Uses of Class

Packages that use OperationPtg formula package contains binary PTG structures used in Formulas 

Uses of OperationPtg in

Subclasses of OperationPtg in
 class AbstractFunctionPtg
          This class provides the base functionality for Excel sheet functions There are two kinds of function Ptgs - tFunc and tFuncVar Therefore, this class will have ONLY two subclasses
 class AddPtg
          Addition operator PTG the "+" binomial operator.
 class ConcatPtg
 class DividePtg
          This PTG implements the standard binomial divide "/"
 class EqualPtg
 class FuncPtg
 class FuncVarPtg
 class GreaterEqualPtg
          PTG class to implement greater or equal to
 class GreaterThanPtg
          Greater than operator PTG ">"
 class IntersectionPtg
 class LessEqualPtg
          Ptg class to implement less than or equal
 class LessThanPtg
          Less than operator PTG "<".
 class MultiplyPtg
          Implements the standard mathmatical multiplication - *
 class NotEqualPtg
          Ptg class to implement not equal
 class PercentPtg
          Percent PTG.
 class PowerPtg
 class RangePtg
 class SubtractPtg
 class UnaryMinusPtg
          Unary Plus operator does not have any effect on the operand
 class UnaryPlusPtg
          Unary Plus operator does not have any effect on the operand
 class UnionPtg
 class ValueOperatorPtg
          Common superclass of all value operators.

Fields in declared as OperationPtg
static OperationPtg UnionPtg.instance
static OperationPtg RangePtg.instance
static OperationPtg IntersectionPtg.instance
static OperationPtg FuncVarPtg.SUM
          Single instance of this token for 'sum() taking a single argument'

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