
Interface Summary
ChartAxis High level representation of chart axis.
ChartAxisFactory A factory for different chart axis.
ChartData A base for all charts data types.
ChartDataFactory A factory for different charts data types.
ChartDataSource<T> Represents data model of the charts.
ChartLegend High level representation of chart legend.
ManualLayout High level representation of chart element manual layout.
ManuallyPositionable Abstraction of chart element that can be positioned with manual layout.
ScatterChartSerie Represents scatter charts serie.

Class Summary
DataSources Class DataSources is a factory for ChartDataSource instances.

Enum Summary
AxisCrossBetween Specifies the possible crossing states of an axis.
AxisCrosses Specifies the possible crossing points for an axis.
AxisOrientation Specifies the possible ways to place a picture on a data point, series, wall, or floor.
AxisPosition Enumeration of all possible axis positions.
LayoutMode Specifies the possible ways to store a chart element's position.
LayoutTarget Specifies whether to layout the plot area by its inside (not including axis and axis labels) or outside (including axis and axis labels).
LegendPosition Enumeration of all possible chart legend positions.

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