifier

Used to help optimise cell evaluation result caching by allowing applications to specify which parts of a workbook are final.
The term final is introduced here to denote immutability or 'having constant definition'. This classification refers to potential actions (on the evaluated workbook) by the evaluating application. It does not refer to operations performed by the evaluator (WorkbookEvaluator).

General guidelines:


Josh Micich

Field Summary
static IStabilityClassifier TOTALLY_IMMUTABLE
          Convenience implementation for situations where all cell definitions remain fixed after evaluation begins.
Method Summary
 boolean isCellFinal(int sheetIndex, int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
          Checks if a cell's value(/formula) is fixed - in other words - not expected to be modified between calls to the evaluator.

Field Detail


static final IStabilityClassifier TOTALLY_IMMUTABLE
Convenience implementation for situations where all cell definitions remain fixed after evaluation begins.

Method Detail


boolean isCellFinal(int sheetIndex,
                    int rowIndex,
                    int columnIndex)
Checks if a cell's value(/formula) is fixed - in other words - not expected to be modified between calls to the evaluator. (Note - this is an independent concept from whether a formula cell's evaluated value may change during successive calls to the evaluator).

sheetIndex - zero based index into workbook sheet list
rowIndex - zero based row index of cell
columnIndex - zero based column index of cell
false if the evaluating application may need to modify the specified cell between calls to the evaluator.

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