Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractLinkedList
org.apache.commons.collections.list This package contains implementations of the List interface. 

Uses of AbstractLinkedList in org.apache.commons.collections.list

Subclasses of AbstractLinkedList in org.apache.commons.collections.list
 class CursorableLinkedList
          A List implementation with a ListIterator that allows concurrent modifications to the underlying list.
 class NodeCachingLinkedList
          A List implementation that stores a cache of internal Node objects in an effort to reduce wasteful object creation.

Fields in org.apache.commons.collections.list declared as AbstractLinkedList
protected  AbstractLinkedList AbstractLinkedList.LinkedListIterator.parent
          The parent list

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.list with parameters of type AbstractLinkedList
AbstractLinkedList.LinkedListIterator(AbstractLinkedList parent, int fromIndex)
          Create a ListIterator for a list.
AbstractLinkedList.LinkedSubList(AbstractLinkedList parent, int fromIndex, int toIndex)

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