Uses of Class

Packages that use GwtIncompatible Basic utility libraries and interfaces. This package contains generic collection interfaces and implementations, and other utilities for working with collections. Static utilities for working with the eight primitive types and void

Uses of GwtIncompatible in

Methods in with annotations of type GwtIncompatible
static Predicate<Class<?>> Predicates.assignableFrom(Class<?> clazz)
          Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the class being tested is assignable from the given class.
static Predicate<CharSequence> Predicates.contains(Pattern pattern)
          Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the CharSequence being tested contains any match for the given regular expression pattern.
static Predicate<CharSequence> Predicates.containsPattern(String pattern)
          Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the CharSequence being tested contains any match for the given regular expression pattern.
static Predicate<Object> Predicates.instanceOf(Class<?> clazz)
          Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the object being tested is an instance of the given class.
static Splitter Splitter.on(Pattern separatorPattern)
          Returns a splitter that considers any subsequence matching pattern to be a separator.
static Splitter Splitter.onPattern(String separatorPattern)
          Returns a splitter that considers any subsequence matching a given pattern (regular expression) to be a separator.
 String Stopwatch.toString()
          Returns a string representation of the current elapsed time; equivalent to toString(4) (four significant figures).
 String Stopwatch.toString(int significantDigits)
          Returns a string representation of the current elapsed time, choosing an appropriate unit and using the specified number of significant figures.

Uses of GwtIncompatible in

Methods in with annotations of type GwtIncompatible
<T> T[]
ObjectArrays.concat(T[] first, T[] second, Class<T> type)
          Returns a new array that contains the concatenated contents of two arrays.
<K,V> GenericMapMaker<K,V>
MapMaker.evictionListener(MapEvictionListener<K,V> listener)
          Deprecated. Caching functionality in MapMaker is being moved to CacheBuilder. Functionality similar to MapMaker.evictionListener( is provided by CacheBuilder.removalListener( which also provides additional information about the entry being evicted; note that evictionListener only notifies on removals due to eviction, while removalListener also notifies on explicit removal (providing the RemovalCause to indicate the specific cause of removal. This method is scheduled for deletion in Guava release 11.
abstract  GenericMapMaker<K0,V0> GenericMapMaker.expireAfterAccess(long duration, TimeUnit unit)
 MapMaker MapMaker.expireAfterAccess(long duration, TimeUnit unit)
<T> Iterable<T>
Iterables.filter(Iterable<?> unfiltered, Class<T> type)
          Returns all instances of class type in unfiltered.
<T> UnmodifiableIterator<T>
Iterators.filter(Iterator<?> unfiltered, Class<T> type)
          Returns all instances of class type in unfiltered.
<K,V> SortedMap<K,V>
SortedMaps.filterEntries(SortedMap<K,V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super Map.Entry<K,V>> entryPredicate)
          Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in unfiltered that satisfy a predicate.
<K,V> SortedMap<K,V>
SortedMaps.filterKeys(SortedMap<K,V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super K> keyPredicate)
          Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in unfiltered whose keys satisfy a predicate.
<K,V> SortedMap<K,V>
SortedMaps.filterValues(SortedMap<K,V> unfiltered, Predicate<? super V> valuePredicate)
          Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in unfiltered whose values satisfy a predicate.
static ImmutableMap<String,String> Maps.fromProperties(Properties properties)
          Creates an ImmutableMap<String, String> from a Properties instance.
<T> T[]
ObjectArrays.newArray(Class<T> type, int length)
          Returns a new array of the given length with the specified component type.
<E> Interner<E>
          Returns a new thread-safe interner which retains a weak reference to each instance it has interned, and so does not prevent these instances from being garbage-collected.
abstract  GenericMapMaker<K0,V0> GenericMapMaker.softKeys()
 MapMaker MapMaker.softKeys()
          Deprecated. use MapMaker.softValues() to create a memory-sensitive map, or MapMaker.weakKeys() to create a map that doesn't hold strong references to the keys. This method is scheduled for deletion in January 2013.
abstract  GenericMapMaker<K0,V0> GenericMapMaker.softValues()
          See MapMaker.softValues().
 MapMaker MapMaker.softValues()
          Specifies that each value (not key) stored in the map should be wrapped in a SoftReference (by default, strong references are used).
<T> T[]
Iterables.toArray(Iterable<? extends T> iterable, Class<T> type)
          Copies an iterable's elements into an array.
<T> T[]
Iterators.toArray(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, Class<T> type)
          Copies an iterator's elements into an array.
abstract  GenericMapMaker<K0,V0> GenericMapMaker.weakKeys()
          See MapMaker.weakKeys().
 MapMaker MapMaker.weakKeys()
          Specifies that each key (not value) stored in the map should be wrapped in a WeakReference (by default, strong references are used).
abstract  GenericMapMaker<K0,V0> GenericMapMaker.weakValues()
          See MapMaker.weakValues().
 MapMaker MapMaker.weakValues()
          Specifies that each value (not key) stored in the map should be wrapped in a WeakReference (by default, strong references are used).

Uses of GwtIncompatible in

Methods in with annotations of type GwtIncompatible
static long Longs.fromByteArray(byte[] bytes)
          Returns the long value whose big-endian representation is stored in the first 8 bytes of bytes; equivalent to ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).getLong().
static int Ints.fromByteArray(byte[] bytes)
          Returns the int value whose big-endian representation is stored in the first 4 bytes of bytes; equivalent to ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).getInt().
static char Chars.fromByteArray(byte[] bytes)
          Returns the char value whose big-endian representation is stored in the first 2 bytes of bytes; equivalent to ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).getChar().
static short Shorts.fromByteArray(byte[] bytes)
          Returns the short value whose big-endian representation is stored in the first 2 bytes of bytes; equivalent to ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).getShort().
static char Chars.fromBytes(byte b1, byte b2)
          Returns the char value whose byte representation is the given 2 bytes, in big-endian order; equivalent to Chars.fromByteArray(new byte[] {b1, b2}).
static short Shorts.fromBytes(byte b1, byte b2)
          Returns the short value whose byte representation is the given 2 bytes, in big-endian order; equivalent to Shorts.fromByteArray(new byte[] {b1, b2}).
static int Ints.fromBytes(byte b1, byte b2, byte b3, byte b4)
          Returns the int value whose byte representation is the given 4 bytes, in big-endian order; equivalent to Ints.fromByteArray(new byte[] {b1, b2, b3, b4}).
static long Longs.fromBytes(byte b1, byte b2, byte b3, byte b4, byte b5, byte b6, byte b7, byte b8)
          Returns the long value whose byte representation is the given 8 bytes, in big-endian order; equivalent to Longs.fromByteArray(new byte[] {b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8}).
static byte[] Chars.toByteArray(char value)
          Returns a big-endian representation of value in a 2-element byte array; equivalent to ByteBuffer.allocate(2).putChar(value).array().
static byte[] Ints.toByteArray(int value)
          Returns a big-endian representation of value in a 4-element byte array; equivalent to ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(value).array().
static byte[] Longs.toByteArray(long value)
          Returns a big-endian representation of value in an 8-element byte array; equivalent to ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(value).array().
static byte[] Shorts.toByteArray(short value)
          Returns a big-endian representation of value in a 2-element byte array; equivalent to ByteBuffer.allocate(2).putShort(value).array().

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