Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractLinkedList.Node
org.apache.commons.collections.list This package contains implementations of the List interface. 

Uses of AbstractLinkedList.Node in org.apache.commons.collections.list

Fields in org.apache.commons.collections.list declared as AbstractLinkedList.Node
protected  AbstractLinkedList.Node AbstractLinkedList.LinkedListIterator.current
          The last node that was returned by or AbstractLinkedList.LinkedListIterator.previous().
protected  AbstractLinkedList.Node NodeCachingLinkedList.firstCachedNode
          The first cached node, or null if no nodes are cached.
protected  AbstractLinkedList.Node AbstractLinkedList.header
          A AbstractLinkedList.Node which indicates the start and end of the list and does not hold a value.
protected  AbstractLinkedList.Node
          A pointer to the node after this node
protected  AbstractLinkedList.Node
          The node that will be returned by
protected  AbstractLinkedList.Node AbstractLinkedList.Node.previous
          A pointer to the node before this node

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.list that return AbstractLinkedList.Node
protected  AbstractLinkedList.Node AbstractLinkedList.createHeaderNode()
          Creates a new node with previous, next and element all set to null.
protected  AbstractLinkedList.Node NodeCachingLinkedList.createNode(java.lang.Object value)
          Creates a new node, either by reusing one from the cache or creating a new one.
protected  AbstractLinkedList.Node AbstractLinkedList.createNode(java.lang.Object value)
          Creates a new node with the specified properties.
protected  AbstractLinkedList.Node AbstractLinkedList.LinkedListIterator.getLastNodeReturned()
          Gets the last node returned.
protected  AbstractLinkedList.Node AbstractLinkedList.Node.getNextNode()
          Gets the next node.
protected  AbstractLinkedList.Node AbstractLinkedList.getNode(int index, boolean endMarkerAllowed)
          Gets the node at a particular index.
protected  AbstractLinkedList.Node NodeCachingLinkedList.getNodeFromCache()
          Gets a node from the cache.
protected  AbstractLinkedList.Node AbstractLinkedList.Node.getPreviousNode()
          Gets the previous node.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.list with parameters of type AbstractLinkedList.Node
protected  void CursorableLinkedList.addNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node nodeToInsert, AbstractLinkedList.Node insertBeforeNode)
          Inserts a new node into the list.
protected  void AbstractLinkedList.addNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node nodeToInsert, AbstractLinkedList.Node insertBeforeNode)
          Inserts a new node into the list.
protected  void AbstractLinkedList.addNodeAfter(AbstractLinkedList.Node node, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates a new node with the specified object as its value and inserts it after node.
protected  void AbstractLinkedList.addNodeBefore(AbstractLinkedList.Node node, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates a new node with the specified object as its value and inserts it before node.
protected  void NodeCachingLinkedList.addNodeToCache(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
          Adds a node to the cache, if the cache isn't full.
protected  void CursorableLinkedList.broadcastNodeChanged(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
          Informs all of my registered cursors that the specified element was changed.
protected  void CursorableLinkedList.broadcastNodeInserted(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
          Informs all of my registered cursors that the specified element was just added to my list.
protected  void CursorableLinkedList.broadcastNodeRemoved(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
          Informs all of my registered cursors that the specified element was just removed from my list.
protected  void CursorableLinkedList.Cursor.nodeChanged(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
          Handle event from the list when a node has changed.
protected  void CursorableLinkedList.Cursor.nodeInserted(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
          Handle event from the list when a node has been added.
protected  void CursorableLinkedList.Cursor.nodeRemoved(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
          Handle event from the list when a node has been removed.
protected  void NodeCachingLinkedList.removeNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
          Removes the node from the list, storing it in the cache for reuse if the cache is not yet full.
protected  void CursorableLinkedList.removeNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
          Removes the specified node from the list.
protected  void AbstractLinkedList.removeNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
          Removes the specified node from the list.
protected  void AbstractLinkedList.Node.setNextNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node next)
          Sets the next node.
protected  void AbstractLinkedList.Node.setPreviousNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node previous)
          Sets the previous node.
protected  void CursorableLinkedList.updateNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node node, java.lang.Object value)
          Updates the node with a new value.
protected  void AbstractLinkedList.updateNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node node, java.lang.Object value)
          Updates the node with a new value.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.list with parameters of type AbstractLinkedList.Node
AbstractLinkedList.Node(AbstractLinkedList.Node previous, AbstractLinkedList.Node next, java.lang.Object value)
          Constructs a new node.

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