Uses of Interface

Packages that use ResettableIterator
org.apache.commons.collections This package contains the interfaces and utilities shared across all the subpackages of this component. 
org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap This package contains implementations of the BidiMap, OrderedBidiMap and SortedBidiMap interfaces. 
org.apache.commons.collections.iterators This package contains implementations of the Iterator interface. This package contains implementations of the Map, IterableMap, OrderedMap and SortedMap interfaces. 

Uses of ResettableIterator in org.apache.commons.collections

Subinterfaces of ResettableIterator in org.apache.commons.collections
 interface ResettableListIterator
          Defines a list iterator that can be reset back to an initial state.

Fields in org.apache.commons.collections declared as ResettableIterator
static ResettableIterator IteratorUtils.EMPTY_ITERATOR
          An iterator over no elements.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections that return ResettableIterator
static ResettableIterator IteratorUtils.arrayIterator(java.lang.Object array)
          Gets an iterator over an object or primitive array.
static ResettableIterator IteratorUtils.arrayIterator(java.lang.Object[] array)
          Gets an iterator over an object array.
static ResettableIterator IteratorUtils.arrayIterator(java.lang.Object[] array, int start)
          Gets an iterator over the end part of an object array.
static ResettableIterator IteratorUtils.arrayIterator(java.lang.Object[] array, int start, int end)
          Gets an iterator over part of an object array.
static ResettableIterator IteratorUtils.arrayIterator(java.lang.Object array, int start)
          Gets an iterator over the end part of an object or primitive array.
static ResettableIterator IteratorUtils.arrayIterator(java.lang.Object array, int start, int end)
          Gets an iterator over part of an object or primitive array.
static ResettableIterator IteratorUtils.emptyIterator()
          Gets an empty iterator.
static ResettableIterator IteratorUtils.loopingIterator(java.util.Collection coll)
          Gets an iterator that loops continuously over the supplied collection.
static ResettableIterator IteratorUtils.singletonIterator(java.lang.Object object)
          Gets a singleton iterator.

Uses of ResettableIterator in org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap

Classes in org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap that implement ResettableIterator
protected static class AbstractDualBidiMap.BidiMapIterator
          Inner class MapIterator.
protected static class DualTreeBidiMap.BidiOrderedMapIterator
          Inner class MapIterator.

Uses of ResettableIterator in org.apache.commons.collections.iterators

Classes in org.apache.commons.collections.iterators that implement ResettableIterator
 class ArrayIterator
          Implements an Iterator over any array.
 class ArrayListIterator
          Implements a ListIterator over an array.
 class EmptyIterator
          Provides an implementation of an empty iterator.
 class EmptyListIterator
          Provides an implementation of an empty list iterator.
 class EmptyMapIterator
          Provides an implementation of an empty map iterator.
 class EmptyOrderedIterator
          Provides an implementation of an empty ordered iterator.
 class EmptyOrderedMapIterator
          Provides an implementation of an empty ordered map iterator.
 class EntrySetMapIterator
          Implements a MapIterator using a Map entrySet.
 class ListIteratorWrapper
          Converts an iterator into a list iterator by caching the returned entries.
 class LoopingIterator
          An Iterator that restarts when it reaches the end.
 class LoopingListIterator
          A ListIterator that restarts when it reaches the end or when it reaches the beginning.
 class ObjectArrayIterator
          An Iterator over an array of objects.
 class ObjectArrayListIterator
          Implements a ListIterator over an array of objects.
 class ReverseListIterator
          Iterates backwards through a List, starting with the last element and continuing to the first.
 class SingletonIterator
          SingletonIterator is an Iterator over a single object instance.
 class SingletonListIterator
          SingletonIterator is an ListIterator over a single object instance.

Fields in org.apache.commons.collections.iterators declared as ResettableIterator
static ResettableIterator EmptyIterator.RESETTABLE_INSTANCE
          Singleton instance of the iterator.

Uses of ResettableIterator in

Classes in that implement ResettableIterator
protected static class AbstractLinkedMap.EntrySetIterator
          EntrySet iterator.
protected static class AbstractLinkedMap.KeySetIterator
          KeySet iterator.
protected static class AbstractLinkedMap.LinkIterator
          Base Iterator that iterates in link order.
protected static class AbstractLinkedMap.LinkMapIterator
          MapIterator implementation.
protected static class AbstractLinkedMap.ValuesIterator
          Values iterator.

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