Packages that use IdentifierGenerator | |
org.hibernate.engine | This package contains classes that are "shared" by other packages, and implementations of some key algorithms. |
org.hibernate.hql.ast | An ANTLR-based parser for Hibernate Query Language. |
org.hibernate.id | This package contains internal implementation classes for the main API interfaces. |
org.hibernate.id.enhanced | |
org.hibernate.id.factory | |
org.hibernate.impl | This package contains implementations of the central Hibernate APIs, especially the Hibernate session. |
org.hibernate.mapping | This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. |
org.hibernate.persister.collection | This package abstracts the persistence mechanism for collections. |
org.hibernate.persister.entity | This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for entities, and defines the Hibernate runtime metamodel. |
org.hibernate.tuple | This package defines a runtime metamodel for entities at the object level and abstracts the differences between the various entity modes. |
Uses of IdentifierGenerator in org.hibernate.engine |
Methods in org.hibernate.engine that return IdentifierGenerator | |
IdentifierGenerator |
SessionFactoryImplementor.getIdentifierGenerator(String rootEntityName)
Get the identifier generator for the hierarchy |
Uses of IdentifierGenerator in org.hibernate.hql.ast |
Methods in org.hibernate.hql.ast with parameters of type IdentifierGenerator | |
static boolean |
HqlSqlWalker.supportsIdGenWithBulkInsertion(IdentifierGenerator generator)
Uses of IdentifierGenerator in org.hibernate.id |
Subinterfaces of IdentifierGenerator in org.hibernate.id | |
interface |
An IdentifierGenerator that requires creation of database objects. |
interface |
Classes in org.hibernate.id that implement IdentifierGenerator | |
class |
Basic implementation of the PostInsertIdentifierGenerator
contract. |
class |
The base class for identifier generators that use a UUID algorithm. |
class |
assigned An IdentifierGenerator that returns the current identifier assigned to an instance. |
class |
For composite identifiers, defines a number of "nested" generations that need to happen to "fill" the identifier property(s). |
class |
foreign An Identifier generator that uses the value of the id property of an associated object One mapping parameter is required: property. |
class |
Generates string values using the SQL Server NEWID() function. |
class |
A generator for use with ANSI-SQL IDENTITY columns used as the primary key. |
class |
increment An IdentifierGenerator that returns a long, constructed by counting from the maximum primary key value at startup. |
class |
A hilo IdentifierGenerator that returns a Long, constructed using a hi/lo algorithm. |
class |
A generator that selects the just inserted row to determine the identifier value assigned by the database. |
class |
sequence Generates long values using an oracle-style sequence. |
class |
seqhilo An IdentifierGenerator that combines a hi/lo algorithm with an underlying oracle-style sequence that generates hi values. |
class |
A generator which combines sequence generation with immediate retrieval through JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys . |
class |
An IdentifierGenerator that uses a database table to store the last generated value. |
class |
hilo An IdentifierGenerator that returns a Long, constructed using a hi/lo algorithm. |
class |
An IdentifierGenerator which generates UUID values using a pluggable
generation strategy . |
class |
uuid A UUIDGenerator that returns a string of length 32, This string will consist of only hex digits. |
Uses of IdentifierGenerator in org.hibernate.id.enhanced |
Classes in org.hibernate.id.enhanced that implement IdentifierGenerator | |
class |
Generates identifier values based on an sequence-style database structure. |
Uses of IdentifierGenerator in org.hibernate.id.factory |
Methods in org.hibernate.id.factory that return IdentifierGenerator | |
IdentifierGenerator |
IdentifierGeneratorFactory.createIdentifierGenerator(String strategy,
Type type,
Properties config)
Given a strategy, retrieve the appropriate identifier generator instance. |
IdentifierGenerator |
DefaultIdentifierGeneratorFactory.createIdentifierGenerator(String strategy,
Type type,
Properties config)
Given a strategy, retrieve the appropriate identifier generator instance. |
Uses of IdentifierGenerator in org.hibernate.impl |
Methods in org.hibernate.impl that return IdentifierGenerator | |
IdentifierGenerator |
SessionFactoryImpl.getIdentifierGenerator(String rootEntityName)
Uses of IdentifierGenerator in org.hibernate.mapping |
Methods in org.hibernate.mapping that return IdentifierGenerator | |
IdentifierGenerator |
SimpleValue.createIdentifierGenerator(IdentifierGeneratorFactory identifierGeneratorFactory,
Dialect dialect,
String defaultCatalog,
String defaultSchema,
RootClass rootClass)
IdentifierGenerator |
KeyValue.createIdentifierGenerator(IdentifierGeneratorFactory identifierGeneratorFactory,
Dialect dialect,
String defaultCatalog,
String defaultSchema,
RootClass rootClass)
IdentifierGenerator |
Component.createIdentifierGenerator(IdentifierGeneratorFactory identifierGeneratorFactory,
Dialect dialect,
String defaultCatalog,
String defaultSchema,
RootClass rootClass)
Constructors in org.hibernate.mapping with parameters of type IdentifierGenerator | |
Component.ValueGenerationPlan(String propertyName,
IdentifierGenerator subGenerator,
Setter injector)
Uses of IdentifierGenerator in org.hibernate.persister.collection |
Methods in org.hibernate.persister.collection that return IdentifierGenerator | |
IdentifierGenerator |
Get the surrogate key generation strategy (optional operation) |
IdentifierGenerator |
Uses of IdentifierGenerator in org.hibernate.persister.entity |
Methods in org.hibernate.persister.entity that return IdentifierGenerator | |
IdentifierGenerator |
Determine which identifier generation strategy is used for this entity. |
IdentifierGenerator |
Uses of IdentifierGenerator in org.hibernate.tuple |
Methods in org.hibernate.tuple that return IdentifierGenerator | |
IdentifierGenerator |
Methods in org.hibernate.tuple with parameters of type IdentifierGenerator | |
static IdentifierProperty |
PropertyFactory.buildIdentifierProperty(PersistentClass mappedEntity,
IdentifierGenerator generator)
Generates an IdentifierProperty representation of the for a given entity mapping. |
Constructors in org.hibernate.tuple with parameters of type IdentifierGenerator | |
IdentifierProperty(String name,
String node,
Type type,
boolean embedded,
IdentifierValue unsavedValue,
IdentifierGenerator identifierGenerator)
Construct a non-virtual identifier property. |
IdentifierProperty(Type type,
boolean embedded,
boolean hasIdentifierMapper,
IdentifierValue unsavedValue,
IdentifierGenerator identifierGenerator)
Construct a virtual IdentifierProperty. |