Uses of Class

Packages that use BasicFunctionExpression

Uses of BasicFunctionExpression in org.hibernate.ejb.criteria.expression.function

Subclasses of BasicFunctionExpression in org.hibernate.ejb.criteria.expression.function
 class AbsFunction<N extends Number>
          Models the ANSI SQL ABS function.
 class AggregationFunction<T>
          Models SQL aggregation functions (MIN, MAX, COUNT, etc).
static class AggregationFunction.AVG
          Implementation of a AVG function providing convenience in construction.
static class AggregationFunction.COUNT
          Implementation of a COUNT function providing convenience in construction.
static class AggregationFunction.GREATEST<X extends Comparable<X>>
          Models the MAX function in terms of non-numeric expressions.
static class AggregationFunction.LEAST<X extends Comparable<X>>
          Models the MIN function in terms of non-numeric expressions.
static class AggregationFunction.MAX<N extends Number>
          Implementation of a MAX function providing convenience in construction.
static class AggregationFunction.MIN<N extends Number>
          Implementation of a MIN function providing convenience in construction.
static class AggregationFunction.SUM<N extends Number>
          Implementation of a SUM function providing convenience in construction.
 class CastFunction<T,Y>
          Models a CAST function.
 class CurrentDateFunction
          Models the ANSI SQL CURRENT_DATE function.
 class CurrentTimeFunction
          Models the ANSI SQL CURRENT_TIME function.
 class CurrentTimestampFunction
          Models the ANSI SQL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function.
 class LengthFunction
          Models the ANSI SQL LENGTH function.
 class LocateFunction
          Models the ANSI SQL LOCATE function.
 class LowerFunction
          Models the ANSI SQL LOWER function.
 class ParameterizedFunctionExpression<X>
          Support for functions with parameters.
 class SqrtFunction
          Models the ANSI SQL SQRT function.
 class SubstringFunction
          Models the ANSI SQL SUBSTRING function.
 class TrimFunction
          Models the ANSI SQL TRIM function.
 class UpperFunction
          Models the ANSI SQL UPPER function.

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