Package org.hibernate.engine.spi

Interface Summary
Mapping Defines operations common to "compiled" mappings (ie.
PersistenceContext Represents the state of "stuff" Hibernate is tracking, including (not exhaustive): entities collections snapshots proxies

Often referred to as the "first level cache".

PersistenceContext.NaturalIdHelper Provides centralized access to natural-id-related functionality.
SessionBuilderImplementor Defines the internal contract between the SessionBuilder and other parts of Hibernate..
SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between the SessionFactory and other parts of Hibernate such as implementors of Type.
SessionImplementor Defines the internal contract between Session / StatelessSession and other parts of Hibernate such as Type, EntityPersister and CollectionPersister implementors
SessionOwner The contract for a Session owner.
UnsavedValueStrategy The base contract for determining transient status versus detached status.

Class Summary
ActionQueue Responsible for maintaining the queue of actions related to events.
AssociationKey Identifies a named association belonging to a particular entity instance.
BatchFetchQueue Tracks entity and collection keys that are available for batch fetching, and the queries which were used to load entities, which can be re-used as a subquery for loading owned collections.
CascadeStyle A contract for defining the aspects of cascading various persistence actions.
CascadingAction A session action that may be cascaded from parent entity to its children
CollectionEntry We need an entry to tell us all about the current state of a collection with respect to its persistent state
CollectionKey Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session.
EJB3CascadeStyle Becasue CascadeStyle is not opened and package protected, I need to subclass and override the persist alias Note that This class has to be triggered by EJB3PersistEventListener at class loading time TODO get rid of it for 3.3
EJB3CascadingAction Because of CascadingAction constructor visibility I need a packaged friendly subclass TODO Get rid of it for 3.3
EntityEntry We need an entry to tell us all about the current state of an object with respect to its persistent state
EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular session by identifier.
EntityUniqueKey Used to uniquely key an entity instance in relation to a particular session by some unique property reference, as opposed to identifier.
FilterDefinition A FilterDefinition defines the global attributes of a dynamic filter.
IdentifierValue A strategy for determining if an identifier value is an identifier of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance.
LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.
NamedQueryDefinition Definition of a named query, defined in the mapping metadata.
NamedSQLQueryDefinition Definition of a named native SQL query, defined in the mapping metadata.
RowSelection Represents a selection criteria for rows in a JDBC ResultSet
TypedValue An ordered pair of a value and its Hibernate type.
VersionValue A strategy for determining if a version value is an version of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance.

Enum Summary
CachedNaturalIdValueSource The type of action from which the cache call is originating.
ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle For persistence operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) what style of determining results (success/failure) is to be used.
Status Represents the status of an entity with respect to this session.
ValueInclusion An enum of the different ways a value might be "included".

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