
Interface Summary
FreeRefFunction For most Excel functions, involving references ((cell, area), (2d, 3d)), the references are passed in as arguments, and the exact location remains fixed.
Function Common interface for all implementations of Excel built-in functions.
Function0Arg Implemented by all functions that can be called with zero arguments
Function1Arg Implemented by all functions that can be called with one argument
Function2Arg Implemented by all functions that can be called with two arguments
Function3Arg Implemented by all functions that can be called with three arguments
Function4Arg Implemented by all functions that can be called with four arguments

Class Summary
Address Creates a text reference as text, given specified row and column numbers.
BooleanFunction Here are the general rules concerning Boolean functions: Blanks are ignored (not either true or false) Strings are ignored if part of an area ref or cell ref, otherwise they must be 'true' or 'false' Numbers: 0 is false.
CalendarFieldFunction Implementation of Excel functions Date parsing functions: Date - DAY, MONTH and YEAR Time - HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND
Columns Implementation for Excel COLUMNS function.
Count Counts the number of cells that contain numeric data within the list of arguments.
Counta Counts the number of cells that contain data within the list of arguments.
Countblank Implementation for the function COUNTBLANK
Countif Implementation for the function COUNTIF
DateFunc Implementation for the Excel function DATE
Days360 Calculates the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year (twelve 30-day months), which is used in some accounting calculations.
Errortype Implementation for the ERROR.TYPE() Excel function.
Fixed0ArgFunction Convenience base class for functions that only take zero arguments.
Fixed1ArgFunction Convenience base class for functions that must take exactly one argument.
Fixed2ArgFunction Convenience base class for functions that must take exactly two arguments.
Fixed3ArgFunction Convenience base class for functions that must take exactly three arguments.
Fixed4ArgFunction Convenience base class for functions that must take exactly four arguments.
Hlookup Implementation of the HLOOKUP() function.

HLOOKUP finds a column in a lookup table by the first row value and returns the value from another row.
HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num, range_lookup)

lookup_value The value to be found in the first column of the table array.
table_array An area reference for the lookup data.

Hyperlink Implementation of Excel HYPERLINK function.

In Excel this function has special behaviour - it causes the displayed cell value to behave like a hyperlink in the GUI.

IfFunc Implementation for the Excel function IF
Index Implementation for the Excel function INDEX
Indirect Implementation for Excel function INDIRECT

INDIRECT() returns the cell or area reference denoted by the text argument.


ref_text a string representation of the desired reference as it would normally be written in a cell formula.
isA1Style (default TRUE) specifies whether the ref_text should be interpreted as A1-style or R1C1-style.

Irr Calculates the internal rate of return.
Lookup Implementation of Excel function LOOKUP.

LOOKUP finds an index row in a lookup table by the first column value and returns the value from another column.

Match Implementation for the MATCH() Excel function.

MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, match_type)

Returns a 1-based index specifying at what position in the lookup_array the specified lookup_value is found.

Specific matching behaviour can be modified with the optional match_type parameter.

Na Implementation of Excel function NA()
Now Implementation of Excel NOW() Function
Npv Calculates the net present value of an investment by using a discount rate and a series of future payments (negative values) and income (positive values).
Offset Implementation for Excel function OFFSET()

OFFSET returns an area reference that is a specified number of rows and columns from a reference cell or area.

OFFSET(reference, rows, cols, height, width)

reference is the base reference.
rows is the number of rows up or down from the base reference.
cols is the number of columns left or right from the base reference.
height (default same height as base reference) is the row count for the returned area reference.
width (default same width as base reference) is the column count for the returned area reference.

Rank Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers.
Rate Implements the Excel Rate function
Replace An implementation of the Excel REPLACE() function:

Replaces part of a text string based on the number of characters you specify, with another text string.
REPLACE(oldText, startNum, numChars, newText)

oldText The text string containing characters to replace
startNum The position of the first character to replace (1-based)
numChars The number of characters to replace
newText The new text value to replace the removed section

RowFunc Implementation for the Excel function ROW
Rows Implementation for Excel ROWS function.
Substitute An implementation of the SUBSTITUTE function:

Substitutes text in a text string with new text, some number of times.

Subtotal Implementation for the Excel function SUBTOTAL
Sumif Implementation for the Excel function SUMIF
Sumifs Implementation for the Excel function SUMIFS
Sumproduct Implementation for the Excel function SUMPRODUCT
Sumx2my2 Implementation of Excel function SUMX2MY2()

Calculates the sum of differences of squares in two arrays of the same size.
SUMX2MY2(arrayX, arrayY)

result = Σi: 0..n(xi2-yi2)

Sumx2py2 Implementation of Excel function SUMX2PY2()

Calculates the sum of squares in two arrays of the same size.
SUMX2PY2(arrayX, arrayY)

result = Σi: 0..n(xi2+yi2)

Sumxmy2 Implementation of Excel function SUMXMY2()

Calculates the sum of squares of differences between two arrays of the same size.
SUMXMY2(arrayX, arrayY)

result = Σi: 0..n(xi-yi)2

T Implementation of Excel T() function

If the argument is a text or error value it is returned unmodified.

TimeFunc Implementation for the Excel function TIME
Today Implementation of Excel TODAY() Function
Value Implementation for Excel VALUE() function.

Converts the text argument to a number.

Vlookup Implementation of the VLOOKUP() function.

VLOOKUP finds a row in a lookup table by the first column value and returns the value from another column.
VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, range_lookup)

lookup_value The value to be found in the first column of the table array.
table_array An area reference for the lookup data.


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