Class MultiValueMap

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.Map, MultiMap

public class MultiValueMap
extends AbstractMapDecorator
implements MultiMap

A MultiValueMap decorates another map, allowing it to have more than one value for a key.

A MultiMap is a Map with slightly different semantics. Putting a value into the map will add the value to a Collection at that key. Getting a value will return a Collection, holding all the values put to that key.

This implementation is a decorator, allowing any Map implementation to be used as the base.

In addition, this implementation allows the type of collection used for the values to be controlled. By default, an ArrayList is used, however a Class to instantiate may be specified, or a factory that returns a Collection instance.

Note that MultiValueMap is not synchronized and is not thread-safe. If you wish to use this map from multiple threads concurrently, you must use appropriate synchronization. This class may throw exceptions when accessed by concurrent threads without synchronization.

Commons Collections 3.2
$Revision: 646777 $ $Date: 2008-04-10 13:33:15 +0100 (Thu, 10 Apr 2008) $
James Carman, Christopher Berry, James Strachan, Steve Downey, Stephen Colebourne, Julien Buret, Serhiy Yevtushenko

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
          Creates a MultiValueMap based on a HashMap and storing the multiple values in an ArrayList.
protected MultiValueMap(java.util.Map map, Factory collectionFactory)
          Creates a MultiValueMap which decorates the given map and creates the value collections using the supplied collectionFactory.
Method Summary
 void clear()
          Clear the map.
 boolean containsValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Checks whether the map contains the value specified.
 boolean containsValue(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
          Checks whether the collection at the specified key contains the value.
protected  java.util.Collection createCollection(int size)
          Creates a new instance of the map value Collection container using the factory.
static MultiValueMap decorate(java.util.Map map)
          Creates a map which wraps the given map and maps keys to ArrayLists.
static MultiValueMap decorate(java.util.Map map, java.lang.Class collectionClass)
          Creates a map which decorates the given map and maps keys to collections of type collectionClass.
static MultiValueMap decorate(java.util.Map map, Factory collectionFactory)
          Creates a map which decorates the given map and creates the value collections using the supplied collectionFactory.
 java.util.Collection getCollection(java.lang.Object key)
          Gets the collection mapped to the specified key.
 java.util.Iterator iterator(java.lang.Object key)
          Gets an iterator for the collection mapped to the specified key.
 java.lang.Object put(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
          Adds the value to the collection associated with the specified key.
 void putAll(java.util.Map map)
          Override superclass to ensure that MultiMap instances are correctly handled.
 boolean putAll(java.lang.Object key, java.util.Collection values)
          Adds a collection of values to the collection associated with the specified key.
 java.lang.Object remove(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
          Removes a specific value from map.
 int size(java.lang.Object key)
          Gets the size of the collection mapped to the specified key.
 int totalSize()
          Gets the total size of the map by counting all the values.
 java.util.Collection values()
          Gets a collection containing all the values in the map.
Methods inherited from class
containsKey, entrySet, equals, get, getMap, hashCode, isEmpty, keySet, remove, size, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.commons.collections.MultiMap
get, remove, size
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map
containsKey, entrySet, equals, hashCode, isEmpty, keySet

Constructor Detail


public MultiValueMap()
Creates a MultiValueMap based on a HashMap and storing the multiple values in an ArrayList.


protected MultiValueMap(java.util.Map map,
                        Factory collectionFactory)
Creates a MultiValueMap which decorates the given map and creates the value collections using the supplied collectionFactory.

map - the map to decorate
collectionFactory - the collection factory which must return a Collection instance
Method Detail


public static MultiValueMap decorate(java.util.Map map)
Creates a map which wraps the given map and maps keys to ArrayLists.

map - the map to wrap


public static MultiValueMap decorate(java.util.Map map,
                                     java.lang.Class collectionClass)
Creates a map which decorates the given map and maps keys to collections of type collectionClass.

map - the map to wrap
collectionClass - the type of the collection class


public static MultiValueMap decorate(java.util.Map map,
                                     Factory collectionFactory)
Creates a map which decorates the given map and creates the value collections using the supplied collectionFactory.

map - the map to decorate
collectionFactory - the collection factory (must return a Collection object).


public void clear()
Clear the map.

Specified by:
clear in interface java.util.Map
clear in class AbstractMapDecorator


public java.lang.Object remove(java.lang.Object key,
                               java.lang.Object value)
Removes a specific value from map.

The item is removed from the collection mapped to the specified key. Other values attached to that key are unaffected.

If the last value for a key is removed, null will be returned from a subsequant get(key).

Specified by:
remove in interface MultiMap
key - the key to remove from
value - the value to remove
the value removed (which was passed in), null if nothing removed


public boolean containsValue(java.lang.Object value)
Checks whether the map contains the value specified.

This checks all collections against all keys for the value, and thus could be slow.

Specified by:
containsValue in interface java.util.Map
Specified by:
containsValue in interface MultiMap
containsValue in class AbstractMapDecorator
value - the value to search for
true if the map contains the value


public java.lang.Object put(java.lang.Object key,
                            java.lang.Object value)
Adds the value to the collection associated with the specified key.

Unlike a normal Map the previous value is not replaced. Instead the new value is added to the collection stored against the key.

Specified by:
put in interface java.util.Map
Specified by:
put in interface MultiMap
put in class AbstractMapDecorator
key - the key to store against
value - the value to add to the collection at the key
the value added if the map changed and null if the map did not change


public void putAll(java.util.Map map)
Override superclass to ensure that MultiMap instances are correctly handled.

If you call this method with a normal map, each entry is added using put(Object,Object). If you call this method with a multi map, each entry is added using putAll(Object,Collection).

Specified by:
putAll in interface java.util.Map
putAll in class AbstractMapDecorator
map - the map to copy (either a normal or multi map)


public java.util.Collection values()
Gets a collection containing all the values in the map.

This returns a collection containing the combination of values from all keys.

Specified by:
values in interface java.util.Map
Specified by:
values in interface MultiMap
values in class AbstractMapDecorator
a collection view of the values contained in this map


public boolean containsValue(java.lang.Object key,
                             java.lang.Object value)
Checks whether the collection at the specified key contains the value.

value - the value to search for
true if the map contains the value


public java.util.Collection getCollection(java.lang.Object key)
Gets the collection mapped to the specified key. This method is a convenience method to typecast the result of get(key).

key - the key to retrieve
the collection mapped to the key, null if no mapping


public int size(java.lang.Object key)
Gets the size of the collection mapped to the specified key.

key - the key to get size for
the size of the collection at the key, zero if key not in map


public boolean putAll(java.lang.Object key,
                      java.util.Collection values)
Adds a collection of values to the collection associated with the specified key.

key - the key to store against
values - the values to add to the collection at the key, null ignored
true if this map changed


public java.util.Iterator iterator(java.lang.Object key)
Gets an iterator for the collection mapped to the specified key.

key - the key to get an iterator for
the iterator of the collection at the key, empty iterator if key not in map


public int totalSize()
Gets the total size of the map by counting all the values.

the total size of the map counting all values


protected java.util.Collection createCollection(int size)
Creates a new instance of the map value Collection container using the factory.

This method can be overridden to perform your own processing instead of using the factory.

size - the collection size that is about to be added
the new collection

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