Interface RefEval

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public interface RefEval
extends ValueEval

Amol S Deshmukh < amolweb at ya hoo dot com > RefEval is the super interface for Ref2D and Ref3DEval. Basically a RefEval impl should contain reference to the original ReferencePtg or Ref3DPtg as well as the final "value" resulting from the evaluation of the cell reference. Thus if the Cell has type CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC, the contained value object should be of type NumberEval; if cell type is CELL_TYPE_STRING, contained value object should be of type StringEval

Method Summary
 int getColumn()
          returns the zero based column index.
 ValueEval getInnerValueEval()
 int getRow()
          returns the zero based row index.
 AreaEval offset(int relFirstRowIx, int relLastRowIx, int relFirstColIx, int relLastColIx)
          Creates an AreaEval offset by a relative amount from this RefEval

Method Detail


ValueEval getInnerValueEval()
the evaluated value of the cell referred to by this RefEval.


int getColumn()
returns the zero based column index.


int getRow()
returns the zero based row index.


AreaEval offset(int relFirstRowIx,
                int relLastRowIx,
                int relFirstColIx,
                int relLastColIx)
Creates an AreaEval offset by a relative amount from this RefEval

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