Uses of Interface

Packages that use LockingStrategy
org.hibernate.dialect This package abstracts the SQL dialect of the underlying database. 
org.hibernate.persister.entity This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for entities, and defines the Hibernate runtime metamodel. 

Uses of LockingStrategy in org.hibernate.dialect

Classes in org.hibernate.dialect that implement LockingStrategy
static class HSQLDialect.ReadUncommittedLockingStrategy

Methods in org.hibernate.dialect that return LockingStrategy
 LockingStrategy TimesTenDialect.getLockingStrategy(Lockable lockable, LockMode lockMode)
 LockingStrategy RDMSOS2200Dialect.getLockingStrategy(Lockable lockable, LockMode lockMode)
 LockingStrategy MckoiDialect.getLockingStrategy(Lockable lockable, LockMode lockMode)
 LockingStrategy FrontBaseDialect.getLockingStrategy(Lockable lockable, LockMode lockMode)
 LockingStrategy Dialect.getLockingStrategy(Lockable lockable, LockMode lockMode)
          Get a strategy instance which knows how to acquire a database-level lock of the specified mode for this dialect.
 LockingStrategy HSQLDialect.getLockingStrategy(Lockable lockable, LockMode lockMode)
          For HSQLDB 2.0, this is a copy of the base class implementation.
 LockingStrategy PointbaseDialect.getLockingStrategy(Lockable lockable, LockMode lockMode)
 LockingStrategy Cache71Dialect.getLockingStrategy(Lockable lockable, LockMode lockMode)

Uses of LockingStrategy in org.hibernate.dialect.lock

Classes in org.hibernate.dialect.lock that implement LockingStrategy
 class AbstractSelectLockingStrategy
          Base LockingStrategy implementation to support implementations based on issuing SQL SELECT statements
 class OptimisticForceIncrementLockingStrategy
          An optimistic locking strategy that forces an increment of the version (after verifying that version hasn't changed).
 class OptimisticLockingStrategy
          An optimistic locking strategy that verifies that the version hasn't changed (prior to transaction commit).
 class PessimisticForceIncrementLockingStrategy
          A pessimistic locking strategy that increments the version immediately (obtaining an exclusive write lock).
 class PessimisticReadSelectLockingStrategy
          A pessimistic locking strategy where the locks are obtained through select statements.
 class PessimisticReadUpdateLockingStrategy
          A pessimistic locking strategy where the locks are obtained through update statements.
 class PessimisticWriteSelectLockingStrategy
          A pessimistic locking strategy where the locks are obtained through select statements.
 class PessimisticWriteUpdateLockingStrategy
          A pessimistic locking strategy where the locks are obtained through update statements.
 class SelectLockingStrategy
          A locking strategy where the locks are obtained through select statements.
 class UpdateLockingStrategy
          A locking strategy where the locks are obtained through update statements.

Uses of LockingStrategy in org.hibernate.persister.entity

Methods in org.hibernate.persister.entity that return LockingStrategy
protected  LockingStrategy AbstractEntityPersister.generateLocker(LockMode lockMode)

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