Package org.apache.commons.collections.functors

This package contains implementations of the Closure, Predicate, Transformer and Factory interfaces.


Interface Summary
PredicateDecorator Defines a predicate that decorates one or more other predicates.

Class Summary
AllPredicate Predicate implementation that returns true if all the predicates return true.
AndPredicate Predicate implementation that returns true if both the predicates return true.
AnyPredicate Predicate implementation that returns true if any of the predicates return true.
ChainedClosure Closure implementation that chains the specified closures together.
ChainedTransformer Transformer implementation that chains the specified transformers together.
CloneTransformer Transformer implementation that returns a clone of the input object.
ClosureTransformer Transformer implementation that calls a Closure using the input object and then returns the input.
ConstantFactory Factory implementation that returns the same constant each time.
ConstantTransformer Transformer implementation that returns the same constant each time.
EqualPredicate Predicate implementation that returns true if the input is the same object as the one stored in this predicate by equals.
ExceptionClosure Closure implementation that always throws an exception.
ExceptionFactory Factory implementation that always throws an exception.
ExceptionPredicate Predicate implementation that always throws an exception.
ExceptionTransformer Transformer implementation that always throws an exception.
FactoryTransformer Transformer implementation that calls a Factory and returns the result.
FalsePredicate Predicate implementation that always returns false.
ForClosure Closure implementation that calls another closure n times, like a for loop.
IdentityPredicate Predicate implementation that returns true if the input is the same object as the one stored in this predicate.
IfClosure Closure implementation acts as an if statement calling one or other closure based on a predicate.
InstanceofPredicate Predicate implementation that returns true if the input is an instanceof the type stored in this predicate.
InstantiateFactory Factory implementation that creates a new object instance by reflection.
InstantiateTransformer Transformer implementation that creates a new object instance by reflection.
InvokerTransformer Transformer implementation that creates a new object instance by reflection.
MapTransformer Transformer implementation that returns the value held in a specified map using the input parameter as a key.
NonePredicate Predicate implementation that returns true if none of the predicates return true.
NOPClosure Closure implementation that does nothing.
NOPTransformer Transformer implementation that does nothing.
NotNullPredicate Predicate implementation that returns true if the input is not null.
NotPredicate Predicate implementation that returns the opposite of the decorated predicate.
NullIsExceptionPredicate Predicate implementation that throws an exception if the input is null.
NullIsFalsePredicate Predicate implementation that returns false if the input is null.
NullIsTruePredicate Predicate implementation that returns true if the input is null.
NullPredicate Predicate implementation that returns true if the input is null.
OnePredicate Predicate implementation that returns true if only one of the predicates return true.
OrPredicate Predicate implementation that returns true if either of the predicates return true.
PredicateTransformer Transformer implementation that calls a Predicate using the input object and then returns the input.
PrototypeFactory Factory implementation that creates a new instance each time based on a prototype.
StringValueTransformer Transformer implementation that returns the result of calling String.valueOf on the input object.
SwitchClosure Closure implementation calls the closure whose predicate returns true, like a switch statement.
SwitchTransformer Transformer implementation calls the transformer whose predicate returns true, like a switch statement.
TransformedPredicate Predicate implementation that transforms the given object before invoking another Predicate.
TransformerClosure Closure implementation that calls a Transformer using the input object and ignore the result.
TransformerPredicate Predicate implementation that returns the result of a transformer.
TruePredicate Predicate implementation that always returns true.
UniquePredicate Predicate implementation that returns true the first time an object is passed into the predicate.
WhileClosure Closure implementation that executes a closure repeatedly until a condition is met, like a do-while or while loop.

Package org.apache.commons.collections.functors Description

This package contains implementations of the Closure, Predicate, Transformer and Factory interfaces. These provide simple callbacks for processing with collections.

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