Uses of Class

Packages that use StandardProperty
org.hibernate.tuple This package defines a runtime metamodel for entities at the object level and abstracts the differences between the various entity modes. 
org.hibernate.type A Hibernate Type is a strategy for mapping a Java property type to a JDBC type or types. 

Uses of StandardProperty in org.hibernate.tuple

Subclasses of StandardProperty in org.hibernate.tuple
 class VersionProperty
          Represents a version property within the Hibernate runtime-metamodel.

Methods in org.hibernate.tuple that return StandardProperty
static StandardProperty PropertyFactory.buildStandardProperty(Property property, boolean lazyAvailable)
          Generate a "standard" (i.e., non-identifier and non-version) based on the given mapped property.

Uses of StandardProperty in org.hibernate.tuple.component

Methods in org.hibernate.tuple.component that return StandardProperty
 StandardProperty[] ComponentMetamodel.getProperties()
 StandardProperty ComponentMetamodel.getProperty(int index)
 StandardProperty ComponentMetamodel.getProperty(String propertyName)

Uses of StandardProperty in org.hibernate.tuple.entity

Methods in org.hibernate.tuple.entity that return StandardProperty
 StandardProperty[] EntityMetamodel.getProperties()

Uses of StandardProperty in org.hibernate.type

Methods in org.hibernate.type with parameters of type StandardProperty
static int[] TypeHelper.findDirty(StandardProperty[] properties, Object[] currentState, Object[] previousState, boolean[][] includeColumns, boolean anyUninitializedProperties, SessionImplementor session)
          Determine if any of the given field values are dirty, returning an array containing indices of the dirty fields.
static int[] TypeHelper.findModified(StandardProperty[] properties, Object[] currentState, Object[] previousState, boolean[][] includeColumns, boolean anyUninitializedProperties, SessionImplementor session)
          Determine if any of the given field values are modified, returning an array containing indices of the modified fields.

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