Groovy Documentation

Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib


Interface Summary
GrailsTag Allows to tag implementation to be abstracted from the JSP custom tag spec.. hence allowing them to be used in direct method calls etc.

Class Summary
GrailsTagRegistry A registry for holding all Grails tag implementations.
GroovyCollectTag Example:
GroovyDefTag Allows defining of variables within the page context.
GroovyEachTag @author Graeme Rocher
GroovyElseTag @author Graeme Rocher
GroovyFindAllTag Example:
GroovyGrepTag Example:
GroovyPageAttributes Defines attributes passed to a GSP tag.
GroovyPageTagBody Represents the body of a tag and captures its output returning the result when invoked.
GroovyPageTagWriter A temporary writer used by GSP to write to a StringWriter and later retrieve the value.
GroovyWhileTag @author Graeme Rocher
LayoutWriterStack Class that can be used by "layout" tags, i.e. tags that use the different parts in their body to assemble a bigger part.
NamespacedTagDispatcher Allows dispatching to namespaced tag libraries and is used within controllers and tag libraries to allow namespaced tags to be invoked as methods (eg.'foo')).
RenderInputTag A tag that attempts to render an input for a bean property into an appropriate component based on the type.
RequestContextTag @author Graeme Rocher

Groovy Documentation