Uses of Interface

Packages that use Buffer
org.apache.commons.collections This package contains the interfaces and utilities shared across all the subpackages of this component. 
org.apache.commons.collections.buffer This package contains implementations of the Buffer interface. 

Uses of Buffer in org.apache.commons.collections

Classes in org.apache.commons.collections that implement Buffer
 class ArrayStack
          An implementation of the Stack API that is based on an ArrayList instead of a Vector, so it is not synchronized to protect against multi-threaded access.
 class BinaryHeap
          Deprecated. Replaced by PriorityBuffer in buffer subpackage. Due to be removed in v4.0.
 class BoundedFifoBuffer
          Deprecated. Moved to buffer subpackage. Due to be removed in v4.0.
 class UnboundedFifoBuffer
          Deprecated. Moved to buffer subpackage. Due to be removed in v4.0.

Fields in org.apache.commons.collections declared as Buffer
static Buffer BufferUtils.EMPTY_BUFFER
          An empty unmodifiable buffer.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections that return Buffer
static Buffer BufferUtils.blockingBuffer(Buffer buffer)
          Returns a synchronized buffer backed by the given buffer that will block on get() and remove() operations.
static Buffer BufferUtils.blockingBuffer(Buffer buffer, long timeoutMillis)
          Returns a synchronized buffer backed by the given buffer that will block on get() and remove() operations until timeout expires.
static Buffer BufferUtils.boundedBuffer(Buffer buffer, int maximumSize)
          Returns a synchronized buffer backed by the given buffer that will block on Collection.add(Object) and Collection.addAll(java.util.Collection) until enough object(s) are removed from the buffer to allow the object(s) to be added and still maintain the maximum size.
static Buffer BufferUtils.boundedBuffer(Buffer buffer, int maximumSize, long timeoutMillis)
          Returns a synchronized buffer backed by the given buffer that will block on Collection.add(Object) and Collection.addAll(java.util.Collection) until enough object(s) are removed from the buffer to allow the object(s) to be added and still maintain the maximum size or the timeout expires.
static Buffer BufferUtils.predicatedBuffer(Buffer buffer, Predicate predicate)
          Returns a predicated (validating) buffer backed by the given buffer.
static Buffer BufferUtils.synchronizedBuffer(Buffer buffer)
          Returns a synchronized buffer backed by the given buffer.
static Buffer BufferUtils.transformedBuffer(Buffer buffer, Transformer transformer)
          Returns a transformed buffer backed by the given buffer.
static Buffer BufferUtils.typedBuffer(Buffer buffer, java.lang.Class type)
          Returns a typed buffer backed by the given buffer.
static Buffer BufferUtils.unmodifiableBuffer(Buffer buffer)
          Returns an unmodifiable buffer backed by the given buffer.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections with parameters of type Buffer
static Buffer BufferUtils.blockingBuffer(Buffer buffer)
          Returns a synchronized buffer backed by the given buffer that will block on get() and remove() operations.
static Buffer BufferUtils.blockingBuffer(Buffer buffer, long timeoutMillis)
          Returns a synchronized buffer backed by the given buffer that will block on get() and remove() operations until timeout expires.
static Buffer BufferUtils.boundedBuffer(Buffer buffer, int maximumSize)
          Returns a synchronized buffer backed by the given buffer that will block on Collection.add(Object) and Collection.addAll(java.util.Collection) until enough object(s) are removed from the buffer to allow the object(s) to be added and still maintain the maximum size.
static Buffer BufferUtils.boundedBuffer(Buffer buffer, int maximumSize, long timeoutMillis)
          Returns a synchronized buffer backed by the given buffer that will block on Collection.add(Object) and Collection.addAll(java.util.Collection) until enough object(s) are removed from the buffer to allow the object(s) to be added and still maintain the maximum size or the timeout expires.
static Buffer BufferUtils.predicatedBuffer(Buffer buffer, Predicate predicate)
          Returns a predicated (validating) buffer backed by the given buffer.
static Buffer BufferUtils.synchronizedBuffer(Buffer buffer)
          Returns a synchronized buffer backed by the given buffer.
static Buffer BufferUtils.transformedBuffer(Buffer buffer, Transformer transformer)
          Returns a transformed buffer backed by the given buffer.
static Buffer BufferUtils.typedBuffer(Buffer buffer, java.lang.Class type)
          Returns a typed buffer backed by the given buffer.
static Buffer BufferUtils.unmodifiableBuffer(Buffer buffer)
          Returns an unmodifiable buffer backed by the given buffer.

Uses of Buffer in org.apache.commons.collections.buffer

Classes in org.apache.commons.collections.buffer that implement Buffer
 class AbstractBufferDecorator
          Decorates another Buffer to provide additional behaviour.
 class BlockingBuffer
          Decorates another Buffer to make BlockingBuffer.get() and BlockingBuffer.remove() block when the Buffer is empty.
 class BoundedBuffer
          Decorates another Buffer to ensure a fixed maximum size.
 class CircularFifoBuffer
          CircularFifoBuffer is a first in first out buffer with a fixed size that replaces its oldest element if full.
 class PredicatedBuffer
          Decorates another Buffer to validate that additions match a specified predicate.
 class PriorityBuffer
          Binary heap implementation of Buffer that provides for removal based on Comparator ordering.
 class SynchronizedBuffer
          Decorates another Buffer to synchronize its behaviour for a multi-threaded environment.
 class TransformedBuffer
          Decorates another Buffer to transform objects that are added.
 class UnmodifiableBuffer
          Decorates another Buffer to ensure it can't be altered.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.buffer that return Buffer
static Buffer UnmodifiableBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer)
          Factory method to create an unmodifiable buffer.
static Buffer SynchronizedBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer)
          Factory method to create a synchronized buffer.
static Buffer BlockingBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer)
          Factory method to create a blocking buffer.
static Buffer TypedBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer, java.lang.Class type)
          Factory method to create a typed list.
static Buffer BlockingBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer, long timeoutMillis)
          Factory method to create a blocking buffer with a timeout value.
static Buffer PredicatedBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer, Predicate predicate)
          Factory method to create a predicated (validating) buffer.
static Buffer TransformedBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer, Transformer transformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming buffer.
protected  Buffer TransformedBuffer.getBuffer()
          Gets the decorated buffer.
protected  Buffer SynchronizedBuffer.getBuffer()
          Gets the buffer being decorated.
protected  Buffer PredicatedBuffer.getBuffer()
          Gets the buffer being decorated.
protected  Buffer AbstractBufferDecorator.getBuffer()
          Gets the buffer being decorated.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.buffer with parameters of type Buffer
static Buffer UnmodifiableBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer)
          Factory method to create an unmodifiable buffer.
static Buffer SynchronizedBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer)
          Factory method to create a synchronized buffer.
static Buffer BlockingBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer)
          Factory method to create a blocking buffer.
static Buffer TypedBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer, java.lang.Class type)
          Factory method to create a typed list.
static BoundedBuffer BoundedBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer, int maximumSize)
          Factory method to create a bounded buffer.
static BoundedBuffer BoundedBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer, int maximumSize, long timeout)
          Factory method to create a bounded buffer that blocks for a maximum amount of time.
static Buffer BlockingBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer, long timeoutMillis)
          Factory method to create a blocking buffer with a timeout value.
static Buffer PredicatedBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer, Predicate predicate)
          Factory method to create a predicated (validating) buffer.
static Buffer TransformedBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer, Transformer transformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming buffer.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.buffer with parameters of type Buffer
AbstractBufferDecorator(Buffer buffer)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
BlockingBuffer(Buffer buffer)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
BlockingBuffer(Buffer buffer, long timeoutMillis)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
BoundedBuffer(Buffer buffer, int maximumSize, long timeout)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies) another buffer, making it bounded waiting only up to a maximum amount of time.
PredicatedBuffer(Buffer buffer, Predicate predicate)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
SynchronizedBuffer(Buffer buffer)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
SynchronizedBuffer(Buffer buffer, java.lang.Object lock)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
TransformedBuffer(Buffer buffer, Transformer transformer)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).

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